Trouble using the HS/NV scope -- graphics issue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Argus002, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Argus002


    So, I have a bit of a newbie question, but it's something that I've been wondering about for a long time now. How does one effectively use the HS/NV scope? When I use it, anything past about 50 yards is pitch black, rendering it extremely unuseful. Moreover, I have seen videos of people using it who did not have this problem and could see much further out.

    I recall hearing something about this being the case on low graphics quality, but after playing with my settings, I noticed no changes. What setting in specific do I need to change to allow me to use this scope?

  2. Ned

    Are you using it on Esamir? Esamirs background has a problem with HS/NV scope

    On other continents it seems the same as it always was, I run on high/ultra however
  3. LineTrap

    The washout is horrible. Turns Esamir, which is otherwise one of the most fun continents for me, into a dreaded experience.

    The same blinding white HS/NV screen also occurs on the other continents during dawn and dusk (when the sun is near the horizon and everything is tinted orange). In another instance I noticed that when facing the sun the scope worked fine; when facing away from the sun: blinding washed-out screen.
  4. Argus002

    I've been testing it out in VR training. I just can't see very far at all, because it turns everything pitch black past a certain distance.
    For reference, I stop seeing anything beyond about the distance of the furthest target in the pistol firing range, if that far even.
  5. Prudentia

    thats how it is supposed to be and should be. It's basicly a Highlighter for You to see enemies, if this worked at ALL ranges it would be the most OP Thing in the Game
  6. Argus002

    Oh, really?

    I can understand not highlighting targets past a certain distance, but, completely obscuring my vision past the range of a handgun?
  7. Paperlamp

    It's a situational scope for easy spotting at night or through smoke and such.

    I just wish we could toggle the night vision and highlight effects off and just use the basic crosshair it has when we need to fire at longer ranges. It would be overpowered if it highlighted enemies over a long distance, but it's a bit annoying switching between reflex and HS/NV so frequently for me.
  8. MilitiaMan

    Thermal is buggy on Esamir.

    Everything is white when it should be black and the heat sources (infantry vehicles) have such a light orange it almost looks white.

    Thermal is really stupid at times but it works great on Amerish, Indar has the same problem as Esamir in certain places.
  9. Gheeta

    It's bugged, only works properly with some graphics settings just like tracers. The range limitation is intentional tho.

    You can use it on esamir fairly well if you have graphics quality set to low, at least that is the case for me but then again your tracers will not work on low.