NC The Screwed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NylaJess, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. NylaJess

    Well few true facts about NC being the most useless Faction comparing against VS & TR.
    Thanks to SOE nerfing after nerfing the NC since release and not even care to do something about it.

    1 - NC as the Worse Max - Long reloads, small clips size, low rof and not even 1 choice to medium/long range weapon like TR and VS Max have, all NC is worthless shotguns and crappy Aegis shield almost useless u still get damage anyway and while using Aegis even Snail outrun NC Max.

    2 - Infantry to get decent weapon NC needs at least 1000 Certs, TR & VS only need btw 250/500 certs to get very good weapon. Best weap NC as is Jackhammer, again damn shotgun.

    3 - Even NC Harraser weapons available are worse than the TR and VS Harraser.

    4 - The only thing "decent" NC as is the Vanguard for now, until SOE decide to nerf it or give it similar as infantry short range weaps, im almost sure will not be long for that to happen.

    5 - For how long SOE will keep ignoring to balance NC and start actualy doing what is suppose to be rigth in terms of balance, after almost year the only thing SOE as done is nerfing the NC top to bottom, until the point is the most useless faction to play or for new players joining in.

    6 - NC is faction of short range, how about SOE remove the Knive and Max Punch and give to the NC "Bite" after all will suit NC better, NC can kill their enemies like and Vampire even at shorter range.

    Now another "funny" thing is WG rotation, NC last time got the North WG stayed for 1 week or less plus NC as less time in North WG, even that NC comes last.
    This last update they rotated the WG's in Esamir & Amerish, they forgot in Indar lol, but personaly i dont care about the rotation of WG anyway.
    Until SOE start to actualy do something about NC and stop nerf after nerf and ignoring the facts PS2 will never be balanced game btw all factions.

    Thanks To SOE for Screwing NC in general and ignoring players with true facts etc regarding how much worthless NC have been for long time now until this day.
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  2. JackD

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  3. Raraldor

    Translation: (I in no way agree but wow)

    1 .The NC have the worst MAX. They have long reloads and a small clip size, as well as a low rate of fire. The only thing NC maxes have are shotguns, no mid range capabilities. Our Aegis shield is worthless and you still get damaged as well as walking incredibly slowly with it on.

    2. To get decent NC infantry weapons we need to spend 1000 certs compared to the TR and the VS only needing to spend 250-500 certs. Out best weapons is the Jackhammer, another damn shotgun.

    3. The NC harasser weapons we have available to us are worse than what the TR/VS can dish out

    4. The only thing "decent" that the NC have is the Vanguard, until SOE decided to nerf it and give it more shotguns.

    5. How long will SOE stop ignoring the balancing out that the NC needs? After almost a year the only thing they have done is nerf us to hell, to the point that the faction is useless.

    6.the NC faction's trait seems to be short range, how about SOE removes out knife and max bunch and make us bite the enemy and spread rabies.

    Another "funny" thing is the warpgate rotation. The last time the NC got the North Indar Warpgate we only had it for one week. Not to mention we have had the north warpgate less than the rest of the factions.

    Until SOE actually does something about the NC and stop nerfing them over and over, Planetsid e2 will never be a balanced game.

    Thanks SOE for screwing the NC and ignoring the true facts and player's outcries.

    Edit: now for my response:

    1. I feel out MAX is fine as it is, it suits it's purpose nicely, which is defense. We do point defense better than any other max unit with out shotguns and shield. Instead of an attacking role (which we can still do when stomping into a building) we play the most defensive role in the game.

    2.I find most of the beginner weapons that the NC get to be fine starting weapons, except the Gauss Saw, which I feel should be switched with any other NC LMG.

    3. Our Enforcer is a problem, and it's been confirmed to be getting a fix soon if I remember right. Other than that we have the Halberd which is a great weapon for such a fast moving vehicle.

    4. I doubt they'll change the Vanguard in any way anytime soon, I think it's fine as it is, serving a more mid-long range roll.

    5.I think NC is balanced for the most part.

    6. This makes me laugh

    As far as warpgate rotations go, that hardly has an impact on your overall enjoyment of the game.
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  4. TomoB

    "Shotguns for the hillbillies, good idea yes?"
  5. Jakko

    These posts are pure comedy, they are the guilty pleasure of forumside.
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  6. Flapatax

    The Godsaw is probably a really bad starting weapon. One of the best weapons in the game bar none, but not good to learn on for sure.
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  7. -Synapse-

  8. Kugelfisch

    Just for the Warpgates: There are other continents besides Indar and I'd gladly switch from the northern WG to the south western one. It's the nicest looking place in Indar with the most interesting bases. The north is very easy to hold but incredibly boring.

    The other things I won't even touch with a ten foot pole.
  9. Keldarris

    And here we have an example of the clueless. Why?

    Back when I was on the Genudine Server, it was hard to find a fight....ANYWHERE! Generally two verse two squads was considered a 'big fight'. Each of the sides has very low population. For those that remember, Genudine was folded into Helios, and bigger battles were had. But two things were taking place: A ) SOE was nerfing the NC and B ) NC players were switching to VS/TR or leaving all together. This trend contuined on into Connery. Eight months of 'action' later, the NC is the smallest population on Connery. The only ones you'll find on there are the diehard NC players.

    "Liberty or Death!"

    Any player worth their weight has tried out the NC gear, weapons and vehicles. They know whether they can admit it or not, that the NC is inferior to the other two factions in every category. The MAXs are second class citizens compared to the other two faction MAXs. Heavy Assault weapons suck against the Orion. And when I tried the VS's basic medic gun, I mowed down five NC and STILL had eight rounds left in my magazine. Yeah, my outfit recently tested all these weapons at Saurva Overflow Station about two weeks ago. We even have the video of our tests!

    This steady reduction in NC Players should be worrisome to anyone that plays VS or TR. Since it means two things:

    1 ) A more 'ghost town' effect on your server and less game play.
    2 ) Less profit flowing into SOE's coffers = less desire to add new things into the game

    So real, the TR and VS have a huge amount of things to lose if they are enjoying the game while the NC suffer. Players play the game to have....FUN.....right? When players are not having fun, they don't play the game. Less NC players, because their gear, weapons, and vehicles all suck means less enjoyable game play for everyone on the server. An when you enjoy the game less, you don't spend as much money on the game....reducing....SOE's profit.

    I'm not calling for nerfing the TR or VS. As I can attest to, the NC nerfs have been truly demoralizing. Wouldn't wish that on the TR or VS players. Rather, I would buff the heck out of the NC. Make those NC MAXs just as terrifying as the VS MAXs. Make those weapons actually do real damage. That the abilities they game are useful to the NC instead of a pretty shade of blue lighted up.

    Oh....and kill the 4th faction!
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  10. NCmagnetarN7

    This game is still the same as it was 4 months ago when i stopped playing,,nc getting beat hard.

    first game in 4 months ,spent 30 minutes trying to take a Vanu base,vanu counter and take our base within minutes and with ease.

    framerates are much better,put a smile on my face for about 3 seconds then i died.i won't be installing this game again,i do not see the point playing a game where my team loses every time i play,,pointless NC.
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  11. Klondik3

    VS = Easiest difficulty level in Planetside 2. It is mainly for players who have never played first person action games before or who prefer to sight-see.
    TR = Normal difficulty level in Planetside 2. It is for people who want a little more of a challenge than what VS provides.
    NC = Highest difficulty in Planetside 2. Weapons here may be too underpowered to be considered realistic. It is recommended for veteran gamers or players who want more of a challenge.
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  12. Shadowyc

    Fixed that for ya.

    Bah! No one should play for fun. Fun is what ruins lives and sinks us further into kindness and happiness, but most of all, weakness. Games should be brutal, uncaring, unfair, merciless affairs that make us question why we even bother as we continue charging mindlessly to our deaths. Weakness must be removed and if removing the NC removes the weakness staining this game, then so be it.
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  13. Klondik3

    Isn't the Orion most infamous spray-and-pray LMG?
  14. Shadowyc

    TR got miniguns, along with ridiculous fire rate. Everything they own is built for "Spray in this general direction, and it will die."
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  15. Kugelfisch




    You just like to flatter yourself, don't you?
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  16. Jakko

    Your post can be boiled down to "give the NC some overpowered stuff so we can once again become the flavor of the month faction". This was the case with the TR CARV & VS Magrider nerfs. Hacksaw maxes were shredding everything in sight with the fourth factioneers screaming TR & VS were just baddies who needed to l2p. If you are new to the game and don't have a historical perspective on the balance changes maybe a bit of research before rambling would help your cause. Either way your tears make me very happy.
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  17. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Never have I ever heard someone underrate their own MAX so hard. It was probably intentional to not mention their absolute CQC dominance. The NC MAX can use a little love, but they are not NEARLY as bad as you say they are. Just keep in mind that shotguns in this game are extremely difficult to balance.

    The starting Mercenary is fantastic. With the controllable vertical recoil, I just have a laser sight and 3.4x scope on it to make it the perfect all-rounder carbine. Let's not forget that the NC infiltrator STARTS with a weapon that the TR and VS have to throw down 100 certs for. Try harder to underrate your weapons.

    Non-1000 certs weapons that are great:
    - Carnage BR
    - GD-22
    - NC6 Gauss SAW (Yes, it's a damn good mid-long range LMG)
    - EM6
    - GD-22s
    - AF-19 Mercenary
    - Sweeper/Mauler/Piston

    Everyone knows that the Enforcer Modified is bad. That being said, the Enforcer-H could use a little loving. It's not bad, but it's underperforming a bit.

    decent? High projectile velocity and high damage per shot is decent? The shield you can cert in to is fantastic as well. It's the most armored tank and is a powerhouse platform.

    I usually see Vangaurds get wrecked all the time... because they are driving around without a gunner. GET A GUNNER!

    You aren't the only victims of the feared nerf bat y'know.


    First, this is getting to "how is babby formed?" level of grammar.

    Second, there are plenty of discussions about creating regular warpgate rotations and whatnot. While the two week Northern Indar Warpgate possession is pretty sucky, it was explained that the whole thing was to test out WDS Pre-Season balancing. Many people for a long time were discussing regular warpgate rotations throughout the season, and they only did so the last couple of weeks. It's unfair, but has no basis for a "NC SO UP" thread.

    Third, there are a LOT of upcoming balance passes for almost every aspect of infantry and vehicle gameplay. Let's wait until those are discussed before we make ANOTHER [insert faction] IS UP/OP thread.
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  18. Keldarris

    Here, fixed it for you....
  19. EViLMinD

    You effin kidding me? Our MAXes may lack midrange effectiveness (though, Mattocks with slugs does a pretty good job) but they are not the worst. Hell no. Any of our shotguns will devour a target inside 10m. I eat ZOEs for breakfast.

    Also, if you don't have a maxed out Aegis shield and have learned how to use it correctly - you have no authority to claim the Aegis shield is "crappy". The Aegis shield is flippin amazing. It lets me walk right up to a bad gun who's shooting at me and blow their face off... lets me block the effects of a c4 explosion... withstand direct rocket fire... and provide some cover for allies behind me. Aegis shield may not be the ZOE, but it's the best utility we have. It's better than TR anchor, at the very least.

    All SOE really needs to do is give NC a dedicated midrange AI gun. That's all our MAX truly needs.
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  20. Epic High Five

    NC rulez

    Haters vacate

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