Are the red dot sights really this bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by General Sherman, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Rithlar

    This is the reason the IRNV scopes got nerfed, (the scope sway and slow activation), they were not affected by this.
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  2. Liquid23

    man up and just use irons
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  3. WyrdHarper


    But actually. I've found myself switching back to the iron sights on many of my weapons, since they're good enough for most fight ranges and they're more accurate.
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  4. Kociboss

    Too bad that when you look through some irons, you...Uhm...

    ...can't see sh**
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  5. Nocturnal7x

    The dot is about 10 times too large as well.
  6. Hatesphere

    aiming with irons feel like i am looking through a hole in a brick wall on some guns.
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  7. vulcan78

    I don't believe your recoil is actually affected by the amount of magnification in the optic youre using, it only appears to be worse as your'e zoomed in on your target. I actually prefer the 3.4 sight on my NS-11 over the 2x as I can better manage the recoil as I can more clearly see what it is doing.
  8. GhostAvatar

    They are that bad, and they won't be fixed either. Because Higby, in all his wisdom (which is to say not that much), wants it so they demonstrate the existence of CoF while ADSing
  9. General Sherman

    Wow so I wasn't just imagining it, all the bullets do come directly out of the center of the screen! I can't believe how much better I'm doing with guns so far, I'm actually getting decent kills with the Gauss Saw.

    Turns out the most overpowered thing in this game isn't a harasser or ZOE, its a piece of tape with a small dot on it!

    Also to clarify, when I first hear about this I mostly heard the NC and TR reddot sights mentioned specifically I assume the VS are affected as well but they never got brought up in the posts I read.
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  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Time for tape I guess.

    Acually lately Ive been using less of the sights and just looking where the tracers go. Ive vastly improved my game too, but a lot of that has to do with lone wolfing in large battles and better predicting enemy movements and actions as opposed to following some Platoon leader's orders to charge in headfirst.
  11. Gheeta

    This issue is absolutely silly, if Higby really thinks that the animation has something to do with cof then he has no clue. As i see it it's just an excuse.

    FIX IT!
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  12. Cinnamon

    Unlike iron sights the 1x reflex is consistent across guns and some guns have awful unusable iron sights so it is not "that bad" that you should not use it. As a player you can learn to use it and be accurate when it is drifting from the center. Only irnv doesn't drift at all I think.
  13. Aegie

    You buy that? I call BS and think that was just some lame excuse that was pulled out of thin air to try and mask the fact that there was never any decent communication between the people working on the graphics and the people working on the mechanics.

    Show's your COF? Why would it be exactly the same for each weapon despite COF values differing? Why would the amount it moves from center depend on how fast you move your mouse (this does not affect the COF)? So yea, the idea that this effect is there as some indication of COF is just nonsense and the fact that this was provided as an explanation by developers is laughably sad.
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  14. S7rudL

    Silly games, it is what it is.
  15. vincent-

    They really need to fix this out of anything else the sights in the game suck I hardly go out of my way to cert into the different sights.
  16. Kociboss

    One would think that something this basic couldn't possibly be broken...
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  17. chrollo

    I would like soe to fix this. This clearly is not the correct method of relaying information while shooting down a sight, and it should be fixed.
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  18. nallar

  19. Turkeys!

    Are all the 1x and 2x sights off for all factions?
  20. Greyfrog

    No not really, I also think its a convenient excuse and that the player base has repeatedly challenged it in a constructive manner. But that is also what I was going for, I'm sick of this community blowing up at changes that they haven't even tried. The hyperbole in most posts on this forum is boring, non-constructive and insulting. Communication is a two way street, if we want informative meaningful discussion with the devs we need to demonstrate that we are actually capable of it as a community. So yeah, I glossed over my suspicions and tried to be factual :)

    I believe the VS reflex sights are less affected. But thats just from feel, not any real testing.
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