Stabilize turret for lib tail gunner.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    Lib tail guns are hard. You've got to aim at attacking aircraft which are trying their hardest to avoid your fire, and deal with your pilot who will be pitching and rolling all over the place to try and get a shot on the attackers.

    So why not make it easy on us 3rd seaters and stabilize the turret? Meaning no matter how much your pilot rolls around, your view (and gun) stays oriented to the ground.
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  2. DevDevBooday

    Having to aim is the entire point.
  3. Sen7ryGun84

    Who cares about tail gun stabilisation. Make lib crew exp an even share for everyone including the tail gunner. Being a tail gunner in a lib is equivalent to being a volunteer fart sniffer. There is not a single situation in the game whereca lib is better off using a tail gun then tipping up and letting the belly do the shooting.
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  4. Halcyon

    And speaking of points, you missed the OP's.
    Do you even know what stabilized aiming means?

    I care about it, and apparently so does the OP.
    Sorry you don't get to talk for the entire player base.
  5. HLM

    Let's get turret stabilisation on Prowlers first and then worry about Liberators.
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  6. DevDevBooday

    No I didnt miss the point, and yes I do know what it means.

    If it was stabilised, taking down aircraft would be easy, then they would just nerf the walker. The fact that aiming is difficult is the only reason why an ESF has a chance at taking down a Lib.
  7. SpaceKing

    Tail guns are hardly a threat to an ESF pilot, mostly because DO A BARREL ROLL impedes aiming
  8. Jeslis

    It already is stabilized. What your encountering are the *walls* -- the limit in which that turret is allowed to aim... otherwise it tries to maintain its current aiming.

    You can test/prove this yourself.. get in the tailgun and have the pilot turn left/right (YAW, not roll), this should also work with Pitching.

    Roll is generally not stabilized (Magriders *roll* definitely isnt.)
  9. SpaceKing

    That would be the idea here
  10. Jeslis

    I don't think they have the programming to do that.. .. like.. Turrets can't rotate in their *sockets*.. they only go left/right, up/down.. and adding *roll* to turret movement is probably never going to happen.
  11. NikkoJT

    Then how do modern tanks stabilize their aim? Plus, aircraft turrets are actually in ball sockets - they can roll.

    Aim stabilization for all tanks is my dream. The number of time I've missed a Vanguard shot (and consequently lost the fight) because of a tiny bump...
  12. Flapatax

    Telling the program that "this is how it works in real life" doesn't actually induce code.

    In any event, I would recommend the XP share.
  13. JackD

    There is no point in using the tailgun for A2A since 2 out of 3 belly weapons esceed at this. This is the main problem of the tail gun.
  14. Demetrios

    The Walker rips and so does the Bulldog if you can aim and your pilot knows how to give angles to both belly and tail, I shoot down ESFs with the Bulldog (I'm working on the Auraxium now that the CAS30, Dalton, Shredder and Zepher are done). EXP share would be great for Walker gunning, if the pilot knows how to iron cross the Bulldog is good for infantry farming in its own right. The only problematic attackers for the Walker or Bulldog are ones that sit at render distance, even if you connect with the Walker the drop off is unforgivable and forget about reliable Bulldog hits from that far.
  15. JackD

    Shredder and Dalton are way better from a near distance, and as youself told, Bullog is bad for distance.
  16. Jeslis

    I'm not referring to them not existing in the real world, I mean in game.. you can't *roll* your turret deliberately, whether thats any of Dalton/Zephy/Shredder//Bulldog/walker, or your tank turrets, there is no *input keybind* for roll. all mouse left/right does is turn... Therefor it's not coded in and would likely never be added..

    Make sense now?
  17. Maljas23

    The reason tail gunners aren't worth anything IS BECAUSE of the lack of the stabilization. That was the OP's point.
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  18. gloowa

    Why would you stabilize turret of best anti-Lib weapon in game?
  19. SpaceKing

    No, it'd be automatic stabilization. Your pilot goes all Starfox 64 on you, but the tailgun only shifts a little rather than spinning like a top
  20. Shralla

    Generally? They don't fire while moving, just like people don't.