Which is the best Heavy Assault weapon in the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Morgon, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. Morgon

    I wonder which is the best Heavy Assault weapon in the game, where you can rack up a lot of kills?
  2. Aegie

    Well, according to KPU the Jackhammer has a slight advantage over the chaingun with average KPU = 11.87 compared to 10.86. Of course, the Jackhammer is probably the more situational of the two and is out performed, KPU wise, by the Bruiser, Blackjack and Deimos.

    Lasher is the ES Heavy weapon that might need some attention with a KPU of only 7.16. Of course, this may be difficult to do correctly considering just how different the Lasher functions when compared to the other two- Lasher is the only automatic in the game with splash damage and this probably makes it more difficult to quantify it's power in the same fashion. Lasher probably results in a lot more assists and probably has a very different impact on the battle field when used in mass.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    It's situational, there is no best weapon in all situations. You just have to know how to play to your weapon's strengths.
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  4. Prudentia

    Lasher, it's the only weapon that still hits when you miss. which is countered by a bloom that gets bigger than the CoF of a Hacksaw, but you burst fire it. And longest continious fire in the game of nearly 30secs per mag with ext.mags and long bursts even extend that time.
    and it gives you weapon locks, the Weaponlock per hour used is the highest in the game and it alread does less damage to friendlies, so it must slaughter enemies.
  5. Corporate Thug

    He didn't ask what the best empire specific heavy weapon was.
  6. Konfuzfanten

    Depends on your playing style.

    The Carv-9, MSW or Orion is properly the 3 best HA guns in the game since most combat is short-to-close combat.
  7. Aegie

    True, my mistake, I read it as Heavy Assault weapon and thought of those because I am too used to hearing LMGs referred to specifically as LMGs.

    For LMGs, it would be the SV-88 by a fairly wide margin. Basically, if you plan on running HA then, outside of the ES heavy weapons, you are far better off with VS than TR or NC.

    You can find the data in this thread: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...stats-and-stats-nc-hardmode-version-2.155156/

    If you look towards the end of that thread you will see where to find cleaner data (total totals were off in the original and there was a mistake within one of the NC sniper rifles) but irrc there is no issue with ES heavy weapons or LMGs.
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  8. MarlboroMan-E


    However, in the individual, 1v1 in your face action, the Jackhammer is pretty amazing. In the right situation - medium range, waves of bad guys, the Chaingun with an extended mag can stack up the bodies. Lasher can be pretty wicked to fight against, as you can't really get to cover.

    As for the machine guns ... God SAW is probably the king for all around pwnage.
  9. Nocturn0l

    SVA-88 and EM6, both are perfect Allrounders with no glaring weakness. The Orion, MSW-R and Anchor don't get the spot because of their 50 round magazine.
  10. Republican

    Orion is the best. High dps + strafing speed + low recoil
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  11. Vixxing

    ....but useless at range...
  12. Zotamedu

    The best HA weapon is whichever the other team uses.
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  13. Prudentia

    Lasher is still the best, tkugh you get the best results with
    Lasher + Flashlight
    Beamer + Flashlight
    Grenade Bondolier
    Concusion nades

    Throw the nades and spam away, your enemies will feel like they smoked to much of the wrong drugs. when flamethrowers come out i want a TF2 pyrovision video
  14. Konfuzfanten

    Unless ofc you fight in short range or CQC where any 750 RoF LMG will win against the SVA-88. The SVA-88 is a good LMG, it got no real weakness, but doesnt have any real advantage other then a low first shot recoil multiplier which is great for long range, but kinda meh for short to close range.

    The Carv only has slightly worse recoil then the Orion (but still pretty easy to compensate) and got a 100 mag.

    If you like CQC LMGs the Carv is a beast, arguably the best CQC LMG in the game, because of the 750 RoF + 100 mag.

    Very very few infantry fights occurs at ranges where the Orion is ineffective.
  15. Aegie

    The SAW, like all default weapons, takes a serious hit to performance metrics since every brand new player is running around with them. That being said, it has as average KPU across 14 days of 8.57; remarkably close to the Carv-9 of 8.51 and neither are very far off from Orion of 9.06. Among BR 75-100, the differences get larger with the SAW at 17.9, Carv-9 at 18.42 and Orion at 20.91- so it appears the weapon with the lowest skill floor (slightly) and highest skill cieling is the Orion, followed by Carv-9 followed by SAW (though, I would say the Carv and SAW are a good semblance of balance).
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  16. Corporate Thug

    I wouldn't say that the Orion is useless at range, it's ROF makes up for the lower damage. You will still get hit with lots of bullets and 50 rounds is enough to take down anyone at it's maximum range.
  17. Pie Chasm

    Jackhammer, followed by Orion, MSW-R, NC6 and EM6...

    Of course it's an obtuse question, since some guns excel at different ranges than others, but that is my personal list if you said I was going to be deployed at some random position on the map.
  18. Aegie

    Perhaps, but then it is those differences that I would say result in a fairly stable performance difference above the other options.

    .75 ADS speed on a weapon with decently high ROF, plenty of ammo, no bullet drop and a high projectile velocity. Makes sense it would be doing very well unless there are a bunch of outlying stats around to throw things out of whack.
  19. Maellean

    At what range? It dominates pretty much any other LMG at under 15 meters, and if you need it to it can reach out and easily touch someone past 50 meters. I don't think anything truly meaningful happens at any greater ranges.

    To the point though, Orion/SVA-88 are probably two of the better LMGs. MSW-R for the TR is a very strong contender for the top as well. The rest are pretty specialized or are down to personal preference.

    Many people will say that the NC6 Gauss Saw is the end all and be all of LMGs. It's not. It's a very solid weapon once you cert it and learn to use it, but I would probably give it up if my NC char had access to an Orion or MSW-R.
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  20. ViXeN

    Orion is the best by far if you are a CQC player.
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