[Suggestion] ZOE is the Solution - NOT the problem

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Fabien, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Fabien

    With a ZOE, you can get in, shoot, take a few hits, get back and dodge the tanks/HA's lining up, take another route, flank, shoot more in ZOE mode and take out another unit or three.. using skills, awareness, tactics.

    Currently the game's played where you spend more times re-spawning (anywhere like magical pixies) and using greater numbers to counter instead of skills and having a meaningful fight. I find the ludicrously short TTKs mixed with luck, lag & bugs greatly impede on any skill.

    That and after the bigger zerg pushes inwards it's simply a spawn room fight where it's quite boring.

    So in all, my point here is that I find the ZOE refreshing. A unit that can hit hard, take a hit and manage to survive a bit more to make the fight interesting for the player and tactful.

    Don't get me wrong, I find the ZOE OPed right now and wish they'd at least take their speed buff out with some sort of CD on turning ZOE mode on/off. But that wasn't my point here.
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  2. Jeroam

    LOL, skills, awareness and tactics for ZOE.

    There is literally no skills to own with ZOE. u need 10x more tactics and skills to own with a NC max ( not inside a Biolab)
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  3. phreec

    So taking away the biggest downside of a class (mobility) is the solution?
  4. Meliorist

    Hmm a TTK is to short thread in ZOE disguise? You devious trickster! I agree though, I to would enjoy a higher TTK.
  5. Thuggernauttt

    great thread
    how about we get some Double EXP for halloween
  6. Fabien

    You guys (the 1st two responders) don't get it.. who cares about how OPed the ZOE is, it's the fact that he can survive longer, kill well when played by someone who's skilled etc..

    Just because someone uses lock-ons or lolpods or ZOE doesn't mean he's a noob (sure it's frustrating being killed by those) but someone who's good and capable can really make a difference.

    Now if TTK was longer, and skill could be used a bit more since you're not always just spawning, I believe the game would be better.
  7. JimRussle

    ZOE is the solution to what? Maxes of any faction do pretty well. ZOE on every faction's max would make every side even more frustrated with each other.
  8. phreec

    It kills well because it's OP. It's not about being a noob or a pro, it's just that it's OP.
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  9. Goden

    I would like to actually see MAX's surviving less and being revived less. I grow tired of walls of MAX's that munch through infantry without breaking a sweat. This goes for the ZOE as well, btw. I'm not going to pick sides here - it is NOT fun playing against any of the 3 MAX's.
  10. Purg

    I think their point is that you don't actually need to have all that much skill to do well with an infantry class that has high damage output, long range, high speed and 5x+ the HP of those you're attacking. Even a complete berk could achieve great results with ZOE.
  11. Xasapis

    Skill ... funny word this is. Some people have the notion that "skill" is somehow tied to a duelist mentality. Meanwhile, those that are considered successful gamers will use any advantage in their arsenal to unbalance things in their favors. It doesn't have to be MAXes, it can be Harassers, tanks shelling from safety, ESFs doing surprise bombing runs, infiltrator shooting from nowhere near the objective etc.

    In the context of MAXes ... lets say that I kill one person and die afterwards as infantry. As a MAX I kill three and die. Meanwhile, another fellow using the same MAX does ten times better. Wouldn't you consider him more skillful than me? Or people need to have some special arbitrary handicap in their gameplay to be considered skillful players?
  12. lilleAllan

    Crutch classes is the solution?

    How about if it fired dumb fire rockets semil auto, moving at 300 % speed?
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  13. ChipMHazard

    Wouldn't buffing NC and TR MAXes up to VS levels just make PS2 into MAXside, again?

    I guess it all comes down to what players, and SOE, wants the MAX to be.
  14. Xasapis

    Here's my issue with the whole ZOE discussion. I don't want the MAX weapons to be balanced around the assumption that ZOE will be active. Reason is, not everyone can afford the high tiers of ZOE that actually make the damage difference noticeable, plus the VS MAXes will be severely handicapped in every occasion that will be needed to be used as real MAXes and not glorified heavies, aka breaching a heavily fortified point.

    If it comes to that, I'd rather see ZOE erased. It is merely an excuse for some people to complain about things that would have killed them anyway.
  15. ChipMHazard

    I most certainly agree that the NC and TR MAXes should not be balanced towards performing as well as ZOE MAXes. If SOE made both the NC and TR just as effective without having to use a ZOE like ability then it would force VS players to use ZOE just to stay competitive.
  16. Liewec123

    while i don't agree exactly with him i do agree that ZoE feels like how a max should "so much power!"
    i've never bought a single c4 or proxy mine on my VS alt because i'm always just waiting for the next 350 resources to be well spent on an awesome killing machine. (with only about 700-800 certs invested into the max so far)

    meanwhile on my NC max with over 5000 certs invested i need to really talk myself in to not buying C4 and betties and instead wasting my resources on something that might get me afew kills before getting C4'd.

    i'd be all for keeping ZoE as it is, because it feels "max", but NC max needs a big buff (and TR needs a lockdown buff), that way there will be no real grounds for anyone to complain about VS maxes being powerful, because all maxes will be powerful!

    don't nerf ZoE, buff NC max and TR lockdown
  17. Anvildude

    People seem to be missing the point here.

    The Original Poster isn't saying anything about ZOE. What they're saying is that a game where you, as the player, have the ability to take a few shots and still survive long enough to get out of the way and figure out what's going on is superior to a game where you get sent to a 15 second respawn after 2 seconds out of cover.

    ZOE plays how every BASE infantry class should play, and then the MAXes could get away with having heavier armour and taking even longer to kill.

    For those of you that are hard-of-reading:

    The game needs to be slowed down- whether by speeding up the players, or by reducing the damage done by all weapons. That was the point of this post.