Can you please Fix or Change the Striker?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. FieldMarshall

    Only reason to use it over the AA/AV counterparts is that it can lock on to everything, like the Anni.
    Though the fact that you can dumbfire the AA/AV variants for anti MAX usage aswell is just the final nail in the coffin.

    Have fun maintaining lock while im already done reloading my Grounder...
  2. DashRendar

    Here's my number (911) call me when I care.
  3. Flapatax

    I know what the issues with it were. Doesn't mean when they killed my tank I was like, "oh darned mechanics! Those poor, unfortunate TR unknowingly profiting from such a broken weapon, they are the true victims in this situation."
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  4. DashRendar

    Horrible that an unbalanced level of power is counter balanced through unique mechanics. Really horrible.
  5. FieldMarshall

    Something unbalanced should always be balanced. The Striker needed a change, but to make it obsolete? Whats the point in that.
  6. Mhak

    I agree, a lock-on weapon dealing 1000 more damage than the other lock-ons should be just as easy to use as those other lock-ons. Why should a weapon that deals 1000 more damage than its comparable equivalents need to be harder to use, and require more effort? It's only 1000 damage.

    Why 1000 more damage is hardly any damage at all.

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  7. Shubniggurath

    I likey! Giving TR the Annihilator 2.0 was a cop out for the devs, just lazy. Can't get a more boring to use weapon then a lock on launcher. I hope they redesign it along the lines of your suggestion.
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  8. HooliganS3

    How would the NC feel if they had to wait to get a lock and then stand exposed and maintain line of site while guiding the Phoenix?

    How would the VS feel if they had to wait to get a lock and then stand exposed and maintain line of site while charging the Lancer?

    That is exactly what it is like to operate the Striker in its current form.

    1000 more damage ONLY applies if all 5 rockets hit. Even if (and it that is a BIG "IF") you land all 5 hits with a striker it is NOT enough to kill any vehicle air or ground unless it is already heavily damaged. The end result is the enemy leaving/hiding to repair, or dying (if already damaged). The same result you get with a faction lock-on or Annihilator with the added liabilities of being exposed longer, having to maintain line of site, and waiting longer to reload for the next volley.

    1000 more potential damage that is almost never realized is a waste of an inventory slot when you take into account the additional liabilities that come along with it.

    Personally I would gladly give up the often unrealized potential to do 1000 more points of damage to have a Striker that functions exactly the same as the Annihilator. Turning it into a cosmetic sidegrade would be better than the steaming pile it is in its current form.
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  9. Aractain

    Ill just take the Lancer the VS don't use, thanks.
  10. Phazaar

    Deserved and justified. It'll get a huge buff when the lockon changes come in anyway. Why should they change it twice in a couple of months just to keep you happy when it's been making everyone else miserable for 9 months?

    They've already implemented a change to it that will soon be implemented to all other rocket launchers ('line of lock' or whatever we're calling it), and more importantly, it's actually how the launcher was always pitched as working right from Higby's original video.

    So I guess this is basically all the 'Cry more' 'L2P' kinda stuff, like you said to us when the Phoenix got nerfed a day after launch... At least you got to play with your toy for 9 months.
  11. Mhak

    Stopped reading here, apparently you're unaware that you have to guide the Phoenix to it's target and be completely exposed if you want to hit anything just like the Striker. And our Phoenix doesn't do nearly the damage of the Striker btw. And the missile has pretty lame maneuvering, and can be outrun by harassers.

    You have all us NC's undivided sympathy, I assure you.
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  12. Takoita

    "Sitting behind a hill" does not constitute "exposed", please don't BS.
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  13. HooliganS3

    I can guide the phoenix from behind cover. Is something broken behind your keyboard? If you choose to stand in the open like a TR with a Striker, I will send some "sympathy" right back at you I assure you.
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  14. Takoita

    Yeah, it requires you to be on a higher elevation than your targets and with no enemy fire in your direction to function properly. Which doesn't happen much outside of cliffcamping.

    As for all the special snowflakes in here, I will continue to shoot you down with my Grounder.
  15. axiom537

    Striker is fine, it is still the strongest lock-on launcher in the game and maintaining LOS is a piece of cake and well worth it for the extra damage. Is it perfect for every single scenario, nope, nor should it be. If you think the other lock-ons are better then you should use them, but in most situations the striker is still the better lock-on launcher to use.
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  16. Twitch760

    For once I'm in agreement with the TR the Striker is overnerfed in its current state. I no longer feel threatened by it at all and can actually fly around in a Reaver in TR territory without being locked on to by 2-3 Striker users and promptly blow into dust. The most annoying thing was the Striker firing through terrain and still hitting you. I'd he happy with a nerf to its rate of fire and limiting its range to 300 meters just like the Phoenix so that way you can actually run.
  17. Mhak

    True enough, but you have to look for targets while the missile is flying if you want to stay behind cover...and targets move. What you see while not camera'd is rarely there a few seconds later if you're behind cover. The price you pay for that kind of play is still way less damage over time than the striker can dish out.
  18. SteamBoiler

    The phoenix isnt as bad as people think it is. Sure the listed damage is extremely low but the NC phoenix has its own set of multipliers, and they are really high. The listed damage is pretty much only for infantry (OHK infantry would be a little ridiculous). It can be used behind cover even with its 300m range. And lets be real, a harasser can easily dodge striker rockets too.

    The phoenix does about the same damage as a decimator vs vehicles. Sure the TTK is less than a decimator but you can guide it to hit sides or rears of tanks for very good damage. Also very good for 1 shotting turrets and sniping enemy maxes. (2 shots will bring down a max)

    A decimator will 2 shot an mbt in the back, still 1 shot ESFs and does a good amount of damage all from the safety of cover. It can be used to pressure a sunderer hidden behind rocks. Also, it can be essentially used as a dumbfire launcher too (with the disadvantage of having to ADS). A lot of people don't know this but you can press E while the rocket is in flight to exit the camera mode and it essentially becomes dumbfire (low velocity and huge drop off however).

    I'm not saying NC15 phoenix is OP by any means but it is effective at what it does and does alot more damage than people seem to think it does (to vehicles). And I think most people will admit that it is the most fun launcher to use in the game. I have an nc alt with this weapon and a jackhammer. Some of those most fun I've had is playing an NC heavy. Some crazy stuff can be done with them even with its range of only 300m.

    I agree the striker was OP in its old state. But as of current patch, it has been tested that the striker is only more effective than an annihilator at ranges of <250m or less. If you are using a striker that close you are deadmeat anyway and you'd be better off using a dumbfire launcher. It is overnerfed and mostly a cosmetic thing. Maintaining lock is very difficult since you must maintain a line of sight at all times. You are better off using the dumbfire/lockon variant or even an annihlator since it does more damage over time.

    The striker has the advantage of doing higher burst which can surprise someone but its only slightly higher than a decimator or a phoenix. Also the striker is good for pyschological warfare. After getting hit by 2 rockets and still having a lock on notice is sometimes enough to make inexperienced pilots or tanks to bail early and crash (which is pretty funny).

    And as for saying the phoenix doesn't do nearly as much damage as a striker, that is not true because of the phoenix's insane multipliers. The striker only does slightly higher damage to vehicles if all rockets hit.

    Even in its OP state many of us TR have asked for it to be reworked entirely. The weapon is easy to use, and not nearly as fun as using a phoenix or a lancer. I think it would be better if it was reworked to be not a lock on launcher and keep it as a dumbfire launcher with 2 rockets similar to how a prowler works or maybe even as a mortar that can target a location and barrage an area with striker shells (only ideas).

    The striker needs a rework to make it unique and fun to use.
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  19. Flharfh

    This is a sad situation because TR never wanted a lock on ESRL and there was great outcry when it was announced. VS and NC got cool, empire unique mechanics (camera guided and charging) while TR got. . . a slightly better annihilator. Sad face. I know that the Striker was the TR's ESRL in PS1, but PS1 didn't have hordes of lock-on weapons. The Striker was actually unique there.

    I also agree that it has a disappointingly low skill ceiling and high skill floor. The difference between the hypothetical best striker use and worst striker user is pretty small. You also can't use it against MAXs or infantry in a pinch, like you can the dumbfires. It eats ammo like crazy and it's the worst type of all or nothing damage - either you are helpless because the enemy has flares/smoke or is smart enough to break LOS, or you do a big burst of damage. It's a frustrating weapon for both the user and the target and the whole thing needs to be revamped imo.
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  20. FigM

    Now you know how the NC feel