Adrenaline shield, worth the cert?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by longmachao, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. longmachao

    I've reached the 10k cert cap (yet again), so i was thinking of blowing it on the Adrenaline shield.. Anyone had good experience with it? Is it a straight upgrade from regular nanite mesh shield like people saying? Also, i've heard they're refunding cert for nanoweave armor, so what happen if we have 10k cert already?
  2. Xellas

    It's a solid upgrade to the nanite mesh from what I can tell (certed 4 levels of it so far). You regen shield like the normal one, but also if you get kills you get a bonus bit of power, up to 20% per kill at max certing, meaning that if you go on a jackhammer rampage you can keep a solid amount of overshield flowing as long as the kills keep coming. Combining it with a good chokepoint and the Godsaw leads to almost perpetual overshield.
  3. Ryme

    It is added ontop of your 10k. You won't be able to earn any more certs until you spend them down below the 10k limit.

    Adrenaline is good if you're some sort of chain kill streaking bastard. It refills your shield with each kill. It's a nice idea in theory but the shields last so short in duration, I don't see how it will really benefit the average player.
  4. Monkeydmomo

    Cert the adrenaline shield if you're confident on your aim and feel you're a good heavy otherwise take the resist shield crutch for bad heavies, you'll survive even vs good players.
  5. vsae

    If you shred people consistently - go for it. Personally I find this much better than resist for me as I dont even use the medpacks anymore.
  6. Hatesphere

    the nanoweave changes are likely going to make the resist shield more of a direct side grade, since they are making nano a flat % resistance. you will likely see resist shield heavies running other suit slots.
  7. longmachao

    I thought the adrenaline shield suppose to last as long as the regular nanite mesh shield.

    My only concern is its " too good to be true", it seems like there isn't enough downside to using it beside the heavy cert cost. So, i'm a little paranoid about getting it.
  8. Hatesphere

    upgrading the normal NMG givers you a higher passive regen rate, upgrading the adrenaline shield does not, it just makes it charge faster per kill.

    NMG is good if you have more downtime, Adrenaline is good for stringing kills to get you mesh back up faster and keep going.
  9. Xellas

    As you put it.. you've got 10k certs, it's not gonna burn even half that. If you are running the current shield, then it's going to play extremely similarly except when you kill people you'll notice your shield coming back much, much faster. Other than that, no real differences.
  10. longmachao

    K, thx for everyone's input .. really help clear things up for me.
  11. Ture

    Depends, if you can get one kill on average before you die it's worth it. Otherwise not. I use it all the time.