Server Downtime for Hotfix December 17, 2013 1:30 PM PT (10:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. thearcticzone

    I think SOE should at least provide us entertainment while they bore us to death,
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  2. Norington

    Maybe some wildlife can have abilities aswell. Like an ammo dispenser elephand or repair hippo. And the ducks would also work as flares. So as an ESF pilot with a locked on missile, you have to fly through a herd of birds to shake it off. But if one gets in your engine you die.
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  3. Ardoc

    if they can spare the total manpower, they are running on limited staff after all.
  4. Dortzz

    When are you going to start talking 'Rollback' instead of 'Build Fix'?

    At this point, I would almost rather 'update' to the previous game version and be able to play, instead of frolic off and play other games.

    Or is the issue not related to the build?
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  5. Ardoc

    please dont' bring this up again, i thought we killed it, quit beating the dead horse, please!
  6. RUmadbro

    I need planetside and I need it now
  7. Juno

    Simmer down guys, I am sure you can find something else to do while you wait for the servers to come back up. :D
    No need to throw a fit because they have been down, stuff happens and games break. We should be grateful for all the stuff going in this update.
  8. thearcticzone

    I think that all parents should bring their 2 year olds with hammers to go help soe lol. IK they're doing their best and all, but you gotta test stuff before you take down servers for 20 million hours.
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  9. Zazulio

    It's probably better that you focus on video games instead of politics anyway, tbh ;)
  10. KingArthur

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  11. Diplocaulus

    SOE needs a test server.
  12. CrazyCanadian24

    The alt code for ™ is 0153, if you're still curious.

    >Implying that we're being patient.
  13. GladeN

  14. DSEthno123

  15. bttnmshr

    At least SOE gave us crazy legs....
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  16. Simb

    And after a 7 hour party...
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  17. FBVanu

    I just a horrible thought. What, what if, what if this is as good as it gets? What if we all have to find something else to do? Oh, no, what horror.... oh, no, I can't take it anymore.. NOOOOOOOOO
  18. BronieSalute

    Dude, SERIOUSLY? They can't fix 1 simple problem in their game? LoL I found out what was wrong but i'ma keep mah lips sealed and see if they can figure it out. :X (btw it was the snowmen! jk but rlly I figured out in error in they patch.)
  19. Ardoc

    stuff happens, unforeseen things, from what i can tell, which is not much, it is not related to what was on the test server, but something else, something else broke....
  20. nananinja

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