Return of the BFR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ForeFront0fFear, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. St4tic

    I just think there is other content i'd like to see before i see this. Namely new continents to fight on. Hossin and battle islands are higher on my priority list then something that definitely has a stigma associated with it fpr a certain segment of the player base. It's my opinion, this will not increase the player base. I want more people to shoot a.t.m. not more vehicles, or at least not this vehicle.
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  2. Astealoth

    BFRs only have a bad rap because they were too strong in their first release. after a couple balance passes they actually became a really decent and balanced vehicle. honestly harrassers now are 100 times as unbalanced as BFRs were originally. if they nerfed harrassers to be 1 shot from AP and 2 shot from HEAT they would still be too strong lol, and they currently take 2-3 times that much damage and laugh. they take more hits than my MBT or lightning and they dont even have to get out to repair, oh plus they move twice as fast and do just as much dps. how did harrassers ever get on live in this state? and people complain about BFRs???
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  3. KnightCole

    Wanna balance the Harasser?

    1: Remove all Anti Tank weaponry from them.
    2: Make the back seat a MAX seat only(Then you can have your Dual Fracture MAX in the back, theres your AT)
    3: Reduce the damage it can take by about half, 1 HEAT round sets it on fire, like 3 seconds to **** or blow up in your car, AP is KABLAMO, gone, dead, no mo Harasser
    4: Buff Tanks to be more deadly, namely the Blast radius
    5: Make Harassers much more vulnerable to Grenades and blast radius.

    As for BFRs in PS1, I VRd them alot, that was about all I did in that game cuz I lagged to much when I played the game. They didnt seem that amazing. Its not like They could 3 shot a Vanguard, its not like they could not be shot. I think the Flight Variant was the worst offender of being OP. They didnt have 360 traverse, they didnt turn that fast. They had to specialize the loadout, AA, AT, AI, unlike the ESF we have in game now, they are more OP then a BFR imo. They get to mount anti everything guns, take 54 hits from their own direct counter and if they take damage just fly off to repair and come back.

    The BFR I saw would not be that amazing in this game. The 2 I got in died pretty effortlessly, the pilot spent more time running around being out of shield then he ever did killing anything, I was lagging to much to be worth a **** in it. Both ended in a swarm of bullets and EMP grenades.

    Of course PS2 doesnt have AP bullets, which is a good thing, I thought that was stupid anyway.
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  4. KnightCole

    Id love to see a skin rework on NC and VS weaponry, namely NC.
  5. Nocturnal7x

    This was posted by clegg, so in no way is it meant to be taken seriously.
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  6. oherror

    yea its not happening. I played with BFR in PS1 even hacked a TR one that got left in the woods....They were pretty good. But a OS or mass tank strike kills them quick. They did kill the game though. People left when they were interduced and they didnt come back. So i left shortly after due to the big battles not being big anymore.
  7. Tekuila

    If they are treated like any other vehicle in this game, they would just be glorified max suits.
  8. IamDH

    and get spammed by lock-ons, RLs and AV turrets bec they are freaking huge
  9. Tekuila

    Yea they'd have to have a high resistance to scrub weapons. Maybe even a rechargeable shield.
  10. FocusLight

    You know I would love it if they made MBT's and possibly new/future mechs 2-3 times more powerful and costly than they are now, and made them all 3-man vehicles, (at the least) that REQUIRE a driver, main gunner and secondary gunner, perhaps more. Make them powerful but completely team-oriented as a requirement. With that, ground-vehicles would actually be dangerous again - right now the best way to counter a tank offensive is simply to dig in the infantry and present lots and lots of AV turrets and portable launchers to deal with them, some AV mines for flavor. Make them able to push through this with some team-effort and stopping them with infantry a considerably harder prospect.
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  11. Littleman

    BFR's in PS1 were only OP at release, and I'd argue that's because they had a huge sphere shield that took a ridiculous amount of firepower to bore through and the more popular models could even fly/jump jet. Remove the flight and the shield, and functionally it would have been just a walking main battle tank, which is precisely what they should have been from the start.

    People railing against BFRs simply because of their horrific first iterations in PS1 really haven't quite yet grasped that PS2 isn't very much like PS1... at all. Why should we expect the BFRs to translate seamlessly?

    Also, PS2's MAX armors are virtually miniature BFRs, minus the recharging shield, jump jets, and boarding/disembarking aspect of not being a vehicle.

    I wouldn't mind a giant robot vehicle in game, personally. I think they'd make for excellent lightly armored artillery platforms, or a more devastating variant of the lightning. Think twin 75mm cannons... but on a taller, slower target.
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  12. The Shermanator

    In PS1. the player base sung their praise as vehicle killers despite the fact that they could take AI and AA weapons.

    Even their AI weapons were fully capable of killing tanks before the too-late round of nerfs. I served with a NC tank outfit, and often times a single BFR would chase our four tanks across kilometers of open space with AI weapons because even as 8 players, we could not put out enough damage to take down the shields and armor of this 1 who had the BFR.

    And it was using the hitscan Vanu anti-infantry weapon.

    It was sickening.
  13. jak

    Let's see...

    1. A vehicle that destroyed most of the original Planetside
    2. ZOE
    3. Harassers
    4. Lock ons
    5. Hacksaws for the first 6 months
    6. The original version of Libs and ESF rocketpods
    Yeah, sounds like a great idea that can be introduced in a balanced, healthy way. Why wouldn't we doubt that?
  14. Zorro

    BFRs could be balanced if they were like tanks but sacrificed armor for firepower. Their design would make them better at uneven terrain and urban areas, but weaker in open fields. They would have more damage output than tanks but would have less protection and would be bigger targets.
  15. Serell

    NC BFR better have rail guns. I love shotguns, but dammit there is no use for a shotgun on a car/tank/robot.
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  16. Flukeman62

    the TR BFR should have banshees as its AI weapon and a 10 round rapid fire yet wide spread rocket launcher as its AV
  17. Deteno

    I saw it mentioned by someone else on the forum, I'm sorry I cannot remember who, but there's simply no use for a BFR in the game right now. If they were going for something with heavy armor and powerful weapons, we already have the MBTs. If you prefer something light and maneuverable you already have Lightnings and Harassers. If you're looking for something more capable in base fights then you have MAX units. The only way to include BFRs would be to edge in on something else's territory. If they add a new vehicle it should be something that expands the gameplay somehow or introduces a new concept. Personally I'd much prefer to get my hands on some mobile artillery than a walking tank.
  18. wolfva

    Gods people! IT WAS A JOKE! C'mon. Wasn't it obvious enough? Well, obviously it wasn't, else we wouldn't be HAVING this inane conversation. Look. The Devs have already said they will NOT implement the BFR in PS2. They learned their lesson from PS1. Calm down, reset your hackles, take a deep breath and go back to whining about how OP the TR or the Vanu are, how the ZOE max is the doooom of PS2, and lock on missiles are for scrubs.
  19. SpaceKing

    The real shocker here is there's a PSA thread that's close to being an actual PSA.
  20. Czuuk

    The NC version will spray water.