Performance boost guide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Darkwulf

  2. Hatesphere

    was skeptical, but un-parking my cores has given me a little under 20 extra FPS.
  3. Darkwulf

    Good to know. I will try it when I can play again. I have an AMD phenom II x6 1055. I wonder if it is true about AMD parking being messed up.
  4. Dave Mercer

    i just tried to download that core unparker program and avast detected a virus so be careful
  5. XOLiD

    Lol avast detects damn near everything as a virus these days, it's horrible. Get AVG.
  6. Darkwulf

    AVAST also detects the new hotfix as a virus and makes me disable it each time I load PS2.
  7. Dave Mercer

    yea ive noticed that, i have to turn avast off just to play ps2 or it detects the exe as a virus
  8. Darkwulf

    I have not had a virus in a few years after I started using Firefox browser with the noscript addon. You have to allow each and every script that is loaded in from web pages. You can partially allow the page if you want or allow all the page. It is such a great program.

    I think I am going to delete AVAST.
  9. Astriania

    Well it's a program to mess with your BIOS/chipset settings so I would expect it to be flagged to be honest. You've got to trust the site if you want to do that kind of tweaking.
  10. Ultramarine

    I'm using an I7 and the unparked CPU's did not improve performance. Which is ok I guess, Games can't handle the use of more than 2-4 CPU's yet anyways. I'd rather it left 4/8 CPU's parked, so the 2-4 CPU's the game is using can run at the 115% clock rate granted by the powered down hyper-threading system.
  11. Darkwulf

    Unparking wont do much for Intel users. AMD chips get the most benefit from unparking.