Why the nanoweave rebalance is probably a Bad Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pruto, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Greyfrog

    The forum warrior implying I camp spawn rooms. Awesome.

    How often do you get killed by snipers? You must spend a lot of time standing out on the open trying to figure out where the cap points are.
  2. Axehilt

    It's not going to be possible to achieve that style of balance without a pretty significant change to how easy it is to hit vehicles vs. infantry, which would include completely reworking things like how accuracy vehicles vs. infantry are at firing while moving (vehicles would have to be less accurate, and infantry more.)

    Realistically that's just not going to happen, which means the only way for AV weapons not to be overpowered is to have damage multipliers against armor so these weapons are good against vehicles but bad against infantry.

    You can see this in how ridiculous standard rockets (with no guidance whatsoever) already are against infantry. Rockets are basically the clunkiest possible weapon for engaging infantry, yet because of their damage they're still very effective against infantry. So basically no amount of guidance reduction would make Phoenixes balanced, if they did full damage against infantry.
  3. OgreMarkX

    Clearly, Time To Kill in Planetside is too long. It needs to be around .001 seconds or this console-headshotting-anime-sword-weilding-instagram-itification player is gunna go!

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  4. Bill Hicks

    You must hide inside buildings checking the score boards.
  5. Greyfrog

    Rofl, I'm going to quote the TR soldier here "Is that the best you've got?!".

    You must get OHK so easily because of your head's so big. Post up your facility caps/def big boy, lets see some stats.
  6. HerpTheDerp

    The NW change isn't to make snipers "useful" "again", it's to make NW not the only goddamn viable armor choice in the game, which it is
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  7. Unclematos7

    I hope they make MAX Flak apply to direct hits as well.
  8. Crayv

    I'm fine with it being a reduces bullet damage by a %. That is fine. I am not fine with the no protection from headshots.

    It will further push people into using more accurate weapons. At close range guns like SMGs will become even better since they can more easily land headshots while hipfiring than almost any other gun. Accurate ADS weapons will still be better than any other guns at ranged but even better.

    Weapons with low accuracy it will reward luck more. A weapon with a huge CoF can still land headshots but it will be more out of the users control and more of just where the game decides his bullets will go.

    The whole "rewarding skill" thing sounds nice but there is already a reward for being a better shot than your opponent that is called "you are more accurate than your opponent". So it's already a reward on a reward and this is just going to push that further.
  9. Blippy

    Thankfully this has no negative impacts on me whatsoever since I never played with Nanoweave to begin with, except for NW1 on my Infil, and I've still managed to maintain a good K/D without it.
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  10. Santondouah

    If phoenix would be easily able to hit those targets, it would really be a problem IMO. And a guy in my outfit (DLL2) hits quite a lot of ESFs with his Phoenix.
  11. DeadliestMoon

    I say we wait to see what their other changes will be and/or how they play out in-game.
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  12. Pony Plot Lover

    Flak armor buff? ALL OF MY YES

    I die more to vehicle spam that spawn camps me and that ******* UBGL. If I can get 2000 effective health by running Flak 5, then only decimator should kill me. Decimator will get huge buff and sale, but then everyone should have less cert to upgrade their other stuffs. I hate spotting "enemy heavy" all the time and they try to snipe me with RL. Hopefully low BR noobs still use default dumbfire and I can survive RL direct hits.

    I am going to QQ over proxy mine though. Right now it's fun to kill people with proxy mine, but flak armor will make proxy mine kill much much harder. T_T time to get medkit 4 for infil.

    But biggest thing is UBGL. I am medic and I take risk to farm cert. In biolab UBGL is spammed A LOT by all high BR players and it pisses me off greatly since it interferes with my cert grinding. If flak armor protect me against UBGL, I can pop self-heal and laugh at the noob engie trying to farm easy cert. Now if SOE only remove ammo pack reloading UBGL to make it completely useless.. drool