The Empyrean Divine [TED] - Recruiting!

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Arenthas, May 24, 2013.

  1. Arenthas

  2. Arenthas

    Bump, come check us out!
  3. Brandoid

    Nice one.
  4. ev01

    Don't be a Red, be a TED. Don't be NC, TED is all you should be. Join our command, and Vanu will be victorious as planned.
  5. BaronVonRhett

  6. Arenthas

    I hear we're still alive! 2/3 wins on Alerts per day? Do it
  7. Arenthas

    Bump for our homies.
  8. Arenthas

    Bump, as we are still active! Please apply if interested!
  9. Princess Celestia

    I don't drink...
    • Up x 1
  10. Arenthas

    You don't need to :)
  11. Princess Celestia

    Well it lists 'enjoy beer' as a requirement
  12. Arenthas

    Join us if... you enjoy beer and a good time, is not a listed requirement. Its a reference to the underlying notion that we seek to have a good time. As a leader, and a former US Marine, I am a drinker. Planetside 2, leading operations, drinking beer, laughing with my outfit mates is how I relieve stress and how many of us enjoy playing as well. It's not a requirement. Several don't, so don't translate it literally, this is just a reference to the idea of camaraderie, teamwork, work hard play hard lifestyle.
  13. Princess Celestia

    Just trying to be pedantic. :p
    • Up x 1
  14. Arenthas

    No worries =p I know you're meaning!
  15. VanuWarrior123

  16. Arenthas

    Going to be running ops all day! Come check us out and join my platoon!

    [TED] Public Ops -

    Add me in game: Arenthas
  17. Woodcock

    Hey fine folks, would be real interested in trying your fine outfit out. If I can remember I'll poke "Arenthas", when I'm in game. Please feel free to invite me anytime. I pretty much try to run with you fine folks every time we cross paths. W00Dc0CK
  18. Arenthas

    Bump, we are running ops today if anyone is interested. Come check us out!
  19. Arenthas

    Bump, we're returning on a full active status in preparation for Hossin.
  20. Arenthas

    Looking for a few good men. Come check us out!