First Impressions by a BR80 after a 4 month leave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoogleIntern2013, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. GoogleIntern2013

    First Impressions by a BR80 after a 4 month leave:

    -fps increased
    -strikers no longer OP

    -AV turret still hits from 1000000000 meters away
    -Vulcan still tears apart armor in seconds
    -marauder is still a STRAIGHT upgrade from the fury and is still the best cert farmer
    -harassers still own tanks
    -lightnings still have no role in this game (except for skyguards)
    -Magriders still suck Major major @$$ compared to the other 2 tanks
    -Mosquitos still dominate the skies
    -lasher still a pos
    -TR generally still overpopulated because of easy win weapons and OP vehicles
    -VS max vortex's still do 0 damage against infantry while TR still pulls fracture (AV maxes) to deal with infantry
    -no endgame
    -mindless zerging
    -zerging wins all battles

    Other notes:
    -I'm gonna laugh when VS gets a charge up pistol and a charge up sniper and NC gets a shotgun pistol and a shotgun sniper while TR gets pistols and snipers that sprays out bullets like a minigun for free wins
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  2. GoogleIntern2013

    I don't even know why i bother with this dying game anymore. Farm farm mindless farming zerging all day...base to base to endless bases...

    Oh and-

    still no resources overhaul
  3. NinjaTurtle

    Unfortunately a good deal of the cons you mention would have been fixed by now I think if SOE had not been working on OMFG for the last 3 months.

    Now with the elephant in the room out of the way mostly content should start coming soon and there are balance passes on the way too which will hopefully deal with the Vulcan amongst other things
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  4. Pikachu

    Give me that yellow MAX camo.
    Also vanu MAX is good with and without ZOE.
    Lasher is kinda good, or at least fun. Could use buff in velocity and spray accuracy.
    Any suggestion to prvent people from gathering into groups?
  5. Flavo

    So in short:
    • TR OP
    • VS UP
    • ZOE? No comment.
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  6. jiggu

    Is this 2012 the vanu are crying over TR again
    Not even half of that list makes sense. I do agree about the lasher though
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  7. Anolos

    yes, I agree. I have also been away for many months and I come back and things are probably worse overall. Kinda sad. I guess this is part of why Sony corp loses money ever quarter.
  8. LonelyTerran

    Omg the vulcan received a mag increase.
  9. Nocturnal7x

    Play on mattherson, you'll see how OP TR are :rolleyes:
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  10. Mustarde

    All 4 months were spent optimizing. There hasn't been much in the way of game balance at all. That is why we are seeing several balance posts now, revealing SOE's plans to correct overperforming/underperforming weapons and classes. I can't even take this whine thread seriously.

    Also, TR generally over popped because of EZ weapons and vehicles??? What is this, a WDS QQ thread? Those arguments were lame then, and are even more pathetic now.
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  11. Anolos

    Im on Connery. Been back about a week. We were massively outgunned when I left. Now, we are still massively outgunned. I don't know what server you are on but on Connery TR have the lowest population every single time Ive been on for the past week, and always before I left. At least get the facts straight. IMHO, population imbalance is the biggest wreck Sony made with this game. It's PvP. You need to balance populations and make some sort of death penalty. Allowing people to suicide at base defense and then just respawn instantly is really ********.
  12. GoogleIntern2013

    yellow max camo came from the 2013 ps2 event thing at las vagas.
  13. WyrdHarper

    Alright, on Mattherson for the last two weeks VS has had 4X% world pop during primetime (although more on the tail-end). On other servers (such as Woodman, I believe), VS also has a massive population advantage. Population imbalance is a problem, but a greater percent of the servers have more issues with VS overpop than TR.
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  14. Anolos

    It doesn't matter on which server...population imbalance for any faction on any server is a problem. My entire outfit, almost 2 platoons worth at launch, is now down to about 8 max at primetime. On my server a large part of that is down to population imbalance. Im sorry your server population sucks. I would say ask Sony but the 10 people that work on this game don't have the time, resources or motivation to answer you for it...
  15. IamDH

  16. EndOurSuffering

    Or Connery...
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  17. teks

    Try not farming. the game is much more fun.
  18. xxJackallxx

    The thing is the OMFG optimizations are not done. This was just phase 1 and they still have Amerish and Esamir to give the once over in terms of optimizing yet as only Indar has been done with the OMFG patch.

    So yeah while phase one is done you still have more to go before it is completed.
  19. AdmiralArcher

    play on connory, and you will see why i hate the VS and my idiot TR teammates
  20. AdmiralArcher

    but what about hossin?:rolleyes: