Connery - [NE0N] NeonGrind 18+

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Flickory, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Flickory


    We are united as a community to become the best and to have fun doing it.
    Neon Grind is a unique animal built on foundations of strong leadership,
    impeccable organisation and a diversity that makes us dangerously versatile.


    [NE0N] is dedicated to winning or learning in a game of tactics and enemy manipulation. While we support the limited competitive community such as PAL, we accept Planetside 2 is a game of infinite variables that rewards brilliant strategy and resourcefulness. Neon Grind boasts an exceptional understanding of combined arms, and an attitude that will bring whatever it takes to destroy any obstacle to our objective.
    Our organisation is second to none. We have a simplified yet extremely efficient infrastructure of ranks, We are constantly reinventing how we operate to stay on the edge.

    - MATURITY -

    We have an amazing player base that will never let you leave. This is a community united in it’s vision - built on mutual respect, teamwork and learning together. Every member of the outfit is a class act and it reflects on the outside as we handle the wider community with tactfulness and excellent sportsmanship. We let our actions speak for our ability.
    Real life comes first! This is something we understand - Neon Grind will be a friendly environment and be as helpful as possible. Inactivity may occur, but so long as you meet the minimum requirements, you will always have an outfit to come back to after a long term absence.


    At a glance, [NE0N] has a full roster of scheduled events, training and Operations (click here for the Calender). Under the surface, the best squads are the ones you don’t see listed. We have private squads running most hours round the clock that cater to different preferences.
    Every Sunday we have OPS at 8pm PST where we will find ourselves the most brutal fights to truly test our mettle and give us a taste in honesty and humility. We learn from our failures and successes and apply ourselves over the next week based on our performance.


    Our Leaders are chosen based on their experience, dedication and ability to take action and lead [NE0N] to it’s fullest potential. Not only do we value action and accountability, but we train and empower Squad and Platoon leaders of a very high standard. Our first rule of Duty and as our competitive culture implies, you can rely on a [NE0N]ite to execute orders to the best of their ability.

    - DYNAMIC -

    Our strength is in combined arms and adaptability. We embrace that as we get larger, we will have cliques and play style preferences and we offer the diversity through our divisions.

    [NE0N] GUARD
    The core of the outfit’s strength, Guard harnesses the raw skill and aptitude of the member
    base and gives them direction and focus on the battlefield. Guard is a breeding ground for
    exceptional squad leaders and the proving grounds for our large scale tactics.

    The Armour division, Hammer is a brotherhood of tanks, harassers and wolf pack tactics.
    [NE0N]’s Hammer is proficient in combined arms from organised orbital strikes to becoming
    an aggressive and highly mobile unit.

    [NE0N] STORM
    The home of [NE0N]’s flyboys and flygirls, Storm employs deceptive tactics in combined
    arms and is the Air Academy for the outfit. Storm is effective in air superiority, combat
    awareness and organised air strikes.

    [NE0N] SABER
    A concentrated potency of [NE0N] with a highly trained, dedicated and experienced member
    core that will challenge even the most confident players in Planetside with their combat
    effectiveness and mental understanding of the battlefield. Balls deep.

    - NEON GRIND -
    The Wider Community

    You are interested in joining a competent, fun outfit for Planetside 2, you will be interested to know we are also a strong limb of a multi gaming community that also plays Diablo 3, Star Citizen, Elder Scrolls, Wildstar, Warframe, and more. We built Neon from the ground up to be an exceptional world-wide multi-gaming community. Despite our wide roster of games, we are passionate about all of them.

    What you need:
    • Over 18 years old.
    • Over BR 25.
    • Microphone.
    We have an interview process that will not only make sure you are up to date with our code of conduct and way of operating, but will also help us figure out where you fit into this amazing machine.

    Further reading:

    See you on Auraxis

    • Up x 2
  2. Psi

    Neon is a fantastic outfit. They converted me from a small squad/solo player to a team player. :D
    • Up x 1
  3. [NEON] Dash

    It is hard to articulate how brilliant our community vibe is, in words. You really need to experience it for yourselves ;)
    • Up x 1
  4. HEAVY[1]

    NEON GRIND changed my life.

    • Up x 1
  5. Flickory

    Wow guys those responses make us look like a cult -

    One of us... One of us...
    JOIN US!

  6. Goiiath

    ^hahaha maybe you guys are a cult flick :p Bump for a great group. Liege will never hesitate to join NEON on the field
  7. Flickory

    Goliath that means a lot coming from you :p
  8. Sumbhajee

    It was awesome fighting alongside you guys on Amerish yesterday! EXE would be happy to run with you anytime!
  9. Flickory

    Well we always know we can count on EXE where it matters :p Good to have it mutual Sumbhajee
  10. Kaal87

    A bump and shoutout to NEON, one of the friendliest and unquestionably, pro-active TR outfits on server.
    Not only do they have a gaming community involved with whateverwhichwhat tickles your gaming needs, these faithful soldiers of the TR are the epitome of strength and unity.

    Great consistent leadership, participating with TR allied platoons/squads.
    A thriving community that caters both to the casual and competitive. Not to mention this applies to games outside planetside 2.
    A passionate TR player-base. Neon players are very focused on improving their players skill, both in the air or on the ground.
    And more importantly, they do all of this while still having fun.

    Need an outfit, or even a gaming clan that's active outside PS2. Look no further, NEON's for you.
  11. Flickory

    Kaalock I have no words. But I might. One ec
  12. Kaal87

  13. Ice

    Oh, is that a [NEON] Mosquito? Maybe I should engage...

  14. Flickory

  15. Squishh


    I have never seen a community like NEON in my all of my years of gaming. One of the things that I love about NEON is they recognize the person behind the keyboard first, and personal in game skill last. NEON has a top notch, and very organized leadership core in place that will teach a person any aspect of the game they wish to learn.

    The OPs group that run every Sunday, and Wednesday are an absolute blast to take part in. The squad and platoon leaders work very well together, and &^%$ gets done!
  16. [NEON] Dash

    Even since I last commented, the Squads, Ops, Events, Squad/Platoon leader training, everything is growing so quickly, yet the quality ALSO goes up. Really lucky to be a part of this Outfit!
  17. Drogra

    We shoots stuffs!
    Also, we do lots of squad/platoon stuffs.
  18. Flickory

  19. Kaal87

    True story: I used fly and run from every dogfight. Now I have to confidence to stand my ground!
    Instead of 'always dying', now its downgraded to 'mostly dying'. Thanks NEON!

    On a serious note that's how being a pilot works, learning the basics of flight combat under an ace will help you learn but more importantly be more confident in the air. After that the sky's the limit.
  20. Flickory

    Last week we had our first offiicial roll out of weekly competition prizes and giveaways!

    Every Sunday OPS from 8pm PST, all [NE0N] outfit members are able to win an awesome item for Planetside 2, BUT we won't tell you how you can win! Last Sunday night on Sunday Goldinflame was our lucky winner of the OPS night raffle for the Nvidia Gear Up Pack!