[Suggestion] Vehicle Hunting Infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DocScotty, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. DocScotty

    I'd really like a way for infiltrators to deal with sundies. I feel like sneaking behind enemy lines and planting explosives on it would be really fun and fit the infiltrator class's role. The explosives could go in the grenade slot, and take maybe 5 seconds to plant, and detonate maybe another 10 seconds after that, meanwhile any other infiltrator could hack the bomb and stop it from exploding. Maybe its too elaborate, but I'd definitely enjoy it , and you would have to be a little more weary spawning at sundies.
  2. AnuErebus

    We do actually have one of the most effective ways of taking out a sundy. It's a little roundabout and requires switching to another class for a few moments or having a friend with c4 but it works really well. Basically what you do is attach a few bricks of c4 to your wraith cloak flash. Drive to the nearest sundy while cloaked, get off flash, shoot c4 watch everything go boom.
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  3. NovaAustralis

    Any Infiltrator worth his salt wouldn't want to destroy the source of his kills! ;)
  4. Scudmungus

    ''Found the Sundie - it's X by Y."

    *Platoon marker placed on map by OL*

    "Left a bit, right a bit.. back a bit aaah ok, fine yeah, alright. There."

    *Gets made Squad lead*

    "Beacon down - GO GO GO!"

    *Pod drops. Mozzie death. Harasser strikes*

    "Yup. Good job....

    ....any chance of a rez?"

    Team work baby! While Tho, while I realise we can dart the target should feel the need to, I would love to be able to add a marker to the map without being SL.
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  5. DocScotty

    Ha yeah, i do enjoy sniping poor little engineers repairing sundies, and people re-supplying make for an easy kill, but I just think it would be fun every now and then to pick up an smg and climb up under a sundy, place a bomb, and send it into the sky.
  6. NovaAustralis

    Then go to an Infantry terminal or friendly AMS Sunderer and change to either:
    - Light Assault with C4,
    - Medic with C4,
    - Heavy Assault with C4, AV Grenades and/or Rocket Launcher,
    - Engineer with C4 or AV Mines
  7. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    or just go to hell with it, stack 3 c4 on your back and go yolo.
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  8. OldMaster80

    This was how Infiltrators worked in PS1, but the cloaking was different. Even if they implement the Stalker cloaking (recharging while standing still, can't carry primary weapons), this would still be unbalanced for a simple reason: too many classes can use C4 in this game. And In Planetside 1 Sunderers could cloak as well, so they were very hard to spot.
  9. Pikachu

    Which may result in angry messages. :D
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  10. Takoita

    What if Infiltrator had access to something like C4 but instead of killing the vehicle it killed the crew inside it? Could be a nice addition to that teased vehicle hijack ability.
  11. ArcKnight

    vehicle scramblers

    loads a special EMP round and once it hits a vehicle the driver needs to get out and fix it manually

    PS: the title reminded me of Gundam Dynames's high altitude sniper rifle
  12. GrayPhilosophy

    How about making EMP's work like EMP's and affect the electrical circuits in vehicles, disabling their HUD like for infantry, and then disable the controls for about a second?
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  13. Inf1nite

    I don't think we need to be able to hack/disable enemy vehicles or have tank mines or C-4. A good thing would be that you can hack the terminals on the sunderer which could annoy the crap out of people. The only way to get the terminals back is to hack them back.
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  14. DeathSparx

    Yeah, I would hack the terminals on the side of the sunderer, change class, destroy the vehicle, and walk away laughing... :p
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  15. Inf1nite

    Well ya, that would be a problem but you would have to hack both sides at least so in an insanely crowded area it would be that much harder. But ya that would be easy :p
  16. DeathSparx

    Actually, it's not as hard as you might think. Obliviousness is rampant around sunderers. Especially if you just walk (don't sprint) up to the sunderer and act like you belong there...until you start putting c4 or tank mines on the sunderer, then you run like hell. :D