Cheaters are ruining the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coldmeister, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. RealityWarrior

    Ummm.... yeah .... I am an idiot! lol
  2. Kracken

    The number of cheaters has decreased drastically from my perspective at least since launch.
  3. Rabbitofdoom

    There are not that many cheaters or hackers.
    Today first time in ages i saw 2 guys hacking in same latice. I suspect both used same hack since one was Engineer that was able to fly like he had a jetpack (not the "ESF" hack) other was infiltrator that i caught reping a max.
    There is also what i call wonder newbie syndrome that happens mostly at odd hours. Always during late night hours for US. There is a sudden surge of exceptionaly skilled low BR players. Some are propably just alts but i usualy see 1-2 per week that have situational awarness, aiming skill that borderlines supernatural with starter guns.
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  4. runtt

  5. jeuvisage

    I've been on the otherside too, watch the video you can see me going out of my way to make sure that I am standing on the extreme interior edge. Also if you watch the video at 1:55 you can see the UBGL impacting inside the shield. You must be new if you havent heard of this exploit.

    This can't happen inside a biolab with infantry and a UBGL, the distance required for them to not render is further than possible while maintaining LoS with the teleporter room shields.
  6. Nocturnal7x

    fewer cheaters in this game than when I played BF3, which I didn't play very much and they would do crazy **** like TP you out of bounds lol.

    No one plays this game and no one knows about this game so I guess that helps but even still I have only come across 3...maybe 5 cheaters since launch.
  7. Kimble

    I quit the game several months ago due to cheating. It's kinda bad tbh, just move on (don't get mad, lol). No point in crying about it on forums the cheaters will come here and say "this game has no cheating l2p", etc. PS2 is a cheater's game, if you not into cheating it's a waste of time.

    If your into wallhacks and aimbots I guess PS2 is a cool game (if your into that sort of thing) but that seems so boring ..what's the point?

    I did play tonight about 5-10 mins minutes though for some odd reason (i was very bored and snowed in lol!)
  8. Rune Scorpio

    Nope. Been behind a few guys started shooting them and had them instantly spin around and headshot me before they die. Had many people give me the hackusations so I know the game.
    But when there are literally guys named aimbotter with a 50% accuracy and a 25+ k/d spread theres a serious issue with their ability to stop hackers.

    Here ya go disbelievers.
  9. Pikachu

    I think we had a cheater today on Cobalt. A vanu shooting through walls at Aurora Materials Lab.
  10. Fenix

    We just had an incident on Connery with an invincible scythe. Could not be destroyed with everybody shooting it. It flipped over on the ground. Finally somebody on TR flipped them back over so they could fly off. Cheating happens in this game more than you realize. It always will. All you can do is get good at figuring out who the cheaters are and report them. Then hope that the hacking police remove them.
  11. StalkerGER

    i would rater had removed hossin then fighting against a cheater or get killed by one some are obvious and some are under the radar those guys are a bunch of losers who think they are good now , but the only thing is the cheat is doing the kills not him so he gets 0 kills ;D the only skill he has is clicking his mouse ^^
  12. NC_agent00kevin

    There are a lot more cheaters than people think. I post in all of these threads because some people think that there are little to none. They are wrong; and neither of us can prove what we say.

    Ive been FPS gaming since 1995 and there is a difference between a great player and someone who isnt playing fair. You can tell when someone is too good. Some people in this game shoot better than their guns are capable of. Ive had [recently] a guy trying to shoot me through a solid object, though if he was legit, it would have been quite obvious that he couldnt shoot me. I was 100% behind cover and none of the shots hit me - but the guy dumped a whole magazine into a server thingy thinking he was hitting me or going to if he held the trigger down. This is a clear example of an ESP/Threat Detection cheat. I wish I had it on video, because its that clear. Not many would believe me if I called him out (and the thread would get locked or the post deleted) but he is a well known BR 100 on Waterson. Truly good players wouldnt have dumped a whole mag into a solid object. Maybe a few rounds if he caught a glimpse of me - but not an entire mag. I mean, this guy came into the room already firing. And he didnt get a look at me, because I was in cover long before he ever got into the room. No other enemies nearby, just me and him at the base so a radar blip is impossible. That, and I was on a stairway, so I could have been on the ground level too even if there was a blip. (and there was not)

    Experienced players can pick up on these things. Guns that shoot amazingly accurate, and enemies who always know exactly where you are and exactly where to aim. Even in battles with other enemies where a radar blip is possible (and likely) there are quite a few who are already shooting before there is even a line of sight - and their crosshairs are already perfectly lined up.

    This game has a lot of players that use these, but its not like every battle has one. I go days sometimes before seeing it again, even weeks. Im not saying the game is saturated with them, but there are a whole lot more than a lot of players think there are.
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  13. NC_agent00kevin

    I went ahead and Fraps'd this guys's name and entire killboard. Your post is likely to be deleted by the mods, so i wanted to have the evidence for those who claim cheaters dont exist in this game.
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  14. Game Tips And More

    At the risk of getting smashed on by the mods/soe, here are a couple short GIFs I threw together to show:
    (1) a speedhacker-in-progress (note he does not lag/blink in-and-out, he simply moves fast) and
    (2) an in-air auto-repair occurring (may need to go to the Tinypic original upload to see it clearer)

    A quick search on YouTube shows there are an unfortunately very large number of hacks and exploits going on in PS2..
    I think SOE are doing the best they can given the situation however. It's hard for a few dozen to police hundreds of thousands of hackers/programmers. I was in the Beta and there seems to be far less now than earlier - but perhaps they are just being more careful, picking and choosing when to turn on that Aimbot or take advantage of that Auto-Repair - mainly when they get cheesed off at you... I have killed 'the wrong guy' many times in large battles "too many times" (in his mind) and had their vengeance come out as repeated headshots (sniped, some of them through walls it seemed), or they just ran up to me and melee'd me a few times "to show who's the boss" (I assume) lol
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  15. Catch23

    There was a BR 10 speedhacker on Miller not long ago. He was .8 KDR. Was reported instantly by various very experienced players. Still playing. 3.5 KDR now.

    There are lot of cheaters in PS2. Like in all games. Noone can convince me that many players with absurd KDRs don't use map-cheats. When you play beside them they sometimes rush into places which look really dangerous and of course they get lucky. They seem to never get surprised.

    And no, I don't need to learn to play.
  16. Trebb

    That's fire-suppression. A few patches ago, lib pilots could cheese it and swap seats as the re-use timer was attached to pilots and not the lib. So now if you see 2 repair glows in a row, yea it's likely a cheat.

    I've run into only a few passive-cheats, and they're always BR100. I watched a solo VS take out 6 from my squad in a bio lab, so I decided to hop up the tree as my engie because my mossy radar pinged him on the north side (I climb the tree in the south). I was in a dip in the branch looking for movement below when this cheater starts shooting at the tree branch from my blind side. I'm guessing his ESP program outlined me or something, but I was still behind cover so it was amusing how blatant it was as he never even had Line of Sight to me.

    It's rare to see obvious hackers (teleports, flying, wall hacks etc), but you can bet there's a ton of careful, passive cheaters. And 99% of lib AA crews aimbot.

    I may be exaggerating on the lib side a bit :p