
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NC_agent00kevin, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. NC_agent00kevin

    So this guy C4'd my tank for no apparent reason today. He then spawned a Sunderer and started shooting allies with its Basilisk. I blew it up, then he tried to tank mine a random allied Sundy that I happened to be in. Here's my Killboard to verify what happened.

    Apparently Im not allowed to post screenshots or links to his players site data that hasnt updated in 13 months so you'll just have to look at my killboard and then click on the guy for yourselves. My in game avatar is 'agent00kevin'. You'll see who C4d my tank.

    I asked the guy why he did that and he had three different stories. First he told me I killed him, which I did not. next he told me it was an accident and then finally towards the end of the conversation he said there was an enemy there and he was killing them. None of which were true.

    So I decided to check the guys stats. Turns out he is a BR 56 I think (might have been 26; I wasnt paying attention) but yet his stats have not updated since he created his character. I immediately suspected some sort of cheats or at very least teamkilling. There has to be some reason to hide his stats. I asked him why they do not update and he promptly logged off.

    Edit: I told him I reported him for Tking, which I dont expect anything to happen about, but I also informed him that I pointed out his players data doesnt update either.

    An hour later his players data magically updated for the first time in 13 months. Turns out he definitely likes to C4 allied tanks. Looked like he C4'd the guy who ran him over with complete disregard to anyone else around him. So basically I was collateral damage.

    So In what world are you justified for teamkilling multiple allies for getting ran over? Im not sure why he was trying to tank mine the Sunderer (unless he knew somehow that I was in it) or why he was manning a basislist against allies though.

    Any thoughts? Any other stories of teamkilling to share?
  2. Liquid23

    I covered this in the other thread that was deleted but there is no hack or cheat to stop your stats from updating nor can you choose to hid them in that way ... you were looking at the wrong profile... click his name from your killboard and it comes up... one name was spelling "Blue" using a capitol i and the other using a lowercase L which is why they looked the same
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Ok. I kinda wondered how one would do that...I know there were guys who had the crash reporter blocked and figured there may have been a way to block the stats too. They did that to circumvent the 'cheat detection'. I figured he wa sup to no good and blocked it somehow so he wouldnt be discovered.

    In any event he did the same thing to someone yesterday, only it appeared to be a Vanguard.

    IMO there are very few instances where its justifiable to kill an allied tank. If someone rams your tank intentionally and you go boom boom because of it, that might be justifiable. If they outright kill you intentionally, that might be justifiable. But getting squished in the middle of a huge battle because you are in the middle of the road? Totally unjustifiable.
  4. Liquid23

    ya you gotta be careful with names as there are sometimes multiple ways to make ones that look the same... I only noticed because that trick is old... in a lot of games where you have to manually type names to report people cheaters would use random combinations of lowercase L and uppercase i to make names that come up like "llIlIIIllIIIIIIlllIII"... extremely ******* annoying and almost impossible for someone to type in to report

    as far as the TKs go you can almost never be sure their reasoning... maybe they felt it was justified as almost everyone has a different opinion on what does and doesn't justify it, or maybe they are emotionally imbalanced, or they are just being a ******... a few TKs on a killboard tho may make him an a-hole but it's not gonna get him banned or anything... all you can really do is report him and move along... if he's doing it enough to actually be causeing a problem I'm sure many others will be reporting him to then action can be taken
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    Yeah he did it because some other guy squished him, and I was near his lightning. Or maybe he accidentally put C4 on mine too. Point is, someone squished him and he hunted their tank down to blow them up for it. I got caught in the middle of it. He did the same thing yesterday to someone else, but his KB didnt go back far enough to show if they squished him too or not.

    I typically dont take it personally when someone squishes me. On the rare occasion it happens, I was in the middle of a bunch of tanks which is a dangerous place to be anyway. A few times allies have just blasted through hordes of friendlies in their haste to get to the front, but I still dont blow them up for it. I usually just send them a /tell and be done with it.

    The guy plays engineer mostly and has a garbage KDR. He probably puts himself in bad places often and hasnt caught on yet that you dont stand behind tanks :)
  6. Yerk

    Most team killers are alts. They go log the faction they want to harass (tk griefing or blowing up sundy or dropping/blowing mines/c4 at spawn room etc). Some of them are using more than 1 computer so they are logged in at the same time with their main.

    Use tickets not just /report as /report is essentially useless. One way to spot is that they have very low score per minute because are they mostly afk spying while they play their main. Another way is they have a low k/d ratio. They die while afk, again while they play their main.

    Just yesterday a random high lvl NC blew me up in my vehicle then logged out. They already switched sides. They just use their NC halt to harass people.
  7. NC_agent00kevin

    This guy from what I can see has a low KDR and SPM. His killboard is full of deaths; KDR is .44. He may well be an alt that is kept leveld just to have access to C4 and tank mines. We were indeed at a battle where the VS has population but couldnt get close enough to Quartz Ridge to hold the points. With the C4 hitting me and another guy, its possible that he was trying to kill our (multiple) tanks to allow the VS push to advance by sticking it on the ground at the shield. Could easily be conicidence he got squished; and him tank mining an allied sundy as well as trying to spawn and man a Sundy against us would be concurrent with an alt.
  8. FieldMarshall

    I hate it when people teamkill but im going to play devil's advocate here. Im thinking its a lack of miss-communication somewhere.
    this guy is not necessarily a teamkilling bastard that wants to ruin the game for you and everyone else he cones across.

    First he said you TKd him. From his perspective it could be "true". He thought you TKd him but it was someone else?

    Second. The accident excuse. It could have been. Specially if #1 is true and he just remembered (or checked his logs) that you didnt TK him afterall and he just got the wrong guy.

    Thirdly. The "There was an enemy there" excuse. Im thinking one of 3 things.
    1. There really could have been an enemy there, cloaked or otherwise. Or atleast he could have thought there was an enemy there.
    2. The "enemy" was the one who teamkilled him and you were collateral damage.
    3. He lied. He got embarrassed that he TKd the wrong guy and was trying to make up an excuse.

    As for his stats and him logging off.
    Is there a possibility that he didnt know about it, and panicked when you threatened to get him banned and whatnot?
    Or that he got frustrated and logged off. Or too embarrassed to play after you caught him lying about you TKing him?
    Is there a possibility that the site was bugged for you?

    There is also the possibility that everything you said is true and that this guy is just being a dick while exploiting or hacking to avoid detection.
    But honestly, if he was hacking anyway, why not go all the way and use aimbots or something instead of doing something as lame as TKing in "secret"...
  9. Iridar51

    Looool, do you seriously expect something to be done to a guy just for teamkilling? It's not like friendly fire is against TOS, dude.
    This is wild west, you don't like the guy - shoot him.
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  10. Mhak

    TKing is annoying, but not that bad. Earlier today an allied heavy blew me and my turret up with a phoenix for no reason. So I just tracked him down and shot him in the back of the head with a shotgun. I felt better.

    Deliberate TKing is pretty rare though. Happens to me maybe once a week tops. Just make it your mission to TK them back, and then go deploy and fight somewhere else so you had the last laugh. When you get bullied just bully back, they tend to stop.
  11. TheAnnoyingInfi

    What Iridar51 said.

    There will always be TK. Once I ran over a max because HE went into the middle of the road which was the bottom of a hill looking up shooting air, I was on a flash and literally rolling off the hill.

    Even though it was a complete accident and was non of our faults, before I could even say sorry, I got a decimator to the face.

    if he keeps TK you, kill him back and just move on.
  12. Necron

    If friendly fire wasn't against the rules then I would not get weapon locked all the time for shooting through people who step in front of my gun while I am ADS. It's frowned upon but not enforced.
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  13. NC_agent00kevin

    I dont expect anything at all to be done, and my OP says so. Maybe read the whole thing?
  14. ironeddie

    At face value id say this tk'er was either a player from another faction who'd switched sides just to tk. Or he was bored. I've had plenty of friendlies shoot at my mag because they are bored waiting for a base to flip. A tk like this I would always respond to by getting the guy back.

    I felt awful yesterday jet packed near an enemy max dropped a c4. Missed the max & killed two friendlies. I haven't had anyone deliberately tk recently though, just the usual itchy trigger fingers & tank drivers who didn't see me.

    Worst tk incident I ever had was a guy shooting my tank. Asked him to stop, gave repeated warnings. Eventually had enough & tk'd him. He then follows me to another base & tk's me. Which I thought was fare in a way. Then he waits in the spawn rooms & kills me another two times & started ranting at me over chat! I thought that was a bit much of an overreaction.
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  15. NC_agent00kevin

    This really isnt about getting anything done about it; its more about teamkilling in general and I was hoping other people might want to share some stories. Im not looking for advice on how to handle it.
  16. NC_agent00kevin

    Id say so. He started it, then got mad when you saved your tank. Ive had allied shoot at me with Av Turrets and I give them the 'check your fire' voice macro warning before I do anything. After that, its them or me.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Well, if you look at his killboard (if he hasnt logged back in a wiped it all out yet) he was run over by another Lightning driver. I figure he put the C4 on the ground and got both of us with it as I was right next to the guy who accidentally mushed him into a fine red paste. We had darts up, so I certainly didnt believe his story about enemies and I certainly didnt kill him (first). After viewing the killboard, I saw what happened. Obviously, with asuch a terrible SPm and KDR I leave room for the possibility that he is an alt and when he kills TR or VS its just so he can get resources for C4 and Mines. However, what I put below might be a more accurate guess.

    He has a terrible KDR and probably gets mad easily since he cant kill enemies effectively. When an ally accidentally kills him its a way to vent his frustration in not being able to kill the real enemies. Ive had run-ins with a couple other guys like that too so its nothing new to me. We usually have a round of killing each other then it blows over.
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  18. FieldMarshall

    Fair enough. There was a similar fellow on Miller. He randomly blew half a LMG mag in my face and corpse in rage.
    I send him a tell but didnt get a response. I TKd him back once i respawned and that was the end of it.
    I guess its nothing personal, i feel like the victim of random violence at times with these people.
  19. IamDH

    Someone ran him over so he killed that person. You just so happened to get caught into it

    Its nothing really
  20. Astraka

    I feel like as a Waterson NC you should be used to teamkilling by now.