Carbine Sale

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icor1031, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. icor1031

    I logged in and saw that Carbines were half-off for another 18 minutes..

    Did they have any sales before this one?
  2. Sen7rygun

    No ide but you better jump in and get that Trac 5 Burst while its hot!
  3. SquattingPig

    Better get that hipfire beast AC-X11 before it's too late.
  4. icor1031

  5. SpaceKing

    random sales at random times, usually 25% though
  6. icor1031

    Why didn't they announce this? That's rubbish, I could have been trolling the sales.
  7. wolfva

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

    OK! New sales pitch! Random sales at random times, but instead of 25% off it'll be 25% ON! The crowd'll go wild!
  8. Morpholine

    They do flash sales like these at times. They're generally announced over social media (Facebook, Google+, Twitter).

    I think the last one was pistols.
  9. Concernedplum

    Just got the Razor. Heard it was good. Thanks for pointing this out.
  10. MasonSTL

    They also throw an announcement like a GM message in game. It's a good way to get people to play the game. It gives people more incentive to play for a longer time than to just pop for a few minutes to grab the deal.
  11. Lazaruz

    On their twitter it said 25% off, and in-game it was 50%. A pleasant surprise this time, but mixed messages nevertheless (once again).

    Still didn't buy any, since I got them all already...
  12. SpaceKing

    wasn't trying to, was busy trying to find the site that keeps giving random audio ads while I play PS2
  13. wolfva

    UGH! Now that sounds annoying; g'luck with that. I just close down everything except PS2 when I play. Gods I hate those ads.
  14. Malsvir Vishe

    AdBlock Plus saves the day. :eek:

    Semi-Off-Topic: I figure this flash sale is related to Cyber Monday.

    ... And since they're doing Cyber Monday, I figure I'll get some SC. I also have some GameStop coupons so I get 15 bucks off when I get two cards. It's like double SC, then I get 25% more from Cyber Monday. Perfect! I hope they do flash sales, too. That would be icing on the cake. :D
  15. GhostAvatar

    They always have them in the early hours of the morning on EU servers (for 1 hour only). I have seen 50% off for carbines, pistols and ARs so far this week.