The spawn options are really frustrating..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MaCritz, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. MaCritz

    The NC Zerg (48+) made a push from Mao Techplant to Mao Southwest Gate.. At the time, there were like 24-48 friendlies defending it (Mao SW Gate).. At the same time, I was defending Abandoned NS Offices together with 12 other friendlies... I quickly hit the 'redeploy' key to assist them (the guys at Mao SW Gate).. But the only spawn options I had was the WG, current location and some other totally unrelated locations..

    Why was I not given the option to spawn at the defending base (in this case, the Mao SW gate)?? The defenders were hopelessly outnumbered and they needed backup more than anyone else..

    I thought this had been fixed but clearly this is not helping the defending faction to react quickly to such a situation...
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  2. JudgeDeath

    Largest issue is that you cannot counter-attack an overrun and camped base from the neighbouring base, as you cant spawn there. Instead you may spawn somewhere laughably far away or somewhere that has no vehicle terminals for anything else then sundy-pinjatas that are highly ineffective against armor and airzergs.

    Wish they added somesort of "Spawn radius" instead of this current system that ment good but didnt really deliver.
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  3. Furrydaus

    They should allow spawning in surrounding ally bases that are of one hexagon away from where you want to be redeployed with the current lattice (Lettuce?) system. It would be an improvement from they current base spawning system
  4. MaCritz

    I have a better idea... Any territories that is directly connected to the enemy territories should have its spawn available for deployment AT ALL TIMES... or only when it is attacked, be it one guy or a whole platoon..

    Territories should also have its spawn available for selection when it is connected to the next connected territory (when it is about to be capped by the enemy).. So that the defenders can counter attack with vehicles or whatever...

    I think it's kinda silly to let the game DECIDE where you should spawn or who needs backup.. Most of the time, the system is very slow or unresponsive and it costs many competent defenders those precious few seconds where they need to set up defences..
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  5. GrandpaFlipfox

    I'm pretty sure placing a reinforcement request on the Hex will remove that limitation and allow anyone to redeploy.
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  6. Astriania

    Yep, your command needs to learn how to use reinforcement markers.
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  7. zaspacer

    PS2 is moving more and more to squad/outfit only gameplay. I think this is a mistake and it will deter new people from playing and push more people out of the game.
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  8. gigastar

    We have a term for such people.

    "CoD Kiddies."
  9. FateJH

    Or it will get them to join an outfit or, at least, a squad.
  10. zaspacer

    Well I feel the boot starting to press on my backside (still hanging in there with ESF and sporadic Infantry play), and I've never played CoD.

    There is a difference between motivating your niche players to branch out and snuffing them out. And games that provide content to support a broader spectrum of players tend to be more successful. It's an especially odd trend with SOE, because they'll start with a game that appeala to a broader base, and then they'll start revising the game to narrow down how the game can be played. More interested in how people are playing it rather than if they are it.

    Reminds me of EQ and the release of Planes of Power. PoP bumped the game's level cap from 60 to 65. But only Group players were able to get acces to level ~62-63 spells (and level ~62-63 areas). And only Raid players were able to get access to level ~64-65 spells (and level ~64-65 areas). Raid players did not re-do encounters to farm spells to sell to others, instead Guilds getting multiple copies of spells would store them in their vaults for future potential need. It axed and drove off solo players, and then drove off non-Raid players.

    I remember joining the Top Guild on my server in EQ to give the whole Raid thing a shot, but I just didn't like it for various reasons. So I ended up quiting the game. Good and lucky thing though, because I was addicted to EQ and had already quit twice but couldn't stay quit. SOE did it for me just by removing what I liked to do from the game. So maybe PS2 changes will also be a blessing for me.
  11. ST4LK3R

    MaCritz, good luck with that. xD

    An individual soldier without an outfit/platoon/squad is a bloody waste of manpower no matter how good he is. If the current direction PS2 taking is gonna drive away solo players, I am very glad. This game is all about team play and working together. The way Outfits in PS2 and Guilds in EQ (and other MMOs) operates is very different. We can't keep the certz in a vault. And raid teams in PS2 are not 25 like WoW.

    Who am I to say how they should play PS2 but if they don't enjoy what PS2 is then it's no one's fault.
  12. Goden

    Why am I (and anyone who isn't working in a squad/outfit with the proper certs) being punished for wanting to defend our bases? I do not have the ability to request reinforcements
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  13. zaspacer

    Yeah, cause that Sunderer I spawned and placed in a fallback position that is now spamming our troops after our advance position fell is apparently not what it appears to be. Or my stealthing to CoraMed Labs, spawning a Sunderer and moving it to the foothills east of Indar Excavation site, that has now spawned AV that is now clearing the vehicle zerg around Indar Excavation doesn't matter. Or when I am the only player using Recon Detect Device and my level 6 Recon Detect Device lights up key objectives and weak points in enemy positions that motivate people to exit the spawn room and break the span camp and retake the base was pointless. Or using an ESF or Infantry with vantage to Q-Spot key enemy units that our AV then engage and take out.

    Just because I don't have access to broken content like Squad Beacons doesn't mean I can't affect the game state. I've been that guy to fly my ESF onto a crest to Engi AV Turret disrupt the Outfit that has set up shop and is actively shut down camp my factions Warpgate. And I don't have the babyzone crutch squad/outfit only tools to do it.

    This knife cuts both ways. I LIKE working with others. I just don't like outfits/guilds and I hate squad/outfit exclusive resources, I feel they fragment the factions into smaller, exlclusive groups and kill the massive battle feel and direction.

    Massive Scale Strategy is very bad in PS2. Partly because the tools do not exist to properly coordinate entire factions, partly because the game creates incentives counter to faction strategy, partly because outfits/squads and their exclusive resources fragments players, partly cause the game is moving more toward catering to squad/outfit play over open large battles, and partly because most people (though its worst in leaders) don't understand fundamental strategy.

    Raid teams in EQ weren't 25 when I played. And PS2 is PvP while EQ was PVE. Though maybe the PvP EQ servers shared some similarities, dunno.

    You sound like you think the players should never express dislike or preference in direction over anything in the game. Yet we only have the current Drop Pods because outfits complained that the old system was too exploitable. That's sounds hypocritical.
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  14. Consumer

    I think people underestimate the potential of solo players or very small squads. There's plenty of them that are ineffective, but the same goes with large platoons that aren't tightly commanded, by outfit or not. However, it may be necessary to help get more newbies who are interested in being part of an outfit or sticking to a squad to do so.

    The difference is that small groups or individual players are able to make reactions quickly--they can pull necessary vehicles and respond to a threat, change attack direction, and move to and from defense much more quickly and efficiently than a platoon passing down commands and prepping. But beyond that, solo players fill the holes: any mistakes or oversights outfits and platoons make, solo players are there to flank enemies, C4/AT mine Sunderers, defend lightly-assaulted bases, flank groups of enemies, and spawn helpful vehicles such as Sunderers that can and do affect battles. And the cherry on the top is that they're doing this all with less risk; a dispersion of forces, many with significant ability to effect change.

    So saying that solo-oriented players should be cast out and shunned is as closed-minded as you can get. It reminds me of the mindset Greeks have in university: if you're not in a fraternity or sorority, you're a pathetic Independent who's not making the most out of their college experience. Likewise, these players are able to take advantage of the game in an alternate way: their mobility and, often, tightness with a small group or decisiveness with themselves, allows for moves that are so uncommon with large squads and platoons for good reason.

    So next time solo players are helping you do your dirty work, you don't need to turn your nose to them. This isn't an issue of coexistence--players who enjoy the game differently, think of strategy differently, and work towards a common goal differently are simply different. They're helping and they're having fun. This isn't a war simulation. It sucks you aren't able to communicate with every player who has an impact, as I'm sure you intend, but it's just the nature of any human communication. And an obligation to play a game in a fashion less enjoyable to many is just going to defeat the purpose as a game.
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  15. K2k4

    I think this whole thread is getting off topic. The respawn mechanic is not offering all of the options which should be available. Yes there are ways around this by running with a squad or platoon but this matter of choice is only loosely related to the topic.

    I for one would like spawn options at all locations touching enemy territories and all amp stations and tech plants under faction control at all times.
  16. Nephera

    I feel like a flying air transport vehicle would alleviate some of these problems.

    one that could hold 12 people with some light armament to protect itse-
  17. Consumer

    And yet, still not entirely so. If people as a whole find the spawning completely suitable because of squad leader mechanics, then the issue for solo players (meaning the general movement of one, whether they are actually in a squad or not) is pretty much void. It's not loosely related, it's a branching concern that should be argued as it is in line to what the OP referenced. There are reasons why spawn options are so limited at times.

    If the spawning location conditions is not agreeable, the precondition is that Request Reinforcements does not make it good enough, again, affecting both those who use the upgrade or not. If a restriction on individual soldiers and squad member deviation is inherent, then there's little point to making a change like this besides making a more predictable and reliable system for players moving to fights. So, among saying that a squad leader skill is not enough, the point needs to be made that spawning into offensive positions (by radius, or by enemy territory contact as you mentioned, or so on) should not be specifically limited in its presence.
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  18. Timithos

    They've changed the spawn mechanics a dozen times or so before, but I find the current version rather frustrating too.

    It seems like the sundy range is too small also. If players go through the trouble of pulling and deploying a sundy, I should be able to reach and support them better.
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  19. Corezer

    you can see reinforcement markers even solo. same with colored smoke.
  20. ST4LK3R

    All that you said can be done and can be done better in an organized squad. Do not confuse yourself with a new solo player. You could be an assert to an outfit if you ever consider joining.

    Outfits on your server are slacking.

    I'm in an outfit and it's not very active or operational like it used to be but I'm having a hard time trying to avoid big fights. Would you rather be with 1000 people who are doing their own stuff or be with 50-100 people who like to work together?

    I agree with you on the last part but we have all the resources we need. Personally I've lead up to 2 platoons before and it was way before all the changes they made. It's not easy but it's possible and I've seen a a good number of people doing it on my server these days.

    I never said that. In fact I'm usually one of the loudest one when I don't like the changes they are going to make. But playing a team based game and complaining it's not for solo players is just silly.