Anyone still use AT mines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ironeddie, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. ironeddie

    I simply can't remember the last time I saw one in game, let alone the last time I got my magrider blown up by one. They are still in the game right?
  2. gigastar

    Last time i actually dropped a couple was when i drop podded on an enemy Sundy.

    Theyre simply not good for anything else.
  3. DashRendar

    Not since they became unmistakable boulders that don't sink into the ground.
  4. Ganelon

    KotV blows them all up with their Magrider swarms before you, apparenlty.
  5. Some1

    Blew up a MAX that chased me through a door with one once.
  6. Sen7rygun

    Yeah, but mostly just to supplement claymores and make large indoor defensive kill zones to use with sticky grenades.

    They're too big to miss for vehicle drivers now, and 95% of Sundies in the field are rrunning max mineguard.
  7. Vhoghul

    Still use them all the time for blowing up sundies. Fly over it, eject using the certed ejection ability, drop em and grenade em. I probably do that 5-6 times an hour.
  8. DashRendar

    I have a funny story about AT mines from before they got nerfed. I was running an HE Lightning with maxed mineguard in the hills of Amerish, and I was bossing this entire base of TR along with a Vanguard or two, but I was getting most of the kills. They were getting frustrated so they started rushing harder. This one engi comes running out into the street right in front of me and places 3 AT mines down and stands back a little bit to watch. Feeling a little peacockish and rather impressed by the boldness of his gesture, rather than kill him right then I intentionally drive over them and take less than half damage, then turn my turret at the guy who placed them. The guy immediately turns back around and runs back to spawn like "This foe is beyond any of you... RUN!"
    • Up x 1
  9. ironeddie

    That I could believe! Dislike that outfit atm.
  10. Ganelon

    Their zerg is a cert piñata. For some reason they think it's smart to Magrider swarm from Howling pass to NS Materials while there's Strikers, Fractures and AV MANA turrets on the mountain overlooking the passage.

    Guess were I put my tank mines.
  11. Phyr

    AT mines are just harder to use C4 now.
  12. yllom001

    AT mines, drop under sundy, throw sticky "RUN AWAY!" (and catch that poor guy who just spawned)
  13. CptFirelord

    Still use them? Yes. Still get kills with them? No.
  14. teks

    I like to put them all over my face like stickers, and roll in a pool full of tanks.
  15. AnnPerkins

    you can't just throw them out and expect free kills anymore. Put them by the lip of a hill or in a shaded/rocky area so they're harder to see. They also work pretty well to compliment the turret blindspots once you know where they are.
  16. Brainpan

    I seem to use my AT mines to supplement AI mines more often. Plant AI mine at the top of an lift or on a stair platform, sprinkle AT mines around it, break anyone with max flak armor or a MAX for a kill that costed way too many infantry resources.
  17. GhostAvatar

    I still use them for what I have always used them for, instagibbing sunndies. Strangely this is what people complained about the most on these forums. Yet it is something the nerfs never actually stopped from being useful for.
  18. Luighseach

    I use them occasionally. I sneak up and drop them on an enemy Vehicle pad or I drop down on top of a Sunderer and use them. Other than that they are just terrible. Too big to hide and if you run over then your just not watching where your going.
  19. WyrdHarper

    I use them for blowing up sundies and I throw them down in front of vehicle spawn pads when we're getting pushed out or on certain large bases from time to time to kill newly spawning vehicles, or on air pads in enemy territory if I'm really feeling like a jerk that day.
    They are enormous, don't blend in with any terrain, are not faction colored, and the marker doesn't show up until absurdly close (so they often get detonated by friendlies). Several hundred certs only allows you to place 3, which isn't even enough to block off a road or most "chokepoints," and harassers can run right over them without taking damage.

    There are also just so few situations where I'd rather have tank mines in my slot instead of Claymores (amazing how many kills you get with these).
  20. LeafTheLeafeon

    That's not true anymore. When the mines were tiny and blew up seconds after throwing them under a vehicle, yes.. sundies did run max mineguard. Since the nerf though, sundies will run blockade most of the time to protect from c4 and rockets.
    I love using mines to nail sundies. Despite how slow they throw now, I still catch enemies off guard throwing em around. Muhaha..