Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Graylin, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. TheScavenger101

    I don't know about the last part, but from what I've seen this is usually the case, population is pretty equal (I'm TR), but on Alerts the Barneys arrive xD.
  2. vsae

    I just ignore alerts for the most part. KOTV is just annoying me with those zoe rushes.
    Apart from facility alert, they are nothing great.
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  3. TheScavenger101

    I try to get involved, we actually stand a chance when CORE and THEN are involved and comitted.
  4. Kunavi

    ....Or we actually don't, as 8 out of 10 Alerts are Dominating Victories of the VS, 1 may be a plain Victory and every once in a while we or the NC get the last piece of the Cert Cake. But if you mean to say they're OK 'Fits, no problem. Just don't exaggerate? ~.~
  5. TheScavenger101

    I'm just saying that on the rare occasion that they both are involved and commited in an alert we STAND A CHANCE. That's not really exaggerating.
  6. Nephera

    Looking at these population charts. I need to stop playing at night, jesus christ.
  7. Xasapis

    1 too many nerfs? Are you sure you're talking about TR?
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  8. Crackulous

    Since when?
  9. TheScavenger101

    Let's not make this thread into another "ZOE nerf"-thread, please. :p
  10. Lazaruz

    No offense, but if C0RE comes out to play, I'm just going to hide under a rock or something. Just because when I get team killed, it's often a C0RE member. But guess size has it's disadvantages. Don't have that problem with ELBE though...

    But as for the problem, I don't have solutions. That burden falls to the people who have chosen to be leaders on our server.
    Since I don't know, do people use the command channel to team up with other outfits? All I see are the rare orders chat from ALongStory and AngenTR...
  11. Ganelon

    C0RE. Wat.
  12. Crackulous

    Mentioning the issue isn't helping said cause.
  13. Badname707

    Let's nerf the ZOE.
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  14. JonboyX

    One too many nerfs? You mean the one, single, nerf to the striker ... the one where it stopped your missiles going through rock and meant you had to keep a lock. That one?

    If so, it must have had an absolutely devastating effect on the TR arsenal. You can almost imagine what it must have been like playing on an empire that never had it :rolleyes:.
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  15. Crackulous

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  16. Badname707

    bout time
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  17. Craftyman

    VS is overpopulated on Connery.
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  18. Nintyuk

    If you could focus on defending one of your facility's from the VS during alerts and do everything to hold it, that would go a long way in curbing the plurple menace. If the VS actually had to try to take the TR facility's it would mean the NC could counter attack without having to deal with all 8 of the vanu's alert platoon's at once.
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  19. battlebrot

    Love the spikes in the VS pop. You can exactly tell when an alert was happening
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  20. redsevenski

    You certainly can, but many of those pop spikes are really weird. Some of them are matched by pop decreases in the other 2 factions so can be attributed to a certain amount of 4th factioning (to an extent).

    Some of them though correspond to increases in pop for the other factions, albeit to a lesser extent. I haven't gone through the numbers in fine detail in any way but those spikes appear to happen more at prime time, which I guess is to be expected. So why is the VS pop climbing quicker during these times? Is it because people look at the character selection screen and just go with the one with the biggest pop - Is it because outfits are dragging members online when there's an alert going - What other reasons are there? I have no idea (although I guess its the first) but it's interesting to put numbers to the in-game experience.