VS and TR, what's it like fighting Phoenix launchers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. MrMurdok

    Dunno, never seen one.

    Ravens, on the other hand....
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  2. z1967

    *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-plink* FREE HEADSHOT. HOORAY! My opinion from a sniper standpoint.
  3. Crackulous

    The noise is far more bothersome than the damage. Reminds me of the Lasher's creaky door sound effects.
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  4. lyravega

    I just shoot them down.
  5. HooliganS3

    It depends...

    They are not much of a problem when used in small numbers. 2-3 NC Heavies concentrating on firing Phoenix's are easy to flank and take out. When used in coordinated numbers they are brutally lethal (like any other launcher in PS2).

    I don't see many "Phoenix Squads" on Connery, and I hope that continues. ;)
  6. Poorform

    This is interesting, as I will usually sit behind cover and even without other phoenixes in the field be able to score plenty of armor and infantry kills with this launcher. It's an amazing follow up, finisher weapon. Can't tell you how many fleeing and on fire vehicles I've popped in the butt with this thing. Not to mention this weapon is the hard-counter to turret engineers.
  7. gigastar

    Dont worry, i dont doubt that after the next update there will be a surplus of ESFs you can use instead.
  8. Pikachu

    I doubt you people "just shoot them down". It's a very rare annoyance when someone actually shoots mine.
  9. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Yup. First time I had mine shot down was when I first got it.

    Then the next day, it was as if they were invisible (which turns out they kind of were due to some bug) and I was just raking in the certs.

    Then the rendering was fixed, and people were still ignoring my rockets as I was hammering sunderers. Even if I'm not killing it, I'm still making it so that an engineer or two has to stay behind and constantly repair. Any damage is good damage.

    And then there are my favorite hovering ESF's. One day, I shot down three... CONSECUTIVELY! I just wish I had recording software at the time. It was the most beautiful moment I have had with that launcher. Another fun thing I did was hide behind a corner and counter-snipe infiltrators. My friends who main as VS were watching me do this, and I had to stop playing for a couple of minutes from laughing so hard after a killstreak with the Phoenix.

    protip: The keys you bind to pitch up and down for your ESF can be used for your NC15 Phoenix.
  10. sindz

    they only time I notice them is when they hit a parked sunderer behind a rock or a corner, other than that they are just noisy as ****.
  11. Poorform

    Phoenix is the greatest mini-game. Playing thread the needle through arches and terrain is always fun. And once I figured out how to loop my rockets under the back overhang at the bottom of the crown I had so much fun popping sunderers and their scurrying forces that couldn't fight back at all.

    Also, nothing more entertaining than chasing a harasser with a guy in the third seat screaming "MUST GO FASTER"
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  12. Spude

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeee ! -> BOOOM !
  13. dstock

    What's it like? Hilarious.

    Loud noises, trails to locate the HA, rarely ever connects. Great fun shooting them down with a Kobalt, tons of free kills standing around staring at their camera-box.

    Almost as funny as:
  14. Taemien

    I've never had mine shot down before. I was wondering if it was even still possible. If it ever was for that matter. Weird.
  15. Tasp

    My outfit dismantles armor with Phoenixes. Less than a squad of us have wiped entire armor advances with focused fire, as well as removed any sunderers that try to nestle up into cover in hopes of escaping. Only issues we've run into are needing to bring some AA occasionally depending on available cover, though if everyone's got their head on their shoulders the entire squad just unloads on any random ESF with small arms and it usually solves our issue.
  16. Dudeman325420

    My main vehicle is a AMS Sunderer. With that in mind...

    They are incredibly annoying, and not just with the whistling sound. Finding the right spot to park your Sundy is hard enough without the shrieking blue missiles that come bending around out of the various spawn rooms and towers. Its not really that painful if its just one or two launchers, a couple engineers can outrepair the spam, but when there's more than a few Phoenixes that have a fix on your position... your only options become undeploying and moving, or losing the Sundy, both of which negate the spawn point. I actually bought Rangers on my Sunderer with the sole intent of shooting down the Phoenix spam.
  17. Epic High Five

    It really needs to do more damage if it's going to go 15-20 seconds between shots AND leave you vulnerable.

    I want to like mine, and I have over 500 kills with it, but as has been said, 99% of the time you're better off using a Hawk

    The combination of Phoenix and Ravens in the same battle is just hilarious though. #SCREEESCREEE
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  18. Zazulio

    New NC Weapon: C4 strapped to a live eagle.
  19. Epic High Five

    Oh god if you could stop a Phoenix and have someone load it up with C4 I'd never use anything else
  20. Danath

    They are weird, sometimes you can see them coming and just shoot them down, but sometimes I get hit besides I see them like 5m above where I am o_O