The Noob Things You Continue To Do......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheAnnoyingInfi, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. NeverSayDie

    Haven't play HA much up to now, and when I do I keep forgetting to use the damn shield.
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  2. raistra

    One simply problem with my gameplay style, running around corners.... (despite having like 8 years fps experience...)
    shooting everything that moves without confirming it's an enemy, that sorta stuff
  3. Crackulous

    Me too! My faction's reload is nearly non-existent though, so it isn't as much of a problem for me as for you though.
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  4. Quarterbrew

    If you throw a revive grenade but then get killed before the grenade detonates, can you revive yourself?
  5. libbmaster

    No. It has happened to me.

    It would be totally epic, but people are already complaining that zombie medic trains are OP.
  6. Nepau

    Continuing to believe I can run over TR or NC troops with my Magrider..

    Throwing my Grenade as a Medic forgetting I'm not in the loadout with the Revive grenade :(
  7. dstock

    Posting on the forums and expecting to influence people's opinions.
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  8. Morpholine

    Nothing quite like forgetting to swap to engineer, and hopping out of your burning vehicle to "heal" it with a rocket launcher.
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  9. Lancener

    Throwing a revive grenade into a room full of enemies. Seeing an enemy in the corner of my screen and assuming it's friendly. Going anywhere near a Magrider. Jumping from high places then realizing I'm not a light assault. Threads like this are the best parts of the forums lol.
  10. GrandpaFlipfox

    I never realize that I'm the one that should be leading the proxy chat army until we've already derped our way through the battle.
  11. Regpuppy

    Even after I gave up playing light assault a lot in favor of the Heavy assault class. I still make the mistake of exiting aircraft casually in flight, expecting my jetpacks to save me. 90% of the time when I could've slowed down and gotten out instead. I tend to realize my mistake mid-press of the exit key.
  12. Ronin Oni

    what are you talking about?

    I thought spamming UBGL WAS training for MLG

  13. Ronin Oni

    Most noob thing I still do?

    Charging into the breach.
  14. Godimas

    Firing my lower barrel grenade launcher, after I have run out of grenades. I also, every day, tell myself, when you run out of bullets in you main gun just swap to your pistol. Thus far this mental coaching has yealded.... poor results :p
  15. Bonom Denej

    One of the few time I managed to switch properly to my pistol, it was to find it with only 1 bullet left. I somehow manage to dump all ammo while I was playing inside the warpgate and totally forgot to reload/resupply -_- I think my facepalm was heard from the moon.
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  16. MidnightStranger

    Me about to shoot someone in the face with my M77-B sniper but before I could shoot him in the face, I get shot in the face by another sniper instead, how ironic.