The Vanu have finally found a use for the Lightning's HE cannon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

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  2. RabidBadger

    This new revelation has been brought to you by the scientists at Vanu laboratories.

    Vanu Laboratories where Technology is Might
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  3. IamDH

    Lol i once saw this as Woodman TR.

    All the zerg was using it
  4. Pikachu

    It can be done with harasser too. I do it sometimes. It can be really good but no one else does it.
  5. Crackulous

    Seen that with the harrasser as well. You can take shortcuts that were once limited to those playing as light assaults.
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  6. RasFW

    That is genius!
  7. hihihilolHI

    Behold, the might of the Vanu!
  8. Hoki

    been doing this forever
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  9. Pikachu

    Exactly. I use it on Xeno Tech and Excavation point.
  10. Nyscha

    I've been doing that for ever...
    Especially as a bridge to get to a sundy.

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  11. metrotw

  12. GrayPhilosophy

    "whats this? A tank they says?.. pah! Hah! It doesn't even shoot lazorz.. It's not a weapon. Oh! It must be a siege ladder! Aye! Like the 14th century back on earth!"
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  13. wolfva

    Man, and just today I said in /yell that I hoped one day the geniuses at NS would discover the long lost technology of 'ladders'....and here are the Vanu, improvising their own. Go figure.
  14. SenEvason

    Did this back in beta.

    Actually, I was seeing people do this on custom maps in Star Wars Battlefront 2.
  15. Vicarious

    ** Vanu trips and spandex pantyhose get caught on turret**

  16. Regpuppy

    Finally? People have been doing this since they found out the tank's barrel has it's own collision box. In fact, Vanu are the only ones who don't specialize in this tech... NC and NS are. :p
  17. GhostAvatar

    Ahhh, the good old days where you didn't have to detonate tank mines after dropping them.
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  18. MrMurdok

    You just dropped them and casually walked away, not sprinted, oh no, just walked, and tries to see how much of 'Pop Goes The Weasel' you can whistle on Proxy.
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    I used to do things like that, but then I learned how to get over the walls by turning at the correct angle while spamming jump. No need for silly vehicles.
  20. PrimePriest