Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. JonboyX

    Because you joined the NC back when they were rebels to a cause, prior to becoming corporate mercenaries?

    NC isn't that bad. Sure; you have to pick from a small pool of weapons to compete, and there are no longer any stand outs, but it's really population that hurts us most.
  2. Raraldor

    the only reason you should play this game is for fun. If you're not having fun then do something different with how/who you play.

    I find the NC perfectly fine myself, granted I main the sneaky bastard infil and am branching out into light assault now. My outfit mates, who play almost soley heavy assaults mostly, never have had a problem with the guns, and love the Gauss Saw and EM6. Sure they say the MSW is a beast every now and again and the ZOE spam that many vanu do stops us in out tracks for 1-2 minutes, but nothing is really wrong with that.
  3. Luighseach

    I stay because I'm waiting for my bonus check.
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  4. toxs

    Because NC MAX is getting nerfed in December!
  5. lilleAllan

    Have you spent money yet? If not, switch if you feel like it.
  6. Darkwulf

    Well I have several chracters. I noticed after playing my main which is NC, then switching the VS, I can kill very well with there guns, but after playing VS for a few days and going back to NC, wow what a difference. I do much better with NC after playing VS for awhile. I dont really know why, I just do.
  7. LordTankT9

    Herpety Derp... NC don't remember for what they are fighting for, always knew they where just bunch of rebels and now when it's painful to be a rebel with full pants of lead.

    Now get up and fight! I want to fight only side that is capable of normal combat, not like those sneaky dirty VS!

    P.S. Yeah.. This day have come, when TR trying to put a NC soldier back in to fighting shape..o_O
  8. MarioPIe

    I stay because the rush of dopamine flooding my brain with every kill. He have it harder so every kill feels like I took down a galaxy with my mag cutter.
    when I kill with VS/tr alts, it just feels dirty and sad.
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  9. MarioPIe

    gotta earn it
  10. MarioPIe

    said no TR ever
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  11. MarioPIe

    yes, but some factions need teamwork more than others
  12. MarioPIe

    we've still gotta hit rock bottom for that to happen
  13. Goretzu

    The NC edge was largely their AI MAXs close range power, but that hasn't been true since the first blanket nerfs, never mind the second lot of blanket nerfs.
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  14. soeguud

    Join NC - the only faction to have virtually nothing but successive nerfs since Launch!

    Bu77hur7 (this word filter.. should burn. all of it.) Brigade rolls onwards :D
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  15. DeusExForever

    Would like to until noticing VS infantry's laser beams block putting the sights on them at mid range. -_-

    Or, aircraft that strangely can position themselves just out of range of the NC rocket launcher by a few feet, you know over and over and over?

    Or, having it bug out during a vehicle heavy push and the only way to "fix" it is relogging back in......
  16. Gav7x

    My reasons are simple, i spent 20$ in my character and alot of hours, if i could i would obviously change faction since we are always the underdogs
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  17. Turkeys!

    Higby is waiting for the 4th factioners to turncoat to TR and VS so he can uberbuff the NC and give them all BFRs with shotguns
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  18. zappy

    I don't like starting from scratch.

    And certs is the only meta game, you stacking sides just gives me more certs.
  19. Goretzu

    No, everyone will get BFRs...... it's just the VS and TR will get BFGs on theirs and the NC will get shotguns on theirs.
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  20. Turkeys!

    VS would get BFLs *Big ******* Lasers*
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