[Suggestion] Heavy assaults

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by GeminiSol, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. GeminiSol

    List of Idea's: LMG's need more Recoil. Reduction in movement speed doesn't seem to matter when they are already shooting at you forcing you to either die or take cover.

    Shields need a delay to turn on. Instantly being covered in a extra layer of shield doesn't seem right or.. balanced. Therefore a 3-5 second delay for the shield to activate should seem fair.

    Shields need less Health. Putting a whole clip inside of Heavies (Any gun really) should kill them no matter.

    Shields and Knives: Knifing a heavy should go through the shields BEHIND the NMG. Example: if i knife a heavy, the NMG shouldnt go down. But instead his/her health should go down (maybe two knife hits and or Three should do it)

    Rocket launchers: So they seem to be the only class that is able to carry a heavy LMG and a Heavy Rocket launcher. To be honest they should have a Movement reduction by default. (no NMG activation) And are forced to buy a Suit slot (Much like a LA) to have a speed bonus. But its either: heavies get a speed reduction by default OR they lose the Rocket launcher and maybe the Engineer or some other class gets the Rocket launcher.

    Now since I'll most likely get the same ''This is a Balanced class you do not know what you are talking about'' or anything of the sort as always. I'll just simply put this out and not bother to even look at it. You all need to open your eyes and see this class is UNBALANCED and OVERPOWERED. Or do you guys want to see this game Die so very slowly and painfully due to people leaving because of this class (and the way the game is currently going in general)
  2. TheBloodEagle

    10/10 for unique nerf HA thread.
    • Up x 5
  3. KnightCole

    The whole clip into a heavy thing is lag. I do the same thing to Engis, medics, infils and the like as an HA due to lag.

    Its astounding how simply walking forward will take the bullets to kill from like 10 to 50 and still nothing.

    Just tonight, I blow up a Mossie, pilot LAs out, lands on the pad, all the while I hit him, like 3 times in the air, then he lands on teh tower pad and I unload as he runs a straight line off the side, hitting him maybe 5-6 more times. Im sure I hit him more though. But even then, thats 8 hits, 167x8=1336damage. I know I hit him more though, so yeah. Lag is the cause of alot of our OMG so OP threads.

    If SoE could figure out how to make lag not suck....
  4. SquattingPig

    1) A lot of weapons have higher DPS than LMGs, especially NC ones
    2) You should avoid direct confrontations with heavies, e.g. use cloak, jumpjets, mines, UBGL, etc
    3) Movement reduction is a big deal when movement is such a big part of the game
  5. Rogueghost

    I remember seeing a lot of threads claiming that SMG infiltrators are killing the game, as well as medic revive balls, engineer noobtoobs and Av turrets, LAs getting behind enemy lines, and maxes, all have threads complaining about how they are killing the game.
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  6. McToast


    Just out of curiosity: Are you serious or is this cleverly hidden irony because of all this "nerf this nerf that" threads? I agree that the HA is overpowered insofar that he's way too versatile. But your suggestions for nerfs seem a bit... harsh.

    the Toast
  7. Cromell

    It's fine the way it is. Heavy is THE pvp class, bearing most firepower and durability in combat, at the price of everything else. It's easy to play and that's why many newbies pick them - to have a slightly easier start and actually be able to kill stuff.

    LA and CQC Infil are much more fun to play than a heavy, but require more experience/skill. In return they offer something more interesting than pointing and shooting. Medic and Engie are invaluable support assets and great classes to grind certs on (though Engie could use a slight buff in cert gain for repairs).

    So yeah, no nerf or change needed here.
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  8. KnightCole

    And right beside it is a heap of threads claiming that each and everyone of those is UP as well....

    We will never agree lol.

    I join the crew saying SMG infil is OP and overly irritating for sure. Noobtoobers are just morons...
  9. Bill Hicks

    3/10 too obvious
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  10. BuggerRat

    You are being too harsh; I'd give him a 5. I mean, he's obviously learned from the debacle that was his last thread and he's doing a better job of obfuscating if not cloaking (haha) his intentions this time.
    If he shows even half this much sneakiness in his gameplay, he's well on his way to becoming king of the SMG backshots on his server.;)
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  11. Superplox

    Ah I see he has returned to whine about the Heavy Assaults. Nice to see that you have taken an effort to not be so obvious!:D
  12. Mxiter

    What?? HEAVY assaults are too stong at killing stuffs? :eek:
  13. PastalavistaBB

    • Up x 1
  14. Posse

  15. Selrahc4040

    While HA pisses me off just as much as the next guy; this is a bit... Much.
  16. acksbox

    Nothing wrong with Heavy Assault.

    Indeed, if any changes need be made (and I think very few changes to any class are necessary) they should be based around HA.
  17. Shatara

    You know your game is balanced when the cries for nerfs are evenly distributed.
  18. BuggerRat

    The force will reach true balance when every single empire specific thing is removed and we're all reduced to using NS.
    After all, every company in the Conglomerate is merely a shell company for NS and with all that money they basically bought every senator in the Republic and bankrolled an obscure cult into galactic religion status. NS controls every monetary, political and religious aspect in the Planetside universe :p
  19. SevenTwo

    Then why do you bother posting this drivel at all?

    HA don't really give a damn about your suggestions considering how extremely radical they are and seeing you are not coming back to check the thread, why do you post this?

    God dammit I hate people. :mad: