Is there anyway to ban boosters?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mike4082, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. mike4082

    I saw some cheaters in the corner of indar was wondering if there is a way to report them or if the auto ban system will get them eventually. :) I just think its unfair to all the people who grind doing spec ops and giant battles and in a week that booster is probably going to end up slaying me with a gun he cheated for!
  2. HooWoo

    Goddamn I knew my 50% xp boost was going to get me banned some day, I bought it anyway... *sigh*
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  3. mike4082

    .... um was that a random ban lol?
  4. Hatesphere

    all you can do is report them, if someone is just boosting like that there isn't to much more you can do.
  5. Campagne

    One could report them for exploiting using the in-game report system.
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  6. mike4082

    Will any server mods or admins atleast notice that someone has just gained 100000 certs in one day...... :(
  7. mike4082

  8. Sen7rygun

    Jesus lol what are they doing to pull 10k certs in a day? Even the most under handed sneaky tricks I know don't yield that kind of pay out dough. It's literally easier to just play the game and earn your certs than to cheat or exploit the system anyway.
  9. Teegeeack

    How so?
  10. Phazaar

    Meh. If someone finds the system too repetitive for them, why should they be forced to do something they don't enjoy? If the +1 cert thing keeps you motivated, great, but would you rather exclusively play with people still set in their WoW mentality, or just have as many players as possible?

    Given that he's in no way changing your game experience, or his, compared to a player who pays for boosts/items, I really don't get the bugbear. Does it make your +1 cert feel like +0.99 certs? Is it just because it's immoral and morals are win?

    So much silliness. The game is about winning a world war, NOT grinding for certs... Or at least it should be...
  11. Necron

    What server mods or admins. They don't exist; they are like Unicorns.
  12. Iridar51

    This seems pretty harmless, I say if they want to do it - let them. I'd prefer they do that rather than bombard people from a liberator.
    As long as they aren't using bots or something else to automatize the process.
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  13. Klypto

    It's meaningless. Even if they do get billions of certs its still a game. Like owning tons of monopoly money.

    And imo, if they have to do that to earn certs, whatever it is they unlock they won't be good with anyways.

    Drive tank. Blow up other tanks.
    • Up x 1
  14. Teegeeack

    Easier with cheats, surely?
  15. Yerk

    1. Log-in to the forum.
    2. Go to the main page by clicking the Planetside 2 logo.
    3. On the upper right corner click Support.
    4. Click open Support Tab.
    5. Fill in the details (Make sure you pick the right game). In the category, use In-Game Issues>Community standards. It will give you more options for a detailed report. Don't forget to give the cheater player name on the Subject/Body of the report. Character Name is your in-game name. Upload any screenshots if you have some.
    6. Submit when you're done.
  16. Irathi

    So they are killing each other and respawning?

    I'm not so sure about PS2, but in BF3 doing such a thing was a bannable offense. Like shooting at friends vehicle and repairing it repeatedly to gain xp.

    I don't see why people are flaming the OP for asking how to report this guy. You might not think of it as a serious offense or anything that will affect your own gameplay, but if it is against the rules it shouldn't be allowed. If you don't enforce the rules then you will encourage more people to do it and too be honest it is a pretty lame thing to be doing.

    And I'm not just riding the rules here, if you think about it SOE and PS2 needs you to grind certs to keep the game alive. The longer they play the bigger the chances are that you buy SC or get a subscription.
  17. Klypto

    Really though if I saw that stuff I would just go and blow them up just to piss them off and have a few laughs. I'm not going to stop them but I'm not going to outright try to stop them.
  18. Goretzu

    I'm almost certain it will be in PS2 as well, whether done through BOTs or not.
  19. VSDerp

    could screen shot them or video of them doing it and contact support.
  20. BengalTiger

    Find enemy zerg.
    Open fire.