Operation: Make Faster Game - Episode 7

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Luperza Community Manager

    Our first Operation: Make Faster Game patch has made its way to the Public Test Server. Get the inside scoop on what the development, quality assurance, business intelligence and production teams are doing with all the data from the PTS playtests!

    We hope you are enjoying this series and we can’t wait to share more behind the scenes information on what the PlanetSide 2 development team is up to!

    Click here to watch other episodes of Operation: Make Faster Game (OMFG).

    Stay tuned, subscribe and good hunting, Auraxians!
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  2. Lamat

    The one guy had a Logitech G13 Game Pad sitting next to his keyboard while he used the WASD keys.
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  3. HiFiWiFi

    Don't reject wasd, it might get sad.
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  4. MasonSTL

    LOL 2:19. Apparently he made a bug, until we find out which bug.... HE MADE ALL OF THEM!!!!
  5. Diamond Sword

    Maybe you'd make fewer mistakes if you didn't drink while programming. :p
  6. sagolsun

    Obligatory xkcd follows

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  7. HiFiWiFi

    This was scheduled to go live last month, when is it going live?
  8. Derek Icelord

    They pushed it back to early November because the current iteration isn't up to snuff.
  9. RubiksCubix

    lol AMP station costume.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    Incorrect, they pushed it back to do more testing.
  11. bodmans

    I approve the beer for bugs concept... TO THE TEST SERVER!
    (hmm 10 am PST = around 3 pm here... I can make that, tiem to show them my 3pic MLG pr0 fly!ng skillz)

    also :eek: we're able to comment in the news and announcements subforum
  12. Snoozzzer

    Perhaps SOE has yet to implement an IV Schnapps delivery system
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  13. Torok

    This couldn't be any funnier ahah, keep it up :D
  14. user101

    Snoozzzer yes give us more.....!
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  15. R3dBeaver

    need. this. in. live.
  16. Kunavi

    Was that girl dressed as Jeanette from Vampire The Masquerade Blood-Lines?.... If so, +10.
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  17. sagolsun

    Jeanette was hotter than Therese
  18. Morsong

    This was hilarious. I love these videos, and its nice to see the devs let off some steam and see how they work. I wish more devs from different games and companies took note of this and did little videos such as these. It really gives us players more of an insight and it's cool to see who the people are that work on the game. Good job!
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  19. SpaceHobo

    C'mon guys. i know drinking at work is bad, but blowing up your employees is a bit over the top.
  20. Cookie5000

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