Upcoming nanoweave/bolt-action changes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by IIXianderII, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. MrMurdok

    Seeing as the tier 3 SRs pack a bigger punch, and seeing as how headshots do not take NW into account, I suspect that they will be able to OHK past the 150m line, am I right?
  2. Snipefrag

    There is no bloody way this garbage idea will go live, hard cap? really? Are you doing to give people their station cash/certs back for their bolt action rifles + 12 times scope? Whats the point of them now? If it goes live it will decimate the play style of MANY people including me.

    They need to put more thought into it, provide more cover at spawn points you can cert into.. Like a protective bubble shield for a deployed AMS sunderer that stops small arms fire. How about some helpful tips based on what type of weapon killed you.. if you are killed by a bolt action headshot for example it may display on the death screen:
    1) "Snipers have a hard time shooting you while moving, try not to stand stationary for too long !"
    2) "Attempt to use cover when under sniper fire"
    3) "Getting a spot on a sniper can help team mates in air and land vehicles deal with that pesky sniper nest !"

    Instead of dumbing the game down and ruining the play style of MANY people they should actively try and help the people who are being frustrated because they keep getting OHK'ed while standing still/being stupid. Its not a problem with us.. Stop trying to make excuses about Planetside 2 being 'different'. If you stand still in the open there are a million things that can kill you.. How about liberators? reavers? MBT's? AV turrets?

    Why all this hate against snipers? All those things are equally frustrating to die against..
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  3. IIXianderII

    Instead of the hard cap of 150 OHK I think it would be interesting if spots on snipers were visible to anyone within render distance of that sniper and maybe give them a different indication on the mini-map. This would make it so that when someone spots a sniper, everyone in the area knows it is now time to keep your heads down, and it would encourage newer snipers to cloak and move more.
  4. GunsmithJoe

    This already happens... (or at least it's supposed to)
  5. CuteBeaver

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  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Oh Beaver, stop being adorable.
  7. CuteBeaver

    In my mind. Dean looks like he is punching out a fat Matt Higby... Just saying
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  8. NevilClavain

    No because it's not an improvement. Keep the da*n NW, give me OHK at 200m+ with a BASR - THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! Want to protect yourself from OHK snipers? Put on Nano Weave. Want to take the risk of getting headshot by a long range sniper so you can spam grenades? Go ahead.

    But this? How is this...whatever this is, an improvement?
  9. Astraka

    He just explained it. You control when you can kill someone with a sniper shot not your opponent, and there is little to no guesswork involved when sniping. You're either within 150m (a vast improvement over what many were used to) and get a kill, or you're outside 150m and will have to double tap.

    This might not be the buff everyone was clamoring for but it is most certainly a buff.
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  10. NevilClavain

    A SNIPER SHOULD NOT CONTROL THAT. It's the infantryman that decides what armor to wear or not wear that should decide that. Flak armor - defense against vehicles. NW - against snipers and some small arms. Shield regen - for medics in my experience.

    This is not a buff; being within kissing range of your target and being liberally sprayed with bullets from HA, AV turrets, vehicles and everything else because you're literally within arms reach of your target is not a buff - it's a DEBUFF. Snipers are squishy and low xp per hour class as it is already, this just eliminates the class from the game entirely unless you go for a completely different play style - SMG and cloak.
  11. Astraka

    Stop being dramatic. If you don't see how having control over your own success is better then your enemies maintaining it then you are beyond help.
  12. NevilClavain

    OMFG, ****. Being disappointed with SOE for ripping people out of $ for the BASR and certs for 12x scope is not "dramatic." Check my newest thread for a screenshot of what 150m in game is really like, then come back and talk to me. 150m is literally across a road and within range of most infantry and all vehicles. The purpose of long range snipers is to be AT LONG RANGE. So if you want me to be a master of my destiny as you say "control my own success" how about you let me choose my own range?
  13. Inex

    Will that also get rid of the people who talk about how they deserve a kill on that moving target at 250m (who is always either a medic running to revive an entire squad, or an engineer running to repair a Sundy), and then post a montage of themselves sniping at long range which is just 4 minutes of watching AFK-ers die to dubstep?

    Also, things I worry about when rounding corners more than quickscoping:
    SMGs behind me, wielded by invisible people.
    Rocket Launchers.
    Being outnumbered.
    What I'm going to have for lunch.
  14. Astraka

    I've seen the screenshot and tested it myself: 150m is plenty. It is twice the distance you can reliably OHK people at now with the tier 3 BASR, and what, three times the distance you can reliably OHK someone with the tier 1/2 BASRs? The issue is even more pronounced if you add a suppressor to the equation. And it isn't as if past 150m people are completely immune to sniper rifles either... you'll just have to hit them one more time (which is what you'd most likely have to do before this change).

    Like I said before this might not be the buff everyone was hoping for with OHK ability all the way out to 300m, but it is definitely a buff - you just have to look at it rationally and compare it to what we have now.
  15. NevilClavain

    Maybe I'm confused but IDK what you're talking about with tiered BASR; there's no tier that I know of, either it reloads faster or has a faster bullet speed - up to personal choice at that point. Also, OHK with BASR I've gotten at 250+ so I'm not sure how this is a buff. Not being sarcastic, just asking for details here.
  16. Astraka

    I'm sorry I assumed you were familiar with the accepted 'grades' of the bolt action rifles.

    Tier 1: Bolt Driver, M77-B, XM98. Tier 2: LA80, SR-7, V10. Tier 3: Longshot, RAMS .50M, Parallax.

    Look up some of the videos on the effects of Nanoweave Armor on OHK sniping ranges, or some of the various charts/graphs people have come up with to show how ruinous the effects of that suit upgrade can potentially be.

    Check this out for an example:

    That's a pretty extreme example, but it illustrates my point pretty well. With what we have now you have no idea whether the guy you're going to take a shot at will drop unless you're using a Tier 3, unsuppressed, and within 75m. With what SOE is implementing, all you have to do is get within 150m, regardless of rifle or attachments. Granted you also are guaranteed to fail a OHK outside of 150m, but because you know that you can proceed accordingly.
  17. cyb_

    I tested 150m by putting up a way point in VR. First I thought that does not look to bad / close after all. But when I killed an enemy engineer 200m away on Indar with a 1x scoped CARV-9 with two controlled bursts, I was not so sure any more. Guess we will have to wait and see for outselves the impact once the balance patch hits the servers.
  18. Sakai

    How about you only speak for yourself? 150m is NOT plenty by any stretch of the imagionation. The cap is most definatly NOT a buff, and i play as a sniper regularly, so i know what i'm talking about, what distance is plenty and which is not.
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  19. Gheeta

    I would perhaps increase the range to 200m but this is definitely a bolt action buff in my eyes.
  20. Vaphell

    what i don't get is why bother with the cap in the first place. Monsters like Toro or Mustarde will be within 100m murderizing oblivious noobs left and right and from the victim's point of view it will be the same "never know what hit'em" kind of death. This hard cap will be of negligible impact statistically but will piss off very few people left who still swear by long range sniping. It's nothing more than a feel-good BS.