Issues with PU2 that need to be addressed ASAP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigIronRanger, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. WorldOfForms

    Whoa whoa whoa - what suppressive fire mechanics?
  2. Dark-Odin

    It's subtle but really comes into play when you're using higher magnification scopes, bullets that travel past you will bump your aim, get a friendly heavy to stand at distance and shoot at you while you're using your scopes. They failed to mention it in their patch notes.

    Edit: I failed to add you need to be out of the warpgate in order to notice it from friendlies.
  3. Bankrotas

    In ASAP, hope you mean after SOE is done with vacation right? Cause I have some bad news for you!
  4. Xebov

    And another addition:

    - Phoenix looks like tehy shooting 2 projectiles at once and now do more dmg against Armor, wich would fit with the point that all Rocketlaunchers do alot more dmg against ground Vehicles.

    The Question now is what did the Devs do during the developement time? If they changed numbers, did noone recalculated the statts?
  5. Wezdor

    - The VR training room is missing all stairs.
    - Many weapons don't seem to deal spash damage.
    - Thermal no longer highlights infantry.
  6. WorldOfForms

    I was driving in a lightning using thermal and infantry were lighting up just fine. I don't think I was imagining it.
  7. SmegForBrains2

    LOL they seriously think x2 XP is gonna make up for a half ***** update.
  8. Pikachu

    I've seen some whacky liberator physics. Keeps sliding of a platform until the back leg was over the edge then it sank down 50cm and stopped moving. :confused: When another one was flying later it moved in such an inconsistent way. Stopping and moving with little or no acceleration. When on ground it was getting shot it was suddenly standing on it's right wing. When destroyed most of the debris was floating 5m up in the air.
  9. DJStacy

    yeah had the same experience with tank mines dropped three together shot one, boooom but wait the other two just sit there smiling at me lol.............explosion resistant tank mines need fixing, add that to the other 101 bugs we now have please.

    Animations of my outfit mates were switching helmets glitching from open face to the helmet they actually had equipped at a range as close as a few meters, we were all seeing the same thing. Even the LA jetpack was trying to decide which faction it wanted to be switching between TR and Vanu styles :eek:................

    Then later on Amerish all the stairs and jump pads decided to drift into the sky like Alice in Wonderland so you couldn't get anywhere by using them...............

    There have been a few clangers since beta, tanks floating in the sky, turrets that would only fire at 90 degrees, but this is the biggest ball drop yet. Hope you guys get a handle on it soon.
  10. Rabbitofdoom

    Few from me:

    Hit detection issue now seems to be hungry enough to "EAT" whole shotgun shots with pellets. Fired like 4-5 shots 2-3 times yesterda at PB guys. Not sure if it even registered on their side since they didnt reacted. Stoping to fire for like 1-2s usualy fixed the problem but its not a work around in any way.

    Deployables still clip throu terrain or i got killed by destroyed mine yesterday. Noticed a proxy mine in open field , shot it and immediatly after detonation tried to run throu that spot. Much to my supprise it went off killing me. (Kill screen didnt show who planted the mine)

    Legs hit detection is wonky especialy on crouched targets. Had several rounds going right throu legs/waist area of crouched players impacting ground behind them.

    During peak hours a rocket went right throu my max. Straight throu center of my screen just below crosshairs.

    NC seems to have another batch of faulty bouncing betties. Noticed one without an explosive marker yesterday. It happily went off when i tryed to run past it ofc killing me in the process.

    RL now seem to suffer from issue that is plaguing grenades that if you are killed mid throw it will not get thrown. Or the firing sound is out of sync with actual rocket geting fired now. I could clearly hear sound of firing a rocket but after revieving the rocket was still in the tube.
  11. LordCreepy

    Sticky grenades do 0 damage.
    Tank mine damage is completly random.
    AI mine damage of all factions is random and sometimes does 0 damage.
    Fov changes nerfed all vehicle weapon zooms. Either fix the fov or increase the zoom levels ( I don't need to mention that this happend on test before right? .. right? )
    Hit detection is based on a dice throw.
    Animations at range are HORRIBLE - rubberbanding,sliding,moonwalking,teleporting,on/off rendering, people have missing heads, tanks have missing turrets, galaxys render out of nowhere 200m away from a target.
    You changed the infantry rocket launcher damage values to better work with Flak armor - they still ohk on direct hits, because they do >1000 direct damage + 1000 splash damage --> unresistable by flak armor (50% resist is max, infantry has 1000hp - do the math !)
  12. KnightCole

    I cant recall a game where every time I new patch released the entire game broke.....

    Oh, wait...Planetside 2...

    And im not hte only one noticing this game is playing out very oddly then?

    TTK seems to be alot longer. Just this morning I hit a ESF with my rocket and he didnt die....that was odd....
  13. biterwylie

    I notice that weapons on tanks such as Halberds are not rendering and instead turning into stick drawn versions.
  14. Myrgatroid

    When I do get reg, it feels like CS/DoDs did playing on a euro server with a 200+ ping.

    And TTK does feel off as well. It is not just that it seems that TTK is longer, it seems to be random. Muscle memory 'remembers' how many shots it takes to kill someone. Multiple times since patch, I was unloading my gd-22s, hitting targets w/ bullets, thinking I had put enough rounds into the target to down it, flicking to the next target, only to realize I hadn't really killed my other target. Then, at the snake ravine on w-sw side of point (the small 2 story) I was lining people up in the stair-well and was ripping through them. I don't know if the issue is a complete lack of registration at times and then normal registration at other times, but something is really off.

    The default NC medic Gauss rifle also feels very weird. I know that it supposedly did not have any changes, but it doesn't feel normal. Recoil feels different.