Need Some M12 Kobalt Help.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by APRenpsy, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. APRenpsy

    I got 250SC left over and have decided to spent it on the M12 Kobalt. Which vehicle should I get it for, Flash or Harraser. I kind of split because if I get on the flash I could be a long range killer with cloaking. However with the harraser I have a bit more defense as well as having the ability to truck a MAX or extra infantry unit into battle.
  2. gigastar

    I would spend that SC on a composite/drakon armor set for your preferred infantry class. Not a weapon that only costs 100 certs.
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  3. Zazulio

    The Kobalt synergizes extremely well with the Flash cloak. One thing to keep in mind about the Kobalt is that it is a high precision weapon. It completely shreds infantry with just a short burst at very long ranges, but that precision can work against you. Trying to hit an erratically moving target, or trying to shoot somebody while bouncing and jostling around, is quite difficult.

    The Flash cloak lets you find a good target and line up your shot before decloaking. So, you can always use the Kobalt to its strengths! The Flash has some serious handling issues right now (refer to my sig), but it's still a very fun little vehicle to ride, as long as you understand that you've got the life expectancy of a sick fly.

    That said, the Kobalt is only 100 certs (isn't it?), so it seems like a waste to buy it with Station Cash. If you've got 250, you'd prolly be better served buying yourself an experience booster or something.
  4. LGhost1904

    Probably the Flash... I got one for my Harasser to use sometimes when I go solo harassing but I'm not actually harassing, just staying with a group of armor and picking off any infantry I see. It's not exactly easy to keep it on target when your moving and the fury would be much better at that. They would be a nice choice for a Sunderer as long as you as you have av/aa support already, otherwise stick with the basilisks.
  5. Tommyp2006

    Don't buy a kobalt with station cash, it's only 100 certs!

    Buying a 100 or 250 cert weapon with station cash is a waste. There are better places to put that, wait for a 500 SC item to go on sale.
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  6. Mongychops

    Don't buy the Kobalt with SC, get it with certs.

    If you have 250 SC and are not getting any more, I suggest instead waiting until there is a daily deal for a 500 SC camo (or weapon) you are interested in, and getting that instead.
  7. APRenpsy

    Ok guys I will take your advice, lol just notice how much it costs in certs.
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  8. Cougarbrit

    I'd suggest the Flash. The Kobalt is deadly accurate, allowing you to snipe with the Flash from afar. Because that's where you'll want to be on a flash, thing is so weak and flimsy that it'll often be killed by terrain before the enemy even shoots at you.

    For the Harasser there's much more synergetic (and expensive) AI weaponry to put on it, though I've never honestly tried it on the Harasser. I suppose it could work for Solo Harasser sniping, but I prefer my Halberd for that (though I've barely used Halberd for AI on my main, Marauder Harasser OP). Halberd's AI use might be getting nerfed though so I might give the Kobalt a trialrun.
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  9. SpaceKing

    Buy for Flash - a Harasser is usually either moving too fast or is to exposed. It's most effective as a mid-long range spam weapon - cloak your flash behind enemy lines, park on a hill and start destroying. I recommend getting high zoom optics and ammo capacity - you don't need mag size, it's already fairly large.

    You'd probably be better off buying with certs, though, it's only 100.
  10. Kulantan

    I have a Kobalt for my Harasser. My gunner made me swear never to spawn that loadout again.
  11. Crackulous

    The flash is dead in its current state. Also, regardless of faction, there are better options for the harasser. Don't make a decision you'll regret in the future.