Nanoweave change early with no refund?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rbryson74, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. KnightCole

    It hasnt? Im sure it has, just noone tends to try and do it. It works and has worked perfectly fine on regular infantry. Ive been C4d as my HA.....baited into a trap and BLAM!

    If Flak is going to be this effective though, ****, I might get some, mines wont ever kill me lol...whats a mine do? 10% shield? haha. TIme to go hit the VR again I think.
  2. KnightCole

    And mines and C4 SHOULD poof when you swap classes....absolutely everything else does.
  3. deggy

    C4 can't ever deal direct hit damage. It's all splash.
  4. teks

    They did the same with stealth.

    they change the text in tooltips before applying the actual patch.

    Its not live.
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  5. EliteEskimo

    Deggy I believe if it lands on a Max directly or is less than .5 meters away from the Max it can glitch and do direct damage. There haven't been many instances where this has happened to me, and it hasn't happened in awhile, but I'm pretty certain I've had times where Flak 5 was equipped and I was taking down by a single stick of C4. (It's possible I just didn't see the second stick but under normal circumstances I don't think LA's use 2 sticks of C4 on a single Max.
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  6. KnightCole

    Except C4 should do less damage to MAX and more to infantry.....why does this game do everything so dang bassackwards?
  7. Gustavo M

    Really? Glad to see that the devs realized that players must have a "non-realistic" resistance in order to provide balance to this game.
    I mean, you aren't supposed to clean up a entire squad by yourself. This is a teamplay game, after all.
  8. EliteEskimo

    Why you ask? The answer to your question is the answer to why flying infantry which costs 0 resources, 0 cool down, and have almost no spawn restrictions can solo instagib a MBT with C4 from any angle. It's the same reason why the game took the direction having ESRL's and AV/AA lock on launchers, instead of strict AA or AV launchers with a dumbfire, that makes the Heavy Assualt an Anti- everything class with no downside for the gained utility. It's the same reason why the AV turret has been in the game for months in an OP state, ruining open field battles, and all the tweaks that the developers made to make it render better were an epic fail (Because it's the range that's the problem, even if you could see them hitting specs 500-700 meters away while that spec can accurately and consistently hit you is still majorly OP).

    The answer to your question? Vehicles are a side thought in this game and the developers have made infantry too strong, vehicles too spammy, the distances between bases too short, and are now spamming walls everywhere so that great vehicle and combined arms gameplay cannot occur on a consistent basis if there is heavy infantry presence.

    TLDR Infantryside 2
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  9. Luperza Community Manager

    As stated in another thread and on the official patch notes, this is a string error. The suit works like it did prior to the hotfix.
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  10. deggy

    Thanks Luperza :D

    Any news on when the actual patch changing it will be deployed? I know how deadlines are, but it'd be great to have a timeframe at least.
  11. jak

    std::string or char* error?
  12. disgruntled newbie

    As we know, Planetside is a game where the average time to kill is simply unsufferably long. Some players can survive as much half a second in combat! It's really hurting the pace of the game.


    Designers, where lies that strange realm wherein your thoughts dwell?
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  13. SOE-MOD-08

    Thread has ran its course. Locking it down.
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