Semi-Auto Sniper vs Scout Rifle?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Xocolatl, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Xocolatl

    I am an occasional sniper, and I prefer semi-auto weapons. I engage mostly mid-range fights, mostly by flanking, and spotting, and assassinating high priority targets (Engineers following MAXes, people repairing tanks, etc). I find that semi-auto weapons works better in this type of situation since I'm not too far away, so I can double tap multiple targets quicklly (at 75-125m or so, it seems that you can double tap effectively). But I still can't settle between Sniper vs Scout Rifle (have yet to buy one for my NC toon).

    The way I see it, Scout Rifle has lower damage, but no scope sway, which is nice for lining up quick, successive shots. Sniper Rifles, of course, it deadlier on one or two target, but the amount of time you can hold your breath limits how many successive targets I can take out. Generally though, I don't take more than two or 3 targets at once though, so that breadth of time is "usually" enough.

    What's your thoughts on it? Do you think I should go with Sniper Rifle, or Scout Rifle? How do they compare when hip-fired? (I can't do snap aiming due to the new patch actually killing my frames rather than helping T-T)
  2. ZeroErrorz

    semi auto scout= super acurate slug shotty,the hipfire is awesome, 3-8 shot to kill
  3. Xocolatl

    I see. I also didn't realize that the Scout Rifle is actually full auto. Not bad at all, actually.
  4. JesNC

    There's a full auto and a semi-auto one. The semi-auto Scout is actually extremely powerful in close range encounters, and much better at hipfiring than the close range sniper rifles.
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  5. WarmasterRaptor

    Trial them in live combat, that'll give you the best impression. Not in the VR.
  6. Erendil

    I use a very similar flanking, mid-range DMR playstyle quite often and I found the Scout Rifle serves my purposes better.

    The Semi-auto sniper rifles are slightly better at strictly medium range sniping (75-200m range), but I found the Semi-auto Scout Rifles to be more versatile.

    IIRC, the Semi-auto Sniper rifles take one less shot to kill someone w/o Nano (from 20-100m) or with Nano 5 (from 30-130m). But the Scout's recoil is lower, its recoil recovery is faster, its RoF is higher, and if equipped with a 4x scope it also has no sway like you said.

    Plus the Scout's hipfire accuracy is way better and it has access to more attachments (I use the Laser Sight and Flash Suppressor). And, if the Nano nerf goes through as they've announced, it will be a headshot machine at medium range too due to the lack of sway since it will be a 2-HS kill at any range just like the semi-auto Sniper..
  7. OldMaster80

    As far as I'm concerned Semi-auto sniper rifles can't be used from the hip, you just couldn't hit an elephant. You can do that with the SA Scout Rifle but let's be honest: if you expect to fight face to face with other classes using a Scout Rifle from the hip you will always be outperformed by most of weapons out there. WIthout mention that you have to fit a laser pointer to fire from the hip so bye bye silencer and you will be visible on the map.
    Since I usually aim, my opinion is that the SA Sniper Rifle is way better that the Scout Rifle despite the sway: higher damage, faster bullets, longer range make my KSR-35 outperform the HSR-1 in almost every case.
  8. JohnProut

    Dude, you can put a laser sight AND a supressor on a SA scout...

    The nyx (vs SA scout) is my second most used weapon of the game (1st for inf). Perfect for quick hit n' run close/mid range sneaky style with the ability to snipe stationnary target at long range. With laser sight it also becomes a shotgun, i win 1v1 CQC vs any class (even HA) on a regular basis. It might be one of the most difficult weapon to play with, but once you master it, it's deadly and very versatil.

    I use laser sight, silencer, reflex 2x

    If you're more mid/long range that just like to pop heads, SA sniper is probably a better choice. But if you like to go close range a bit to cap points, hack (=being usefull...), SA scout + laser sight is what you need.
  9. OldMaster80

    Ouch touché, my mistake.

    Yes I'm more into a mid-range combat. I don't see the point in fighting close quarter agains other deadly classes than often equip smgs, shotguns and other stuff using a semi-auto scout rifle like a shotgun. I'm more for the "stay hidden/flank/don't get close" strategy :D
    But after all that's one of the reasons why PS2 is so cool: different setups match different play styles, there's not an overall best choice.
  10. JohnProut

    The point is versatility. If i go close range most of the time, i just use an SMG (or auto scout ;) ). But with this setup you're the king of mid range,you can be effective at long range and you can get close and still have a good chance to defend yourself (not to mention that you can get close smartly with recon darts). It's not the best in each of this situation, but can get the job done in all 3.
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