[Suggestion] A tweak to regen kits and an idea for new ones (invisibility!).

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Angry Scientist

    Change regeneration kits to heal 1000-1500 HP over the course of a minute. Ideally, you want it that you pop them before going into a firefight to keep you going on HP. Think of a medic's regen except a little souped up. It won't suddenly grant you extensive amounts of HP but will keep you moving. As it is, no one uses them unless they're hurting for certs.

    Additionally, change its color scheme to differentiate between it and the medic ones. Simply reverse it: red where it's currently white and white where it is currently red.

    New all class: Rejuvenation Kit.
    Does a few things. Instantly makes your shield begin regenerating and keeps doing so for three seconds. This means that if you get hit right after popping it doesn't immediately end the effect. The normal regen rate applies so you won't be super tank for three seconds. Secondly, it restores 250 HP over three seconds, to give people a little top off as they launch back in. Thirdly, it instantly refills any class ability bar save the nano mesh and adrenaline shield. Those two are instead given a boost to regeneration. This is to prevent becoming a nano mesh tank by continuously popping these kits.

    Useful to light assaults, medics using their AOE heal, or infiltrators stuck out when their cloak is on cooldown.

    New all class: Invisibility canister.
    Basically applies a 10 second cloak to yourself, exactly as the infiltrator's works currently. It would not have as many extra kits as the above kits, instead maxing out at two or three. On the upside, you can use it while still cloaked to extend the cloak.

    Sounds overpowered, doesn't it? But it opens new tactics and you're still not silent. You'll make the cloak sound, light assaults will still have their jetpack sound and you can still be spotted by sharp eyed players. Additionally, you do not have C4, mines, or extra HP kits, limiting the utility. Heavies and engies with the UBGL would need to sit the full ten seconds for the cloak to expire, so it doesn't mean they can simply stealth into a room and peg you while still cloaked. The use would require thought and giving up your offensive ability for ten seconds.
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  2. Badname707

    They really need to add more kits, in my opinion. I'd love to see a revive kit that light assaults could use as well, maybe 1 time use ammo deploy kits too.
  3. Angry Scientist

    I considered a revive kit, but the issue is that it negates the effort to kill a medic. Slay a platoon of enemies, making sure to eliminate their medic and die to the last guy. He pops the revive kit on the medic, medic chucks a revive grenade, your assault is useless. It would also make those small but high BR squads that like to sit on points impossible to kill, since they can just revive each other on top of simply drop podding in.
  4. Badname707

    Not sure how much different that would be from a medic reviving a medic. They'd still have to go through the act of actually going to the body and reviving. Even if it would be faster, it wouldn't be an instant pop back to standing.

    You could also set a carry limit of one, make it a 500 cert purchase, with each use costing 100+ resources. It wouldn't be easy to spam, but it'd give some options for revive outside of where a medic can typically reach without an aerial drop.
  5. Badname0192


    LoL SOE hated you too
  6. Badname707

    Yup. I'm just glad my in-game character didn't get turned into a badname. I tried making a new character with a similar name, but apparently you can't be a 'brewer' or anything 'brew' related.
  7. Rabbitofdoom

    Because you can kill every single medic while with rev kits you will have to kill every single one. Somtimes 2 LA with shoties going kamikaze are enough to get rid of medics then its just mopthemup.
    In current state of grenades there would be not much of a point to not have a revieve kit in almost every situation.
  8. Zarth

    LazorBrewster? @__@ heh.
  9. kungflu

    disregard your infiltrator potion
  10. GrayPhilosophy

    I quite like your ideas.
    however, as much as that cloak kit may actually work, I'm afraid it's not "realistic" enough within the games own logic. Since cloaking requires that whole gadget that infiltrators have on their back.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    The cloak idea is terrible. Take away an entire classes ability and grant it to everyone else, nope just bad. It would make an entire class redundant. If you want to cloak then play infiltrator.

    If this were to happen then all classes should be granted jet packs, the heavies shield the medic and engineers gun and by that point we may as well just have 1 class.

    How about instead of trying to merge class abilities and making them more the same we instead add new creative abilities instead of a rehashed version of an already existing ability
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  12. HadesR

    Can I haz a Jump Jet potion ?

    ^ This

    Or idea's that fit gaps in the game ..

    The following example might be OP and broken but it's just an example so it's not an issue ..

    With the removal of a lot on Infantry Terminals have a:

    Nanite Molecular Arranger kit: A one off use to allow you to swap classes on the fly .. Spawns as default loadout #1 of the chosen class.

  13. Badname707

    Why not both? I don't see how a 10 second cloak that you have to pay resources for would break the infiltrator class any more than having a revive kit on your cloakable infil would break the medic. It's a pretty significant difference from being able to use the ability as many times as you want for free.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    That isn't the same as the medics main skill is reviving and only the medic can do that, the same as the Infiltrators main ability is cloaking.

    For it to be the same Infiltrators would need a kit loadout where they have revive kits, then it wold be comparable to having the same ability as another class.

    As I already stated I think making the classes more similar is a terrible idea and instead SOE should be striving for making more varied and unique classes.
  15. Badname707

    I'm just not sure why adding more unique abilities to classes has to be mutually exclusive from making some of their basic abilities have some overlap for a cost.
  16. HadesR

    Because a lot of classes are balanced around their abilities and vice versa .. ( Eg: Infi's having lower HP )
    Certain items are class restricted due to those abilities ( Infi's not having AV options for example )
  17. NinjaTurtle

    Ok can you imagine the crying and rage if you had light assaults running/flying around cloaked with a shotgun.

    Can infiltrators have shotguns? or would it be considered OP
  18. Badname707

    If it was limited, no. Moreso if other classes were balanced in a similar way. Furthermore something should be added that can help reveal anyone cloaked; I'm thinking headlights/flashlights could make cloaked more visible.
  19. Badname707

    Sure, an infiltrator with C4 would be OP as hell. Fortunately, an ability like this would take up the same slot. Maybe an engi could put down an AV turret or a HA could get a rocket off, but I doubt it would be game breaking.
  20. Grayson

    This is an FPS...not a fantasy rpg so NO MAGIC POTIONS PLEASE.
