A Few of The New Camo's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Just picked a few of the more interesting New Camo's in the store ... There are a few more but seem mostly more of the same ( Ie: ES colours or Uninteresting Snow themes )

    Note: Didn't mean to add grey scale ..oops

    But disappointed they haven't added the Winter themed helmets yet :(

  2. Saval

    i don't like the camo changes on the vehicles.
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  3. Pikachu

    I bet the yellow camo is still gone.
  4. HadesR

    There is this one .. But marked as Coming soon

  5. Pikachu

    There was another yellow that had been there since first freyr update which was then removed last week. I unlocked it and it still works. At least the vehicle version. I think tge sark wave camo is gone too. Same for the white-blue one called "air-something".
  6. WyrdHarper

    This one is black and white for TR :(
  7. Ravenorth

    Is the grey scale camo still members only? Eu servers are down, so cant check.
  8. HadesR

    Nope .. Atm it's under general sale
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  9. Pikachu

    Is the autumn camo still gone?
  10. HadesR

    There is an Autumn Fright weapon Camo .. No vehicle or Infantry though .. and looks pretty bad on weapons
  11. Pikachu

    Here is the one I speak of. It's called Shatter.
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  12. deggy

    MY EYES!!!

    I would pay SC for this.
  13. Pikachu

    Vanu's version was mint green and terran light gray.
  14. deggy

    Why can't I get a nice, bright, audacious, obnoxious teal?
  15. WaiZen

    Nop, anyone can buy it now but It's 1000 SC.
  16. IamDH

    the human banana
  17. Pikachu

  18. Aractain

    NC are paladins now?
  19. Pikachu

    Vanu labs just put up a new video. Perhaps the old almost solid color are replaced with these new solid color camos. I thought Tramel said he wanted solid color about as much as copying other people's work on the internet. o_O