New Night is great, but not for balance

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by jiggaaa, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. jiggaaa

    there is one problem,
    Vanus advantage at night time is very big,
    its hard to spot scythes and infantry.

    I know, the step to change colors is not good, so we need suggestions!
    My first ones:

    1.Give every faction a near black camo available at store for fair pricing,( i know this isnt the best solution, still advantage for vanu, because not evrybody is buying things in ps2)
    2.Make them a bit more "shiny"

    if it stays like this, i have a reason more to start push my vanu chars.

  2. bobek388

    lol nights aren't even that dark, I can still see everything clearly. Scythes have shiny things so they're easy to spot anyway and for infantry buy a NV scope.
  3. jiggaaa

    Sry but are we playing on same test server?
    i dont know on which brightness youre playing but, i dont wanna change my settings each cycle.(or game situation)
    fact is, vanu inf against others are definetly harder to spot, the NV argument is crap. cant be that i need to get a scope to compensate balance issues.
    Just one question to you: How many scythes have you ever killed in an aircraft until now?
    This Shining doesnt happen on distance (for me atleast sorry i have no hardware to push this game on ultra)
  4. BatouSection9

    Turn up your brightness if it seriously bothers you. And even then PlanetSide 2 still has the Far Cry/Crysis problem where not the AI, but Human players can spot you from 3 miles away and can shoot you if they see so much as a slight cloak distortion.

    Its insane! Maybe I suck playing Vanu Infiltrator or just Infiltrator in general, but having black armor never increased my chances of surviving. Not when the entire landscape is vomit green or dirt brown, or god forbid white.

    And not when 48+ of your comrades are mashing the spot key like a nervous Nat.

    Lastly, It has to be dark for a reason. There Is absolutely no excuse for not having it dark at night time. I mean the programmers went through the trouble of coding a day and night time cycle, only for people to complain about it being slightly hard to see the enemy instantaneously. Then they have to back track though their work to make it just as bright as day to appease the people who don't want an environmental challenge or a change of atmosphere in their game. I feel sorry for my pal devs, but hopefully this goes through.

    Plus i'f ya'll haven't noticed, with the darker environments, there's a better saturation in the colors like in vegetation or dirt.

    Now that i'm done nagging like an abused wife, I'm going to go launch myself into the sun and hoping I can enlighten it to burn out.
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  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Those same vanu players also stick out on Esamir daytime, because not everyone buys white camo, either.
    Aside, I played test server for a while today, crownfight at night, and I had no problem seeing enemy infantry.
    At over 20 meters, VS and TR looked pretty much the same, the colour of their uniforms sure didn't provide any advantage.
    If you need an IR scope against VS, chances are, you'll need it against any other faction as well, maybe 1-2 meters later.
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  6. ajma

    I play with 0 brightness on a monitor with high contrast. I also have set my pc's brightness down to improve my photography workflow.

    Having said that, I can see my teammates clearly from 50 or so meters away. I play VS.
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  7. Pingonaut

    You can clearly see in the dark in the test server. In my opinion it needs to be darker, give flashlights a use.
  8. Xale

    Making nights darker will not improve the viability of flashlights until they fix the reason flashlights are so lacking in the first place.

    Far far too short range. They should be excessively powerful and bright, not the 8m range garbage we have now. Possibly even with certain pieces of body armour having high reflectivity with lights.
    And they need to be MAX mountable, so that MAXes can be used as an illumination platform.

    Vehicle headlights also apply.

    Other options can also include that getting hit by a flashlight means you get auto spotted.
    (Or at least the dorrito, not necessarily on the map)
  9. ChipMHazard

    Adding to that, it might make for a more useful infantry tool if it only switches on when you're ADSing (Like the tac light does in BF4).
  10. OldMaster80

    They Always had that kind of advantage but also TR and NC can be very dark with the right camo and possibly the composite armor.
    The problem here is plan and simple: if you can't distinguish enemies in the dark then the game is finally working as intended. You should unlock flashlights (even if they could be hugely improved like Xale said), NV or Thermal optics and if needed increase your screen brightness. What SOE did so far was to oversimplify the game by implementing a very stupid setting so that night was more or less like day with moon in the sky. After 7 months of complaining they finally start changing their mind.
  11. S7rudL

    No it isn't, its not great for anything really.

    Turn up your brightness if it seriously bothers you.
    Seriously now,..

    There should be a option for people that want the thrill of a complete darkness so they can play around with their flashlights and experience something different, I would also like to use it for a short period of time to lulz around a little but would not like to play extensively in black dimmed brightness, running around in NVgoggles with green colored land scape or IRNV, no.

    I want to enjoy some smooth, sharp, unblurred, rich&quality graphics with some awesome lighting that doesn't hinder my FirstPersonShotter gaming exp by filling up and blending me with useless explosions, debris,.. and a lame black dimmed monitor.

    It must not be to bright or to dark, Indar desert floor sometimes shines so bright for some reason on Nvidia and 0 Brightness settings, until the sun starts going down or what ever.

    High end settings are only good when you are high BR and bored, or simply want to run around a little exploring the wonderful world, you cant go without one and the other.
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  12. Gammit

    It is my impression the flashlights disappeared when the nights became too short and well-lit.
  13. Tragachinos

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  14. deggy

    Everything Vanu has lights somewhere on its hull. The Scythe and Magrider have ROCKET TRAILS that light up purple in the night. The Infiltrators have big green shoot-me lights on their helmets. Our guns' clips glow in the dark.
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  15. ScrapyardBob

    The new nights on Indar are good, gives an advantage to those who have the foresight to equip HS/NV or Thermal/NV on vehicles. Reminds me of nights on Amerish -- where you can have similar issues of spotting hostile forces. Some portions of Amerish get pretty dark compared to Indar/Esamir on the live servers.

    (We *do* need a way to re-equip a vehicle to change up its optics. Or they need to give us the ability to have two different optic systems mounted along with a keybind to switch between them on each position.)
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  16. Sovereign533

    I love the new nights =)
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  17. R3dBeaver

    good idea. we need more Vanu servants.

  18. Arunsun

    Darker nights FTW. It's nice because it forces people to try and be more tactical about their activities and loadouts. I never played in beta, but I would be saddened if the darker nights I see on Indar was pulled AGAIN :(
  19. Hazion

    Yep, switch to low graphics settings and increase monitor gamma. That's what we call tactical superiority!
  20. Enig

    I love that I've heard this in multiple places. What the **** is the point of asking for dark nights if they're going to turn up brightness? Do they simply want dark nights for a configuration advantage? "Oh anything for an edge!!"

    Such nonsense, just stick to the Live Nights, not this ********, I had enough of this in beta.
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