NC > VS > TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, May 2, 2013.

  1. FinnSimmons

    The newest thing the NC do on Cobalt is taking Camp Waterson and then spam TV and laser guided missiles onto everything that comes anywhere remotely close to it. Since the first time I saw that I decided that my time is way better spend fighting the VS. At least I don't get random invisible rocket killed.
    Special weapons like that need to have consumable ammo purchased by infantry resources. Only the dumb fire rocket launcher should have free ammo galore from Ammo packs. Same goes for the grenade launcher and the AV turret.
    The whole concept of those weapons is utterly broken.
    Grenades that are not very likely to hit/kill anything due to the "be careful there is a grenade"-sign cost resources. Invisible rockets that instagib you don't. RIGHT :rolleyes:
  2. Pay2win

    Yup logged on to play as a TR with my T-9 carb. Got ***** by a bunch of NC pay to winners. Sorry to see such a good game lose it's paper, rock, scissors system. I advise those of you who are playing for free, stop. You'll just be a plaything for people to snicker at when they kill you with overpowered weapons.

    Those that say it's not pay to win because you can earn the points freely. These people are intellectually dishonest and can't admit to themselves that the high point requirements discourage discovery and risk taking. The preview system sucks too as you can't really grasp a weapon's true power without full attachments unlocked.

    WTF Sony, good bye for a long *** time
  3. lambusado

    How to defeat a NC max

    Any distance MAX weapon

    How to kill any other NC

    NC is not OP you just need to be more tacticool.
    I find it so easy with my default TR and VS to kill NC.
  4. Ribero

    The hell did this thread come from?
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  5. huller

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  6. lambusado

    How to fix this game and get tactical and intelligent players
    No shotguns for TR and VS.
    Higher Damage for NC and more recoil.
    No high fire rate weapons for NC

    More fire rate for TR.
    No shotguns.
    Mid recoil.

    Mid fire rate
    No Shotguns
    More AoE weapons
    Low Recoil
    No DROP
  7. NightmareP69

    It's kinda funny how this thread suddenly poped up out of nowhere from the days when everyone would run away in fear from the phoenix because it used to 1 shot infantry
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  8. lambusado

    I know, justb putting it out there for people to know
  9. Camycamera

    by lord Higgles, someone Necro'd an old "NC is OP" thread! at this season! when it is "NC is UP" season on the great land of forumside!

    what blasphemy!

    what heresy!

    oh, moderators of forumside, lock this thread immediately before the seasons shift, and chaos is swept across the great land of forumside!
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  10. Bankrotas

    Gotta say, lately you don't come off as arrogant ***** TR, that I hated you for before and you became better at laughing from people without sounding like full of **** ******* (well maybe smelling, but I don't have have addon installed for smedbucks), that made a bit agravating to read your posts.

    Or I like your side that seems to hate misinformation more than one that was annoying.
  11. Zazen

    Just FYI, take it from a highly competitive BR 100 NC. The phoenix has only two purposes...1) kill engies humping their turrets within 300m and 2) VERY SLOWLY take down abandoned vehicles in relative safety. At everything else the Phoenix is a steaming pile of camel crap.

    I rank the phoenix as 1 of my top 3 worse SC buys right behind the E-Modified for the Vanguard(doh!) & the E-Modified for the Harasser (Double doh! I really have to stop playing drunk!). That said, it is fun to use to a degree, it's just less effective at almost everything than any other conceivable option you could think of for AV work.
  12. Paperlamp

    I made this thread a long time ago before the pheonix nerf - dunno why someone necroed it, maybe from my post history but since I was gone for so long they didn't realize how old the posts in there were.

    Anyway, pheonix was really insane when it released and made NC bases way harder to bring vehicles to - your sunderers would be getting pounded constantly behind full cover, and NC would just spam pheonix from all over the place at infantry as well. I don't know exactly what it's like now since I haven't played much NC since returning to the game.
  13. Thubanify

    The Phoenix is, in my opinion, completely useless if your the only player using it. Abysmal damage, absurdly short range and a long reload time. Dedicate a squad to Phoenix duty though, and there's almost nowhere you can hide. But I have yet to find a squad using them together; 4 or 5 tops.

    When they nerfed the damage and range, it made the Striker and Lancer much more formidable. Lock-on to all the things! My rocket launcher is now a precision rifle!

    And about us being the shotgun faction/OP with heavy damage per shot; VS and TR weapons fire extremely fast/have insane accuracy to compensate. I think, at least with primary infantry weapons, the three are even.
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  14. Paperlamp

    I think I can safely say the striker is a downgrade against air to the annihilator now. I can be locking a second shot on with the anni while a striker user has to keep on the target longer which isn't always even possible. The annihilator also can be used to hit from better angles while the striker seems to be easier for pilots to use obstacles to block. It's also very situational against armor. I don't get much use out of it anymore. I actually think the lancer, in spite of being the least liked at launch, might've made it out as the winner of the ESL race at this point just due to not getting nerfed to hell.
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  15. Fatal1o1

    Really? The Phoenix is the worst rocket launcher in the It's does the least amount of damage of all the rocket launchers.
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  16. bubbacon all the posts on this thread and just thought I would add my 2cp worth. I play all 3 factions 78TR, 38VS, and 29ish NC. I'm currently putting more time in on my NC toon and from my perspective, any1 that thinks NC Maxes are OP doesn't (A) know their own Maxes capabilities or (B) doesn't know the handicap of the NC Max.

    The NC Max is deadly at 10m, but so is every Max. Run up on a VS Max with dual Blueshifts and see how long u last, up on a TR Max with dual onslaughts...dual Mercs...dual Fracs...mix and match that **** and it wont matter...he will smoke your ***. Furthermore, the VS Max and TR Maxes are deadly at med and long range. Look, if you TR guys haven't figured out the power of Fracs yet, I can't help you. I can tell ya that I feel like a God on my TR Max or VS Max after I spend time on the NC Max.

    Yeah NC has a cool weapon...the me...its more bark than bite. It takes forever to take out armor or fixed guns with one. got the Lancer and its really cool and deadly. Deadly because your target never gets an alert tone or just get smoked real quiet like. TR...does it go without saying...the Fracture is a beast and I never leave home without it on my TR toon.

    Hey, don't take my word for it. Roll out an NC Max and if your honest about it, you will see that they are terrible by comparison.
  17. Morpholine

    It's a camera-guided Decimator.

    Sure, it could use a big cut in reload time, since projectile travel time really brings down its sustained damage over time, but it's flat-out wrong to say it does the least amount of damage.

    Also, who let the necromancer out of his tomb at Dol Goldur?
  18. Silver Fox

    What is it with people bumping old threads now?

    Is this what all the cool kids are doing these days?
  19. Fatal1o1

    Flat out wrong , you say? I dunno maybe you wanna go look at the damage stat...........doh!
  20. Morpholine

    Again - it does the same damage to vehicles as the Decimator. Hardly lowest of the launchers.

    It may be lowest against infantry, but I have a very strong suspicion that the Lancer actually has the lowest against infantry, and neither weapon (nor any of the launchers, actually) should be used on softies very often in the first place.