Anyone else getting a lot of network lag lately?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    Game is stuttering like Scatman John.
  2. BRG7780

    In giant fights, I tend to get absolutely insane physics effects as the entire battlefield begins to warp around. My minimap looks like white noise sometimes. I get tanks flying sideways through the air, ESFs flying backwards, infantry running straight off tower ledges and then shooting upwards into the sky...

    Same here, had 4 game crashes yesterday..
    • Up x 1
  4. wolfva

    None here; everything's been running like normal for me.
  5. maxkeiser

    I've not been getting a lot, but yesterday I noticed more weird lag on Woodman and deaths behind cover. Something is definitely up with the Woodman server. Needs a reboot perhaps.
  6. FLHuk

    Big storm in Europe has caused a lot of major outages that have not been fully recovered yet and for me this is what's stopping me playing this past week :(
  7. gloowa

    Since the maintenance downtime last week (or was it week before that?) Ceres seems more laggy to me. The repair/medi tools seem to bug out from time to time, and overall latency seems to have increased a bit (i die 3 meters behind the corner of a wall i ran behind instead of previous 1~2 meters)

    This has upsides - for instance, heavy lag on server == almost unending turbo for your Harasser.
  8. OldCuban

    I've noticed increased lag too, and not just during big fights.

    It's not video lag either.

    It's not too common though. I notice it about once or twice an hour. Conveniently it tends to happen the most when I confront an enemy soldier.


    It's not game breaking, by any means......yet.
  9. HurpDurps

    I noticed this late last night on Connery. Had an enemy lightning sitting still for a few seconds, then warp 200+ meters away. Also still getting shot as I ran around a corner and half way down the side of a building. I've had the usual repair gun lag, but never warping like this.
  10. Terran537

    No lag here on Connery. I played for an hour last night and absolutely no lag occurred.
  11. Astriania

    Had a few spots of noticeable lag (people or vehicles jumping or disappearing) this last week on Miller.
  12. MavCooL

    A lot of lagging here people are flying everywhere
    Its happens a lot even not on a big battle since last week
  13. Nocturnal7x

    I feel like im getting shot through and around walls more, could be the recent influx of brazilian players though....