Something that has an unjustifiable reputation as being OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Riku

    Rocket pods, Striker.
  2. AxisO7


    At one stage it was broken which did make it OP (when it wasn't performing a 180 degree and killing the friendly standing next to you - VS and NC never saw all the times it did that), but then they fixed that mechanic while also nerfing the striker, making it pretty much useless compared to the other lock-ons. All of my outfit have swapped out to the Grounder.
  3. CommodoreFrank

    Wraith Flash, people fail to realize that you're fighting the vehicle more than the enemy to get those few kills.
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  4. JonboyX

    Ha ha ha ha!

    Look at all these posts that claim the pre-nerf (read: PRE FIX) striker was unfairly changed.
    It might be average now, but have you even tried the phoenix? My god, you've really no idea what dominance that thing gave you.

    NC6 'god saw' for me. Maybe the top 5% of players rampage with this thing? I don't think it's a great gun at all, and I'm more than happy to use my comparatively substandard closer range alternatives.
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  5. MorganM

    Only one I can think of is Striker and that was applied to all lock-ons.
    Vulcan is on the chopping block but hasn't happend yet.
    T-9 CARV was actually buffed. worst weapon ever. Thankfully we got Fractures now.
  6. Scudmungus

  7. NC_agent00kevin

    I see Vanguard Shield being described as 'broken' and 'op' a lot.

    Its so slow and clunky...without it we would be in death traps. You either finish the fight or die in a Vangurd; there is no escape once you have committed. With extremely long reload times and the slow, bulky nature, its balanced.

    I would say Scattermaxes too but those are typically brought up as a rebuttal to something else another faction has being OP.

    Strikers are still deadly and need to be taken seriously, but no longer OP.
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  8. Mhak

    I'd say Vanguard shield. "But zomg I can only hit you with one missile or rocket pod before before you make it impossible to hit you again for 5-8 seconds?!"

    Thing is, you almost never have the situational awareness to activate the shield *before* you take a big hit of damage from something. It's really just a mechanic to lower the amount of damage you take from what would be a big attack and turn it into a less-damaging attack. And 90% of the time, your attacker just waits for it to go away, and then continues to unload on you. I have stopped myself from being killed by C4 with it exactly one time - pop it off too early, and they'll just wait to detonate the C4. Wait too long, and you're a goner.

    Best overall tank ability? Maybe, but not OP imho.
  9. f0d

    strikers are getting nerfed and deservedly so
    they are better than any other ESRL and they still follow you behind cover (at least when i use it it does)
    "Fired projectiles now behave like the normal launchers (less hitting vehicles behind cover)"

    compare the striker to the phoenix or lancer for example, i would take the striker 100% of the time as neither the phoenix and lancer are as good against both ground vehicles and air - its a do it all rocket launcher
  10. ViXeN

    Everything. LOL
  11. Flapatax

    Do people actually call that OP?
  12. KAHR-Alpha

    So those are the rumors these days?

    Except that's not true, they just said they considered doing that, and that they also considered giving it a burst fire mode. The striker also went through several pathing changes until its death in september, none of which involved tracking your target.
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  13. CommodoreFrank

    I see occasional complaints about it. It's not as common since the Fury nerf.
  14. LilianaMonteclaire

    The Gauss SAW. Yes, it's a brutally effective killing machine... when you're standing perfectly still... in a game where standing still is death, especially in CQC. Just because it can snipe snipers doesn't mean it's going to be useful in a more chaotic battle.
  15. WaiZen

    Enforcer Modified :rolleyes:
  16. Epic High Five

    You can hardly argue that it was the intention of the design team to have the weapon pass through terrain and ignore flares. Of course it had pathing changes. Congrats, your AA lock on launcher now serves largely as a deterrent just like every AA lock on launcher in the game, at least it's still stupidly good against harassers.
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  17. sindz


    Kids dont know how fragile it really is since everyone tries to outrun it like complete noobs.
  18. TheFamilyGhost

    Everything that kills someone.

    You guys rage more than my 12 year old son on a 5 day losing streak.
  19. Epic High Five

    Fragile =/= "can tank a decimator to the face and not die"
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  20. Axehilt

    I guess mostly just the Gauss SAW and Striker. The Gauss SAW does have a rather overpowered magazine size, but apart from that it's just a long-ranged LMG, whereas usage statistics seem to show that people think it's good in all situations. And the Striker is just another low-skill low-reward lock-on weapon while the VS get a high-skill high-reward option (Lancer) to balance against the common pool lock-on weapons.