FPS Changes

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Rejemah, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Rejemah

    Holy hell! Went from CPU bound straight to GPU bound. I'm sitting at 95-120FPS on Medium settings at the Indar warpgate.

    This is compared to an empty Indar warpgate on Live with about 35FPS.

    Guys.... Dis gun b gud.

    I'll report back once I'm in a battle and am getting some good numbers going
  2. Rejemah

    Update from the Crown... I'm spiking all the way down to 2-6 fps.. I crashed my Liberator I was in and oh my god, this is absolutely awful. I have no idea what's causing it but I'll be doing some troubleshooting to see. During the huuuuge lag spikes, my framerate says im CPU-bound again. Checked my usage and it was at 41% so no clue there.
  3. MykeMichail

    Very happy with the improvement. CPU capped at between 60 and 80 FPS 90% of the time playing on Ultra with maximum settings at 1920x1080.

    Occasionally dropping down to 40, although I can't specify exactly why this is happening - fight doesn't seem to be escalating or anything.

    Please get this on live ASAP.
  4. xemlash

    High spec PC's will always benefit more from any game change that causes it to use less resources....

    OP - have you tried turning smoothing on to see if that helps with the spikes?
  5. Rejemah

    I have tried Smoothing, but it does not generally help. I keep it off to avoid worse lag spikes. Since I have Windows 8.1, I was wondering if anything was causing it from that end. So I disabled high resolution scaling, set to admin mode, and set compatibility to windows 7 for the planetside2.exe

    Now at the crown, I'm getting ultra settings at 50-60
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  6. xemlash

    Very interesting, hopefully a dev picks that up.
  7. Bankrotas

    Let them work on it bit more. We really need SOE not to **** this up.
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  8. RIctavius

    big time - I got friends who are AMD users and laptop users.
  9. Thurwell

    3570K, 660 TI, 16 GB RAM, SSD. FPS on PTS is 90-140 now, up from 60ish. No huge fights to test in but I'm getting a very large increase to FPS. Also totally GPU bound now, instead of almost always CPU bound (looking at you Geforce 770).

    I assume there's a bunch of bugs, because I don't see how it's possible to make changes like this without them, but in my opinion these optimizations have been very effective.
  10. Bankrotas

    Lap top user myself, had 40 fps in biolab fight stable while recording and uploading.
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  11. RIctavius

    thats a very good sign - i hope.
  12. Gammit

    I went on the Test server last night for about 30 minutes and could see the differences immediately. Some things I noticed while fighting a 3-way battle at The Crown:

    1. I was able to turn up my usual Medium graphics settings with Ultra textures to High with Ultra textures and still get the relative 50-60 fps. I was also able to turn on ambient occlusion and max out my render distance.
    2. I went from being CPU-bound for 95% of the time to GPU-bound for 99% of the time, regardless of my graphics settings.
    3. The fps were SMOOTH. This was the biggest change. Normally my fps would go 30, 50, 60, 40, 10, 40, 3, 0, 100 and my entire gaming session last night fit between 40-60.
    4. The weird hitches in game where the world suddenly paused for 3-4 seconds were reduced in frequency and to a duration of about 0.25 to 0.5 seconds.
    5. There has been a overhaul to many UI features. Some I like (centralized HUD features easier to see), some I don't (ribbon with kill in lower-middle of screen).
    6. My RAM usage slightly increased from ~4.2 GB to ~5 GB.

    My overall impression is that the game FINALLY "felt" (for a lack of a better word) like a stable, viable fps game on to which more content could be added. Before, I always felt like this was a MMO game with "content" that was trying hard to be a fps game.

    My rig:
    i7 920 overclocked from 2.6 GHz to 3.6 GHz
    6 GB RAM
    2x 560 Ti in SLI
    Win7 64-bit Pro

    tl;dr GREAT freaking job, devs. /nosarcasm
  13. RaTzo

    I won't go so far as to say it is finally feeling "right" but even with just this first patch it has gone a LONG way toward being a viable FPS.

    I think you said it very well when you said that PS2 has, up til now anyway, felt like an MMO with content that was trying hard to be a FPS.

    I'm OC'd to 4.0GHz now (my sig says 3.4) and am getting 105-129 flying around on Indar where there is no one around. I've got my graphics set up fairly high but not all the way. I'm almost always GPU locked now too.

    When I got into a 48vs48 fight at an amp station however my frame rate dropped to the high 40's and low 50's. Normally this would be just reasonable and I wouldn't really notices. That's because I would have fallen from the 70's to the 40's. But going from 100+ down to 45 suddenly is very jarring.

    I think I will have to enable smoothing.

    All in all this is MUCH BETTER than I had expected for their first attempt. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do for the lower end CPUs now. If they can give at 30-40% improvement for those guys we could see a huge influx of old and new players coming into PS2.
  14. Brusilov

    I am on a steady 50-60 fps game runs smooth :)

    But don't know if its lag but it seems harder to avoid getting hit and when i get hit its mostly by someone i haven't seen or didn't render.

    I don't seem to have this problem on any of the live servers. same fps there btw.
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  15. rovad

    Coming from my long history of playing FPS-es on absolute s**t 5-10 yr old PCs and laptops giving me 10-20 frames or so, I was reasonably happy with having 30-45 FPS on live servers so far. However, when you go from 35 to 20 for even 1 second, as it sometimes happen when I play planetside, I am willing to bet it's much worse than dropping from 100 to 40 - 40 is smooth as f**k compared to 20, trust me! But I understand it's still noticeable.

    Yesterday on a Test server, in 70-100 total people fights in Allatum and later around Crown, I was getting quite stable 50-55 on Medium graph quality, 100% render quality, Textures Ultra, render distance 900 and everything else on Low/Off.
    On live server when there's 50 people around me, with above settings I would probably be getting 25-30-ish frames because I get 35-40 on Very Low.

    I only tried infantry gameplay so far on post O:MFG Test server, and visited Hossin briefly to screw around in Reaver a lil bit...

    My specs: Asus gaming laptop (G75VX - dual cooling fans):
    i7 3630QM @ 2.4 Ghz with on-demand/dynamic/automatic OC up to 3.4(usually between 2.8-3.1 GHz when playing, depending on the room temperature)
    nVidia GeForce GTX 670MX with 3GB GDDR5 RAM
    8GB RAM
    7200rpm harddisk
  16. RaTzo

    I know what you mean. The lower frame rates FEEL even lower than they are. When I was getting 54FPS it felt like I was really in the 30's. I can't quantify the feeling with words though. It was LIKE lag, but not really. It was LIKE low FPS but I had decent FPS... strange.