SMG Infiltrators are the new Mini-sentry of Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarioPIe, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. MarioPIe

    agreed, if you are dealing with spawn campers. thats about it
  2. MarioPIe

    then It's a class that preys on the weak ignorant and dying. honestly, thats low, and i don't mean settings.
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  3. MarioPIe

    can easily kill the 1v1, but if there if are 5 guys I'm shooting at, then the last thing i want to hear is that cloak sound.
    and plus, a lot of players are running below adequete fps and aren't as aware.
  4. MarioPIe

    this post is too conflicting
  5. HadesR

    Feel the same when an LA drops down behind with a shotgun .. Or a silent Lib bombs me .. Or Tanker spoils the fight with a HE shell .. Or an Engi with a UBGL or HA + NW5 + RS + Smg

    Yes the game has lot's of unaware ways to die ... Much better game when we realize it's not a 1 v 1 and we will get unknowingly killed time and time again.
  6. Hoki

    And because of this thread, nobody believes you.

  7. MarioPIe

    I see you are a fan of easy straightforward farming tools. BTW don't get the anchor, get the EM6
  8. Astriania

    - can't shoot vehicles at all, even ones that you can hit with small arms fire (e.g. ESFs)
    - only get to cloak for a short period at a time
    - get relatively weak weapons and less health so if you spot one you can shoot and kill him easily

    I'm enjoying my 250 cert scout rifle (not an SMG strictly but fills the same role in terms of sneak-killing) but I can't uncloak in a group of people without getting killed, if I don't get my decloak-shoot exactly right the target will turn around and kill me from the decloak sound before I hit them enough, and cloak isn't completely invisible so sometimes I get killed just trying to run around behind your lines.

    It's fun to play and annoying when you get killed by one, but it's really not OP.
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  9. holycaveman

    No its horribly cheesy. Not only do I die mostly to infiltrators with smg's, but rarely do you find an ifiltrator using a sniper rifle like they have always been.

    SOE not only dropped the ball, but they started another class of infantry. And there are no more snipers.

    Very lame
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  10. R3dBeaver


    i got a TR infil and VS LA.

    flying around and going places infil can only dream of is WAY more effective flanking and harassing than cloaking and trying to dash while hoping:
    - your cloak doesnt run out before u get somewhere safe
    - there's no enemy beacon or proximity sensor
    - nobody running Ultra settings that can notice cloaked infil fairly easily
    - nobody listening to cloak/decloak sound near where i want to strike.

    now, ive been killed MANY times by these SMG infil that i truly can't do anything about. but i killed MANY MORE cloaked infil trying to run past me...
  11. Theodwulf

    what isn't cheesy in this game... the fact that vehicles get FULL xp for infantry kills? Lib kills, pods, HE shells? the game is all about cheese..It is what it is. guys with hockey masks? being run down by invincible dune buggies? being run down by invisible quads? At least a guy with a cloak and a sub-gun sounds like the future of warfare rather than shotguns and revolvers.

    This game shouldn't be taken seriously.. Big Vans (aka the mystery machine) and dune buggies being more resilient than a freaking MBT? Now why is an infiltrator with a sub gun cheesy?
  12. Shadowyc

    As a VS can fly around perfectly silently too. :p
  13. MarioPIe

    I play infiltrator very often and I usualy just go aggressive with my NC14 suppressed. sure, it'ss not easy mode, but it's satisfying.
  14. R3dBeaver


    i never tried LA on other empire... and im sure my jetpack has some noise...

    care to elaborate? lol
  15. MarioPIe

    in an NC light assault, It sounds like you are spraying an aresol can... next to a loudspeaker... being powered by a diesel the midst of a construction site.... all aboard a mach 2 commercial airliner
  16. Morti

    Get yourself some quality headset with surround sound. Learn the sounds of empire specific cloaks.

    The sound of the cloak will be the demise of every infiltrator who thinks he's going to sneak up on me.
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  17. IamDH

    You can't see the moving glass statue?

    Low settings? Well thats a graphical issue then, not an infiltrator one
  18. Redshift

    So if you can kill them easily why complain? should they just fall dead at your feet instead?
  19. Drasilov

    I tried this once - on every occasion I was seen while stealthed and didn't even get within a range where I could damage anyone
  20. MarioPIe

    they take no skill and I die to them because I'm usually preoccupied, plus I'm speaking o behalf of the less vigilant