Aimbot/Hacker accusations

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nooblet91698, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. nooblet91698

    Yesterday as I was running around a tower, a NC was glitching around in front of me. Suddenly he froze still, and I killed him with my pistol. I got a tell from him calling me an aimbot cheater and also telling me to enjoy the ban. I told him he was lagging, and he didn't believe me.

    Do you guys have any stories about any aimbot accusations? This is my first one, so I'm pretty new to this thing.:p
  2. MarvinGardens

    Had a guy say the exact same thing to me except he accused me of using a speed hack. Not sure if it was lag because I didn't notice anything on my end. I was a light assault with Adrenaline Pump. If that actually makes a difference, I can't tell. Got it because it was the cheapest fully upgraded suit slot.
  3. DJPenguin

    Plenty. My favorite has to be the one from a guy who sent me multiple tells on different occasions about cheating and getting reported when he himself eventually started using cheats of his own and eventually got banned.
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  4. nooblet91698

    Adrenaline Pump is useless, and only increases your sprint speed by 5%. Must have been lag :)
  5. Xebov

    I got some tells about this stuff, i simply ignore it. Alot of it is from ppl that simply turn angry if you kill them from a position or in away they dont like. For your case there are enought cases in the game where it comes to lag for single palyers so tehy stand still or run around mid air, got killed because of this some times myself, even lost vehicles. I also seen several Cheaters/Aimbotters in game and its not fun to have them in the area.
  6. Morti

    Yeah plenty, I just ignore them.

    Got called one twice during double XP. Buttmad players can't handle having their ***** handed to them and throw accusations around in a fit of rage.
  7. Teegeeack

    Occasionally. Usually I have no idea why they think I'm cheating nor do they explain it. Used to get a lot of wallhack accusations, though, before the scout radar flash nerf. ******* didn't know 'bout my 200 metre threat detection. Them infiltrators be all up in my biolab hiding behind trees and totally perplexed when they get killed.
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  8. Consumer

    Hopefully you explained it to them, as I had an enemy TR kindly tell me late in the beta when I was simultaneously ambushed post-battle in a secluded spot by 5 soldiers. Because, to be fair, the Scout Radar was a relatively low-risk, sustainable means of impacting a battle, magnified by the many who were completely unaware of it and would ask questions when players went out on a seek-and-destroy mission for measly Flashes.
  9. Teegeeack

    I always did, but it was surprising how many high BR players didn't know about it. The change was for the better, of course. Damn those infiltrators.
  10. teks

    use a UBSG, enjoy the hax accusations.

    I got accused once, which is cool b/c I'm not so great. I shot a guy so many times with an AP cannon he accused me of aimbotting
  11. HooWoo

    All the time when flying because I tend to one clip everyone I see but since most of them are good sports I tend to voice chat them after and we become good friends :)
  12. Visigodo

    So much that it's not even worth mentioning anymore. I got more than a few after I did this.

    I think a hackusation collage is in order.
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  13. Tommyp2006

    Hackusations are just how you know you're an aggrivatingly good player
  14. furrywaffle

    I had people calling me hacker since cs 1.6. This game, not so much.
  15. AzureKnight

    If they report you and you did nothing wrong, the data collected by the servers on SOE's end should show exactly what happened, clearing your name. Though, I'm not sure what they look at in such data. Personally, i had someone insinuate I was cheating but we cleared it up immediately when i told him i saw his dot on radar and he remembered "Oh yeah, I didn't have a suppressor on that gun."

    I will say there are times where I don't know if people are cheating or it's server lag. For instance, 5 people including myself were in a spawn room during a very large battle (had to be well over 75+ on each side) and all of a sudden, we all just died with no explosions going off and my death being attributed to some level 30 VS with some SMG or another. The only thing we had in common is we were all outside the spawn room about 5 seconds before this happened.

    There's also cases where I'll see people moonwalking in midair across amp stations or will deploy 30 meters up from a drop pod. they don't move much, but if I shoot them, I can kill them which probably makes them think there are cheats happening.
  16. Winfield

    I had one happen just last week, since I started playing a bit again after a long break.

    I shot down a mossie with my Titan 150 AP and this followed(Names censored because if it's naming and shaming if I wouldn't):

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  17. Takoita

    I think I got my first accusation of being a 'cheat' yesterday. Was a bit surprised. I was making my daily sacrifice to the shotgun god though...
  18. Slandebande

    I get them on occasion, not as often as I did when I was mainly sniping though, but I do have my favorites. There is a certain VS player on my server that has accused me of hacking at least 3 times over the course of our play-time, one of the times I was in a Skyguard and he flew RIGHT by me, and then he accused me of aimbotting. Hilarious :)
    He also informs me of the ticket # or something like that, as if I should care anything about that. My mind secretly wishes he would visit this thread and read it, but judging from his behavior towards me, I doubt he would remember me as he should be reporting people all over the place :p
  19. Zotamedu

    Never been accused of hacking and I've only gotten one angry tell.

    It was after shooting a bad infiltrator who obviously thought his cloak made him both invisible and invincible because he ran straight at me. So I gunned him down with my CARV-S. I got this tell "Pay2win much?". To this day, I still don't understand what he meant since I killed him with a 250 cert gun because he was being stupid.
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  20. TacticalButterknife

    Get these tells once in a while. Just send them a kind tell explaining how you're weren't hacking, and they were playing ... to put it bluntly, stupidly, or you managed to outsmart/maneuver/play them and grab an easy few kills. If they don't listen... well, you've got nothing to fear! You're innocent, right?
