A Tribute to Sonic The Hedgehog

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. CuteBeaver

    I really hope the infiltrator update comes out soon XD. I am getting bored. For now a tribute to Sonic the Hedgehog! ;)

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  2. GrayPhilosophy

    "What're you.. surely she's just lining up with the wall for something.. she couldn't possibly be?WHOA GAWD SPIDERFLASH!"

    I will not ask how you did that. Your previous videos have led me to believe you have super powers. Infiltration succesful xD
  3. Jawarisin

    The turbo works mid air, hence this result. You can have fun in spawn. You can go probably nearly as high as a tech plant if you get it right.
  4. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Lol I was laughing quite loudly in the middle of the night yesterday when I first seen you try to climb up that building I was on :D


    Lesbians. Lol
  5. Scudmungus

    Turbo module - so many more applications than Wraith module.
  6. DeathSparx

    Specifically, turbo on the flash works this way. Turbo on any other vehicle does not turn it into another rocket.

    In any case, good video Beaver. It kinda reminds me of the time when I was screwing around with the turbo flash with some of my friends. We managed to get our flashes up on top of the helipads of amp stations and towers. Turbo flash = fun time. :D
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