Don't Nerf the Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by deggy, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Dracorean

    The things aren't hard to kill when in my shredder lib, a few AP rounds can also finish it off. Though I do think the little thing is just a tad too tough and I am not saying that is because of the repair seat. I'm saying that its primary defense should be its speed. That is something it should have and be good at, but in exchange for that is its toughness and it just eats up too many bullets even without composite for such a vehicle.

    Though it cant be the vehicle itself that is at fault for all the raging players but also the weapons that the things carry. Which can be pretty powerful depending on faction and function. Otherwise, the harasser itself is annoying but it is very effective in its role, however its not a difficult threat to deal with so long as you avoid it or catch it in a bad spot and unload on it.
  2. sage1210

    no need to nerf a harasser. just give the same self repair system to other vehicles (that also including a light tank) is more than enough. let's imagine the lv90+ skill harasser fight the tank that can do self repair. hit and run but this time when they try to do another shot....oh sorry my tank just become full health again please re-fire me more. you not have any problem right ? you are a skill driver any way.
  3. sage1210

    oh yes catch it in a bad spot. very nice idea then what we should do is dig a pit hole to trap it or something.
  4. Dracorean

    Moving your vehicle to block its path can cause the thing to stop, it has to move forward to get anywhere. Urban areas or places with allot of cover is much harder for it to traverse. A pit isn't something that will stop it, but an obstacle is. Hence a 'bad spot' is instant death for the thing, I've seen and been through it many times.
  5. Kumaro

    Harasser should have.
    Less ammo.
    Weapon of choice should have an effect on vehicle performance.
    Vulnerability to splash damage.
    Damage from ramming all that is turret and max plus things above that.

    What infantry and vehicles should learn.
    It's not good at close quarters
    It's very weak against small arms fire. So don't reach for the rocket launcher just make sure 7+ or more people fire their mains at it. Even using composite it will die fast.

    Spread out your vehicles don't bunch up. The longer you have someone aiming at him the higher the chances that he dies.

    Give lightning racer chassis a max speed of 90 instead of 85.
    Add faction specific or specialisation kits to lightning.

    Yeah that's all i can figure out.