Sniper Rifles nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BananaCoffee, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Epic High Five

    I mean, you do realize that what you're advocating is a return of the old nanoweave right? Against MAXes and vehicles the infiltrator is balls, I'll give you that. The damage values were adjusted yeah, but if you're in minimum damage territory you're going for headshots anyway because follow up shots will be MUCH harder.

    And yeah, I hope more people adopt it. It is a lot of fun running around cloaked, popping out to spam recon darts all over the place, and blow people up with my Super Space Mauser :)
  2. Daemeon

    Tell ya what. YOU can have the old values back including how nanoweave worked (protects from headshots) and the rest of us will keep the BUFF to sniping we got. Just don't whine when you can't kill people with a headshot more than 75m away ok?
    • Up x 1
  3. Liquid23

    at this point Campagne is just creating noise... he's like that guy in the warpgate who plays "Amazing Horse" over and over
  4. Epic High Five

    If they hadn't changed the damage structure of the rifles, they'd all be able to headshot kill from render distance, which would destroy the distinct roles the devs wanted the rifles to fill.

    I mean, yeah, you'll notice a difference if you're sniping with a Ghost/SAS-R/TSAR from 250m and just landing body shots, but nobody does that. So it's a shakeup in damage done, but the damage received also got shaken up, so in the end rifles didn't lose any lethality, but gained sure kill status at ranges between 75-300m, which they didn't have before. This is why I'm saying sniper rifles got buffed.
  5. Campagne

    Yes, I realize that and that is exactly what I mean to do.

    You always go for headshots, yes. But you don't always get them, do you? Say your bullet was a millimeter too low and you hit him in the neck. Pre-nerf he may have had just a little to low health to survive the bodyshot. Post nerf he could still have 100 health more to spare, allowing him to dive to safety behind a wall/shield and heal/be healed. I think it's fair to say that that would be more annoying than him/her surviving a headshot, albeit much less common. Plus, you'd still need to land a follow-up shot to kill them even if he had nowhere to hide.

    I bet it would be allot of fun if the cloak was invisible to more than just 1/20 players though. Maybe someday it'll get fixed. ;)
  6. Campagne

    I prefer "raising awareness." :p

    Also, what the heck is "Amazing Horse?"
  7. Campagne

    If the devs. would let me, I'd take it in a heartbeat! You can keep your lowly little "buff." ;)
  8. Liquid23

  9. Campagne

  10. Epic High Five

    If you're sassering it up at close range, you whip out your golden commish and finish the job with style :D

    At the ranges you're talking about, though? Whether or not you get the kill is decided as soon as that hit marker appears. Follow ups just aren't a thing that happens enough in reality to be considered

    Yeah, the cloak thing is annoying, but I find sitting on an ammo pack and spraying darts everywhere gives me more information than I'd ever need to ensure I don't get caught out :) Plus, it means I get a chunk of exp every single time an enemy dies within range of my darts! Keeping a tower fight covered will net you ~30k/hour on top of what you're earning with kills.

    Mostly I die to mines because seriously who has time to carefully examine things when you're toting a BASR with a reflex site and there are enemy mans to liberate?
  11. Campagne

    At any range really. Both close and far, the damage was nerfed. It's happened to me before, and it'll happen again I'm sure. At least, it would have happened before, anyway.

    I'd take my trusty NC4 Mag-Shot over the Commissioner any day. I've out-gunned hundreds of Commissioners with it. ;)

    But then there is always the unexpected, and when the darts and ammo disappear. But at least enemy mines won't sink into the ground anymore. Who indeed? :D
  12. Lamat

    I have never been killed by a sniper as a MAX or even felt threatened. I usually run nano repair, and have fully repaired before the next shot.
  13. Dracorean

    What? You want God's smite?
  14. Yuukikun

    Make the infantry render distance farther and you'll lose 80%+ of players that don't have 2k+$ worth computers
  15. Campagne

    That's 'cause you've never come after me. ;)

    But also, shooting a MAX several times can help to suppress auto-repair and potentially carve them down to the point of an ally finishing them off if I can't keep a line of sight on them. Reducing the damage significantly increases the number of shots required to do the same level of damage and gives them extra time to flee/retaliate. It also causes the shooter's location to be exposed for a longer period of time, allowing for enemies and vehicles to close the distance. On some occasions, dealing enough damage can also lure out some potential targets.
  16. Tbone

    So instead of 800m and no guaranteed of ohk head shot you get 300 guaranteed head shot and you crying.Why?
    You want the old system back where i bought a lvl 2 NW and you couldn't ohk me no mater the range??(beside the max range dmg). Sure.
  17. IamDH

    True but each base covers a maximum of 300m in addition to being the infantry render range. If you can not see infantry beyond 300m how would you kill them?
  18. Scudmungus

    Thread = definition of knee-jerk reaction
  19. Goretzu

    I think head hit boxes might be broken, because you can hit people in the head and they live..... and yet they can also die from the same shot sometimes. :confused:
  20. Xidaraf

    looks like some people don't even care about snipers