My idea of MAX balancing..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MaCritz, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. MaCritz

    Now, this idea can be further modified, please throw me some feedback, not hate...

    TR (Lockdown)
    + Increased ROF
    + Decreased Reload Time
    - Heavy Mobility penalty (but not stationery/ 360 rotation)

    VS (ZOE)
    + Increased Mobility
    + Increased Damage
    - Decreased Damage Resistance/ MAYBE slight increase in reload time

    NC (Aegis)
    + Increased Damage Resistance (Not invulnerable)
    + Increased Accuracy (enough to be deadly at 10m or more..)
    - Inability to repair while active OR decreased rate of repair while active by an engineer

    Now, let me explain the NC Aegis shield further on how the resistance works..

    Now all Max has one fundamental flaw.. Mobility, and the ZOE overcomes that... What else?? The inability to equip both FLAK armor and Kinetic Armor at the same time..

    Now, how will the NEW Aegis shield overcome that second fundamental flaw??

    For example, let's say an NC player equips his Max suit with Flak armor, the Aegis shield will also ADD the benefits of Kinetic Armor.. Let's say his Flak armor is about 30%, then the Kinetic armor will be increased by XX% of the value of the ORIGINAL armor.. Which will be (XX/100 times 30%)%... So he will have the best of both worlds.. And the same happens when he equips the KA...

    But then, what if he uses Auto Repair?? THEN, his Max suit will have both KA and FA at FIRST RANK... So he still enjoy the best of both worlds but it will both be scaled down..

    And, in the name of balance, ALL THREE ABILITIES WILL HAVE NO ACTIVATION PENALTY.. It can be toggled on/off.. ALL MAXES WILL GLOW.. In ALL Cases, there is a reason to toggle OFF...

    Now this idea can be further refined... What do you guys think??

    And oh yeah, the NC max can sprint with the new Aegis shield...
  2. MaCritz

  3. f0d

    the nc ability downside isnt that much of a downside compared to the others
    the vs one is what we have now - no change
    the tr one is a good improvement
  4. MaCritz

    Well, in a situation where you are storming an open field or a large room full of enemies, it can be crucial..
  5. MaCritz

    And one more thing about the Aegis shield, you will have to upgrade both the KA and FA to at least Rank 1 or it won't work..
  6. MaCritz

    The lack of response from the TR and NC forumsiders is kinda scary and unusual.. Is this it? Is this the idea that would end the DEBATE??
  7. Kaon1311

    The problem is, and a lot of VS dont see is that Zoe negative of taking more damage and positive of added mobility cancels each other out. (get hit a lot less running around)

    NC Aegis - Defence at the cost of slower movement
    TR Lockdown - Faster ROF and reload at the cost of NO movement
    VS Zoe - More damage at the cost of SLOWER movement

    How it should of been, that is balance, not what we have.

    Of course you want to keep Zoe as it is :p

    Speed buff needs to go, its a MAX, its downside is to be slower than infantry, thats been thrown out the window with VS maxes.
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  8. Kaon1311

    Sat morning, calm down :p
  9. HadesR

    First two are ok but I don't agree with the downside ..

    As I mentioned in the other thread of your's I would have the downside (s) as

    - Lower movement speed ( It's purpose is a defense ability to help lock down areas not herp derp around the map )
    - Lower the damage output by 25% of so

    To me those are fair trades for the accuracy and damage mitigation .. Considering the resistance should act like the ZOE shield and not have a charge or cooldown but be permanently active until turned off.

    I think peoples may concern with the ZOE is that it's downside is negated somewhat by it's plus side ( Increased mobility ).. So it's needs a downside that isn't

    Maybe do away with the Dmg debuff and have

    - Increased reload time
    - Huge increase in CoF while moving

    To me it's mobility should be it's get out of jail free card ... Not as it is now .. Get out of jail free while mowing down hordes of troops with pin point accuracy ..
  10. MaCritz

    Okay.. Fair enough... But you need to explain the term 'Defence' more.. And does it mean that ZOE users will not take more damage??
  11. Kaon1311

    Defence, they get a sheild.

    And no Zoe doesnt get more damage while active, that would make it unbalanced (slower movement and take more damage, i hate VS but not that much /joke :p)
  12. Kaon1311

    Forgot to add, Aegis needs to cover more, since they get 2 downsides, slower movement and unable to fire.
    Would need coverage to the sides to the Max, so if you get behind you can still damage the Max 100%. But if you attack from the front, you will waste most of your bullets etc...
  13. Lividicus!

    Yeah, let's take advice from a ZOE max on how to properly balance max units.... Thanks for the laugh, I almost cried I was laughing so hard. You seriously think that the ZOE can be balanced with Increased speed, FAR beyond that of any infantry or other max unit, AND damage increase? I knew this thread would be a joke the second I got onto it.

    Secondly, the TR "lock-down" is a completely broken ability... Just swapping a few numbers around will NOT turn it into a viable loadout. And the problem with lock-down is NOT that you can't spin 360 degrees. The problem is that it has NO SIGNIFICANT improvement worth equipping it for. I don't much care for increased velocity and reload speed.... Especially at the cost of being 100% IMMOBILE, meanwhile, the ZOE gets all the Damage buffs, Speed buffs, and silent buffs so they can shoot a stationary lock-down max while laughing....

    Close this pile of trash, it wasn't constructive at all. All it was is a dude saying "let's buff our max, then give TR and NC some popcorn to watch us destroy them...."

    My opinion:

    Lockdown is a completely useless, and broken ability. Not only does it just put a big sign over your head saying, "Shoot me in the head, I can't even crouch." But it also has next to no advantage in any CQC situation... I've been killed by a medic before while locked-down... No joke.... The reload speed isn't too terrible, it does help with taking down planes. But honestly, when you get them to 50% they fly off anyway. So the only viable situation for having a lock-down max will end up yielding next to no kills or certs, unless you get a complete NOOB pilot that lets you dumb 3 entire clips into his ESF....

    REMOVE IT COMPLETELY! We need something that is actually useful to our faction. And lock-down, unless given a 30% or more damage increase, will NEVER be suitable for a competitive player... It's sad that we have to use "charge", which is the WORST ability out of all the max abilities (except lock-down, sadly). Bottom Line is Lock-Down=Free Kill For YOU!

    The NC max needs a little love too... But, unfortunately, not only is it likely not a single person on this thread will agree with me, but I also have only used a scatmax once, for trial purposes. What I CAN say is, I'd GLADLY still trade you lock-down for the shield. I'd still do the trade even after the OP's "FIX".....
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  14. Kaon1311

    Hate to say it, but you may not like the responses you get from NC and TR. Also there are 101 Zoe threads with lots of posts pointing at the same problem - Zoe speed buff. The devs dont listen, they nerfed TR COF on its AV weapons and Zoe (the ability) wasnt touched on PTS, shows they dont read the forums and seem a little out of touch with whats going on.

    Impression I have got anyway.

    Or maybe Zoe is completely balanced and we TR and NC need to l2p? :p
  15. HadesR

    Yeah lockdown is a tricky beast in it's current form .. it's either going to be crap ( as it is ) or extremely OP to make it worth while ..

    To me how the current Aegis shield is and how it is implemented seems more suitable for a " lock down " state ..
  16. Lividicus!

    Anyone who thinks that the devs go anywhere near the forums is in big time denial.... I can't blame them, if I worked all day on a game the last place I would want to be is on their website, scrolling through the forums. But it's extremely obvious that the devs don't read any of this stuff... Maybe the moderators pass on hot topics, but they don't even bother to post news on the forums, they go to twitter to tell the whole world instead of the people PAYING and PLAYING their product...

    My suggestion: Devs should read, listen, and fix all these problems

    EXACTLY! In order to make it worthwhile, there would have to be less time on the animation, because in it's current state, you're half way dead or all the way dead by the time he gets his second foot planted in the ground. And they'd have to give a damage buff, which, in turn, would make TR max units take down planes and tanks in seconds.... Not to mention infantry....

    No matter what, In my opinion, Lock-Down needs to go... Surely it can't be that hard to come up with a new, unique ability... I would shoot off my little toe to trade our lock-down for ZOE, seriously... And if they got such a COOL, unique and functional ability I think it's only fair that the other two factions get the same....

    I'm not sure the numbers, but I can guarantee that if you looked at Max users using ZOE versus TR using lock-down.... The percentages would likely scare you.... I've only seen a lock-down max maybe twice in the 6 months they've been in this ridiculous state....

    Thanks for the input!!!! It's nice to see a VS agree with me.
  17. Kaon1311

    Well VS got our overdrive ( a better version might i add), give us jumpjets :p
  18. HadesR

    I need soap and water .. I somehow feel dirty now :p

    ( NC btw )
  19. Lividicus!

    ROFL. Yeah, Not sure why I said VS. Honestly though, the NC and TR maxes should have been looked into and fixed half a year ago. No offense to the NC, but the TR are the ones in desperate need of a fix. Anyways, I recommend you use a good sanitizer as well, I know I need some after saying the NC max needs a fix.

    I second that motion! We should have got something along the lines of what the ZOE is. But I definitely would take some jumpjets, you could just give us those and whatever passives the ZOE gets or has. A jetpack and increased damage sounds more than good to me. Or jetpack and decreased incoming damage. Why the lock-down doesn't have a passive damage reduction is beyond me... The ZOE can run 100 miles an hour and take less damage while we get immobilized and still take normal damage.... Something doesn't seem right here... I always thought that mobility is the trade-off for increased health or damage reduction, seems logical....


    And while you're at it, give the NC a rotary type of mounted gun for their shield, problem=solved?????
  20. Jonny

    The way I see it, here's what the devs should try to bring up TR's and NC's max abilities in line with VS zoe:

    TR: Lockdown - TR max moves at half normal walking speed. ROF increase and reload time 'discount' scales with level as it is now. The ability can be toggled on/off any time but takes 1 second to transition to full ROF/speed debuff and back.

    Furthermore, the TR max gets a 30% armour buff. (Like an inverse of ZOE!)

    NC: Aegis shield. The Max shield replaces one arm weapon, but the Max can still fire with his free arm while the shield is up. He cannot run while firing (like all maxes atm) but can run with the shield up towards enemies.
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