What sadist invented the Flash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Poorform

    Lets make an ATV...but wait...let's put weapons on it! But here's the kicker--it's the most goddamn squirrely vehicle ever to exist, so much as a slight indication to the left or right is enough to send it into spins and make it completely unable to use it's weapons outside of standing still, letting you get easily headshotted in the process.

    Satan works at SOE.
  2. Zombekas

    You need dem Tokyo Drift skillz
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  3. IamDH

    Answered your own question
  4. IamDH

    Well considering one of the main characters died at the end... Yeah i really am tokyo drifting
  5. Shadowyc

    The Flash is a specially designed vehicle meant to latch onto the bottom of other vehicles and drive them into cliffs, or cling to ceilings.
    The only issue being that it can't climb walls nor remain attached to moving objects.
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  6. Pikachu

    The sadist is the one who REMOVED its ability to turn itself back up.
  7. Poorform

    I honestly thought the vehicles true purpose was its space program possibilities when caught in glitch terrain. But killing stuff?! The hell am I supposed to do that?
  8. Shadowyc

    The space program is a diversion.
    The falling tires are really tactical nukes. Hence clinging to the bottom of vehicles.
  9. IamDH

    Fixed :)
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  10. Camycamera

    wraith cloak anyone?
  11. illgot

    From what I remember, reading a developers post, the Flash basically has spherical wheels, which is why it slides everywhere and has piss poor handling.
  12. Poorform

    I just laughed myself into a half coma thinking of PE bouncy ball vehicles, you know the ones with the handle. The haunting boings always predate the slaughter.
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  13. Axehilt

    Weapons? Fine.

    Designing a no-terrain vehicle instead of an all-terrain vehicle? Bad.
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  14. Crayv

    When the game came out I don't remember them being so easy to flip.

    Anyways it is so bad I call them FTVs.... the F stands for "flip" since they flip over when on terrain.
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  15. MikeJackson

    still is a cheap way of getting hella streaking when defending a biolab. just go wraith cloaking, fury, and spam the sunderers under landing pads.
    there's this BR100 VS guy on ceres who always used to do it, forgot his name.
  16. sustainedfire

    The flash used to handle a bit better. And as others stated, it also used to right itself occasionally, on rolling the atv.

    It changed physics, some time around the introduction of the Harasser.

    Its a shame, because it used to be somewhat fun to drive. Now, when in need of transportation to the next fight, its better to take anything else.

    Taking a flash frequently just functions as a long redeploy. Most of the time after you pull a Flash and start driving off, you just flip randomly/unexpectedly and explode- the time it took to get to a vehicle bay, spawn the flash, and start driving out is most often better used clicking the redeploy button.
  17. Brahma2

    Get some C4 and go stealth and you have the ultimate tank hunter.
  18. wolfva

    After trying to drive a Flash, the Marquis de Sade was found curled up in a fetal position sobbing, "No more..no more...I can't take it...it's to cruel! TO CRUEL!"

    My best kill streak to date with a flash was driving it INTO a tower and guarding A with it. 3 kills. Of course, it was the same guy. He finally learned his lesson and came up behind me.... <LOL>.
  19. Nerp

    My flash brings all the ap vanguards to the yard, and I'm like "pls no shoot". "Yeah right" *Kaplowie*

    Seriously, why are flashes a larger priority than an enemy tank that's actually a threat?

    It's like when a max shoots after a cloaked infiltrator running away while a light assault is running straight for them.
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  20. Shadowyc

    Free certs for when you inevitably explode.