Played on Ultra for the first time today...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    Now with the first round of optimization out, I can actually run the game on ultra without my computer having a stroke (running around 40-50 FPS without shadows) and GOD this game is pretty but man I don't see how people put up with it because it makes it harder to see stuff.
  2. NateTronic

    ya i agree so much going on with lighting and shadows and reflections...i keep everything on low settings with the graphics quality on high so i can easily pinpoint targets. (and my pc can handle that better)

    If im dying because all the pretty lights are flashing and blinding me then i turn them off.
    Even when i upgrade im not sure i would turn on ULTRA.
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  3. Pixelshader

    the eternal dilemma of pretty lights versus practicality
  4. treeHamster

    I tried using ZOE at night but I couldn't see ANYTHING as I shot. I just sprayed like a madman, hoping to hit stuff because I couldn't see what I was shooting at.
  5. NoctD

    The lights are bad - but that damm awful stupid needless fog... if only one could kill that, the game would look so beautiful on ultra.
  6. Gheeta

    Would be fine if they just let us turn of the damn bloom and dof effects on high graphics. :/
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  7. treeHamster

    My thoughts exactly. I like the high res textures, flora, and particle effects, but I can't stand all the lighting simulation. If I wanted to be blinded, I could just walk outside and stare into the sun for peat sake.

    P.S. My FAVORITE part of Ultra is the fact that the tracers look like tracer rounds and not flying crayons (turn on low and watch a Vulcan if you wanna know what I mean).
  8. nonefoyourbussiness

    glad it worked you sadly did't do **** for me my pc has good cpu and ram video card is what was outdated on mine so this patch did't do ****.

    did't realy expect it to sony has the worst reputation in graphics they have no talent in doing decent looking effects at good gpu use.
  9. SgtScum

    Agree one million percent. All they really have to do is split fog and bloom off from the presets and nearly everyone in the game would rejoice.

    A little too obvious. Try one of the existing 'werst patch evah!!!' threads to get a bite.
  10. xxJackallxx

    Agree every game that has those setting available they are the first thing I turn down or off. The rest of the Ultra settings I can live with.

    Bloom and DOF is always in every game I play so poorly implemented it makes things look terrible.
  11. Hibiki54

    This game is beautiful on Ultra. I've been in huge armor battles at night with tracers flying everywhere and so many rockets/shells flying through the air. Bad ***.