[Tournament] PAL - Professional Arena League (Updated)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VengeanceD, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to the approved outfits. Please send me the roster though private message before January 15th, 2014.
  2. Sworaven

    We've got more than 100 members. That isn't enough?
  3. VengeanceD

    Only 6 members come up on my search; "Owld Crabbit Bastarts". Click here.

    Can you provide me the correct outfit name?
  4. Magnifiscent

    Just squaring away our +3. I'll have the full list to you ASAP. Thanks for organizing this! We're looking forward to it.
  5. Sworaven

  6. Mastachief

  7. VengeanceD

    That sounds perfect! I'll be assigning match dates throughout this week, and hopefully next week everyone gets back at me so I can have the tournament brackets all set up by then.

    No problem, and good luck to your outfit. ;)

    That works, I'll add you to the list in a minute.
  8. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to theapproved outfits. Please send me the roster though private message before January 15th, 2014.
  9. VengeanceD

  10. Mastachief

    Will do.
  11. Mut0mb0

    Outfit Name: Vespiary
    Outfit Tag: [VESP]
    Server: Ceres
    Faction: VS
  12. VengeanceD

    Thanks ;)
  13. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to the approved outfits. Please send me the roster though private message before January 15th, 2014.
    It's nice to see an outfit from Ceres signing up!
  14. icosta

    Thanks Vengeance! Will send the roster ASAP once the final decision is made. Very excitied for the tourney.. it's a great idea for the PS2 community as well as the rules of combat are exactly whats needed for professional play. Very eager to see how it turns out, and motivated to get first! ;)
  15. Squeeck

    Outfit name: BRTD
    Outfit Tag: [BRTD]
    Server: Miller
    Faction: Terran Republic
  16. ItsCyro

    Outfit Name: VS Vae Victis
    Outfit Tag: VSVV
    Server: Connery
    Faction: Vanu Sovereignty
  17. Streetfighter

    Outfit name: Ruffnex
    Outfit Tag: [RNX]
    Server: Miller
    Faction: Terran Republic
  18. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to the approved outfits. Please send me the roster though private message before January 15th, 2014.
  19. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to the approved outfits. Please send me the roster though private message before January 15th, 2014.
  20. VengeanceD

    Thank you for signing up! Your outfit has been added to the reserved outfits. For more information about reserved outfits visit this link.
